Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub

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Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 9: 271 (1974)
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
(G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus
Vernacular names
Annual to biennial herbs with single or few stems arising from stock, unbranched, angled, appressed-tomentose, becoming glab. or nearly so below, up to c. 4 dm. tall. Lvs narrow-linear to narrow-lanceolate or narrow-oblanceolate, apiculate, semiamplexicaul at base, glab. above, clad in appressed white tomentum below; lower lvs ± 10-20 cm. × 5-10 mm., upper lvs smaller. Infl. of a single terminal glomerule of capitula subtended by foliaceous bracts of unequal size from 2-7 cm. long, having woolly hairs at base, innermost short, widely expanded at base. Capitula c. 10-15 per glomerule, c. 3-5 mm. diam., invested with white floccose hairs at base. Phyll. scarious; outer broad, obtuse; inner linear, subacute, c. 4 mm. long. Receptacle c. 2 mm. diam., convex, finely alveolate. Pappus-hairs c. 10, filiform, sordid-white, c. 3 mm. long. Achenes c. 0∙5 mm. long, linear, minutely papillose and with scattered appressed hairs.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
2n = 28
Stoloniferous perennial; stems 1-few, ascending to erect, simple or sparingly branched, 20-70 cm tall. Lvs either basal and cauline at flowering, or basal lvs withered or 0; cauline lvs apetiolate, densely white-tomentose on lower surface, glabrous on upper, plane or somewhat keeled, lanceolate, narrow-oblanceolate to linear, cuneate or not narrowed to base and amplexicaul, acute, 30-200 × (1)-4-12 mm; basal lvs cuneate; uppermost lvs linear-lanceolate. Capitula c. 1.5-3 mm diam., few to numerous in dense ± globular terminal clusters, often smaller axillary clusters below; longest subtending lvs 1-4× diam. of cluster. Involucral bracts ovate- to elliptic-oblong, acutely narrowed or rounded to blunt apex, 4-4.5 mm long; stereome green; lamina pale brown; gap and margins clear, partly tinged reddish purple. Achenes minutely papillate, c. 0.6 mm long.
Taxonomic concepts
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Anderb.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Anderb.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton pulchellus Cass.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Euchiton pulchellus Cass.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium cephaloideum Willd.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium cephaloideum Willd.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium cunninghamii DC.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium cunninghamii DC.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium globosum Hornem.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium globosum Hornem.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium involucratum G.Forst.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium involucratum G.Forst.
Gnaphalium involucratum var. α simplex DC.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium involucratum var. α simplex DC.
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium lineare Hayata
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
Gnaphalium lineare Hayata
Euchiton involucratus (G.Forst.) Holub
According to Anderberg (1991), p. 167, occurs in "Asia, Oceania"
scientific name
1 January 2000
7 April 2004