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Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened

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Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne in Cheeseman, Man. New Zealand Fl., ed. 2, 938 (1925)
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne

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New Zealand
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Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia
Type: New Zealand. South Island, Plateau of the Old Man Range in herb-moor, 1500 m. alt., 27 March 1919, L. Cockayne 1970 (lectotype K 77065 designated by Saldivia 2023; isolectotype WELT SP45774)

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Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne

Sprawling subshrub forming loose clumps up to c. 4 dm. diam.; stems and branches stout, woody, clad in lf-remains for long time; branchlets rather stout, clad in imbricate, suberect, finally ± reflexed lvs. Lamina coriac., 10-15-(20) × 6-9 mm., oblong to obovate-oblong; upper surface viscid, at first clad in thin pellicle, or pellicle long enduring; lower surface clad in subappressed soft white or almost satiny tomentum, midrib evident or obscured; apex obtuse, margins remotely and minutely toothed to subentire, very slightly recurved; base abruptly narrowed to sheath or very short petiole. Sheath very thin, glab., ± translucent, up to 10 mm. long, closely appressed to branchlet. Scape slender, viscid, ± 4-8 cm. long, erect; bracts few, lamina linear, up to c. 10 mm. long. Capitula 2-3 cm. diam.; phyll. narrow-linear to narrow linear-spathulate, c. 8 mm. long, ± densely clad in floccose hairs on margins and towards apex, midrib evident. Ray-florets narrow-spathulate to linear, tube ± glandular, limb-apex 3-4-toothed, margins recurved when dry. Disk-florets 5-6 mm. long, narrowly funnelform, teeth triangular. Achenes 2-3 mm. long, compressed-cylindric, ribs rather densely clad in short ascending hairs. Pappus-hairs slender, white to sordid-white, up to c. 5 mm. long, very finely barbellate.

Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne

n = 54 + f, 54 + 2f

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Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne

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Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Celmisia brevifolia Cockayne
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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Type: New Zealand. South Island, Plateau of the Old Man Range in herb-moor, 1500 m. alt., 27 March 1919, L. Cockayne 1970 (lectotype K 77065 designated by Saldivia 2023; isolectotype WELT SP45774)
Saldivia 2024 synonymised C. brevifolia with C. angustifolia. C. brevifolia hardly overlaps in leaf dimensions to leaves of C. angustifolia: The leaf lamina of C. brevifolia is shorter than that of C. angustifolia [(25–)30–50(–65) mm long] but similar in length to that of C. walkeri [13–18(25) mm long]. The leaf is similar in width to that of C. angustifolia [usually 5–9 mm wide; cf. 4–8 mm wide in C. angustifolia]. The leaves are wider than those of C. walkeri (3–5 mm wide). Celmisia brevifolia and C. angustifolia both have narrowly obovate leaves that are widest near the apex. However, the leaf apex of C. brevifolia is rounded whereas in C. angustifolia and C. walkeri it is obtuse.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
14 September 2024
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