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Celmisia walkeri Kirk

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
CHR 288140

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Celmisia walkeri Kirk, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 9: 549, t. 30 (1877)
Celmisia walkeri Kirk

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New Zealand
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549, t. 30
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri
After Captain J. Campbell Walker, companion of T. Kirk when he collected the type specimens.
Type: New Zealand. South Island, Dividing range above Lake Harris, 3,500 feet, Otago, T. Kirk s.n. (lectotype WELT SP45260 designated by Saldivia 2023) Icon.: Kirk (1877, loc. cit., pl. XXX)

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Celmisia walkeri Kirk

Sprawling, sts lianoid, shrub with main stems up to ± 2 m. long and 5-15 mm. diam.; branches and branchlets stout, woody, ± invested by persistent lf-sheaths. Lvs slightly viscid, ∞, densely imbricated along branchlets. Lamina (2)-3-5 cm. × 3-5 mm., erect but becoming patent and finally reflexed; narrow-oblong to narrowly obovate-oblong, slightly narrowed to sheath, coriac.; upper surface glab., ± viscid, grooved, midrib impressed; lower surface clad in soft white appressed tomentum, midrib evident; apex ± acute; margins flat, rather obscurely toothed; sheath pale, slightly wider than lamina at apex, 15 × 4 mm., pale brown, thinly coriac. Scape 10-15-(20) cm. long, slender, ± glandular-pubescent; bracts several, linear-subulate, up to 2 cm. long. Capitula 2-4 cm. diam.; phyll. linear, 6-8 mm. long, pale, ± glandular-pubescent to glab., margins ciliolate, midrib distinct. Ray-florets ∞; claw ± compressed, ± 6 mm. long, limb ± 6 mm. long, elliptic-oblong. Disk-florets 6-7 mm. long, narrow-funnelform; teeth minute, triangular. Achenes c. 5 mm. long, subcompressed-cylindric; ribs rather obscure, with minute ascending hairs. Pappus of sordid-white minutely barbellate hairs up to ± 6 mm. long.

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Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk
Celmisia walkeri Kirk

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Celmisia walkeri Kirk
[Not available]

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Type: New Zealand. South Island, Dividing range above Lake Harris, 3,500 feet, Otago, T. Kirk s.n. (lectotype WELT SP45260 designated by Saldivia 2023) Icon.: Kirk (1877, loc. cit., pl. XXX)
After Captain J. Campbell Walker, companion of T. Kirk when he collected the type specimens.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
10 June 2023