Geum uniflorum Buchanan

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Geum uniflorum Buchanan, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 2: 88 (1870)
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum
Vernacular names
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Up to 2.5 dm. tall, with stout, woody, creeping stock up to 5 dm. long. Lvs radical, rosulate, up to 1 dm. long, glab. to rather densely pilose; terminal lflt 2-4 × 1·5-3 cm., broadly ovate to oblong-cordate, crenate, margins densely ciliate with slender golden yellow to tawny hairs; lateral lflts of 1-2 minute, toothed or entire pairs. Scapes up to 15 cm. tall, pubescent and villous; bracts few, small, entire or toothed. Fls solitary, c. 2.5 cm. diam.; petals broad-ovate, white, c. 1·5 cm. long; calyx pubescent and villous, lobes c. 6 mm. long, narrow-ovate, bractlets shorter, often bifurcate. Achenes ∞, villous, compressed, c. 2 mm. long; style c. 5 mm. long, pilose towards achene, recurved at tip.
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
2n = 42
2n = 42
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Low-growing herb up to 15-(20) cm high at flowering, arising from a ± stout, woody stock. Basal lvs up to 5-(12) cm long, glabrate to moderately pilose with a dense marginal rim of harsh usually orange-red hairs, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in 1-2-(5) pairs, all very reduced and lowest rudimentary; terminal leaflet 10-30-(40) mm long, crenate-dentate and sometimes obscurely lobed; cauline lvs reduced to small, toothed bracts. Peduncle up to 18 cm long. Fls solitary. Petals (7)-10-15-(17) mm long, creamy white. Achenes densely pilose especially on margins.
Taxonomic concepts
Geum parviflorum sensu New Zealand authors
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
Geum uniflorum Buchanan
scientific name
1 January 2000
7 July 2006