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Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan

Scientific name record
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(Carse) Allan
Cheesemania wallii

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Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan

Stock stout, with deeply. descending taproot, crowned by dense rosette of basal lvs. Lvs up to 18 cm. long, coriac., glab., lanceolate-spathulate; lamina ± 2-5 × 1-2.5 cm., very deeply 4-lobed; lobes obtuse, mucronulate; petiole broad, flat. Cauline lvs absent. Infl. an unbranched raceme up to 3 dm. tall, with ∞ subcorymbosely arranged fls. Sepals ± 4-5 mm. long, oblong; petals white, ± 10 mm. long, spathulate, long- clawed. Siliques suberect, narrow-linear, up to 5 cm. × 3 mm. Seeds compressed.

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Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan
Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan
Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan
Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan

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Cheesemania wallii (Carse) Allan
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 April 2004
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