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Celmisia morganii Cheeseman

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Celmisia morganii Cheeseman, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 46: 21 (1914)
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman

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New Zealand
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Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii

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Celmisia morganii Cheeseman

Small to rather large tufted herb; lf-sheaths densely imbricate around stem. Lamina membr. to submembr., ± flaccid, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, 15-25-30-(35) × 1-4 cm.; upper surface glab. or nearly so except for us. distinct thin pellicle, midrib and main veins evident; lower surface clad in closely appressed white satiny tomentum, midrib prominent, pale. Margins entire, ± sinuate, slightly recurved, narrowing to slender ribbed petiole (3)-5-10 cm. long, which widens into ribbed, subcoriac., ± 5-10 cm. long sheath, ± clad in soft subfloccose deciduous hairs. Scape rather slender, up to c. 35 cm. long, clad in deciduous floccose hairs; bracts ∞, narrow-linear, ascending, rather stiff, lowest up to 10 cm., uppermost 10 mm. long, tomentum as in lvs. Capitula c. (2)-3-(5) cm. diam.; phyll. linear-subulate, subacuminate, up to 14 mm. long, ± hairy on back, midvein evident. Ray-florets ∞, ± 25 mm. long, tube narrow-cylindric; limb narrow-oblong, 3-4-toothed, veins evident. Disk-florets c. 7-10 mm. long, narrow-funnelform; teeth narrowly ovate-oblong. Achenes narrow, compressed-cylindric, glab. or nearly so, grooved, 3-4 mm. long. Pappus-hairs slender, white to sordid-white, up to c. 7 mm. long, hardly barbellate.

Celmisia morganii Cheeseman

Woody-based herb with branchlets arising from a multicipital stock, usually close to soil surface; living leaves in large rosettes at the tips of branchlets, the whole plant forming irregular patches of numerous rosettes; leaf sheaths densely imbricate and compacted, forming a pseudo-stem. Leaf lamina (15)- 25-35 × 1.8-3 cm, subcoriaceous or flaccid, older leaves weakly patent, lanceolate to oblong; upper surface finely sulcate, concolorous, dark green, glabrate or with a thin, scurfy greenish pellicle; lower surface densely covered in glistening appressed tomentum, midrib prominent and sometimes purple; tip acute; margins entire, slightly revolute; base more or less gradually narrowed to a purple, ribbed petiole up to 8 cm long. Sheath up to 6 × 2.5 cm, purple (rarely greenish), clad in floccose, white hairs or glabrate. Scape purple, thinly clad in floccose, white hairs, slender, up to 30 cm long; bracts several in upper half, erect, linear; monocephalous. Ray florets c. 40, ligulate, the limb narrow-linear, white. Disc florets c. 50, 6 mm long, funneliform, yellow, tube with long eglandular biseriate hairs. Achene fusiform, grooved, 3-4.5 mm long, glabrous or slightly hairy; hairs short, appressed, bifid. Pappus unequal, c. 6 mm long, of c. 30 barbellate bristles.

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Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman

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Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Celmisia morganii Cheeseman
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 May 2006
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