Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.

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Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook., Icon. Pl. t. 818 (1852)
Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
t. 818
Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
Wahlenbergia albomarginata
Vernacular names
Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
Rhizome slender, branching, emitting us. ∞ rather distant lf-rosettes, in open shingly places 1-2 cm. diam., each with 1 peduncle. Lvs glaucous, thinly coriac., sparsely hispid; lamina elliptic- to lanceolate- or ovate-spathulate, sessile or shortly petiolate, midrib prominent below; margins cartilaginous, white. Lvs of plants of arid places minute, c. 5 × 1-2 mm.; peduncles 3-4 cm. tall; fls drooping, c. 1 × 1 cm. Lvs of plants of less arid places c. 15-20 mm., including petiole = lamina; peduncles c. 10 cm. long, with fls 1·5 × 1·5 cm. Growing amongst tussocks or in sheltered places the plants may grow large, with peduncles up to 25 cm. tall, with a few small bracts; lvs glaucous to purplish, subentire; lamina 10-40 × 5-10 mm., elliptic to ovate, sub-acute, often apiculate--the slender stiff petiole may reach twice length lamina. Fls large, erect or inclined, up to 2*5-3 cm. In all cases the floral proportions are the same. Corolla sts with deeper-coloured veins. Calyx-lobes c. 1/2 length corolla-tube, linear, acuminate, 0·5-1 mm. wide. Capsule obconic, 8 × 4 mm. when well-developed.
Perennial tufted plant. Rhizomes slender, 1-2 mm. diam., with papery bark, branching and interlacing underground, putting up lfy rosettes on the surface. Rosettes 1-3 cm. diam., crowded or distant, sts shortly branched from the base. Lvs uniform, narrow-linear, 1-3-(4) cm. × 1-2 mm., slightly narrower below, dark green or purplish. Peduncles solitary from each rosette, 5-10 cm. tall, nude or with a single small bract. Fls solitary, rather slender; corolla pale blue-violet with 3 fine dark blue veins in each lobe; tube narrow-campanulate, 2-3 mm. long, lobes spreading, 8-10 mm. long. Calyx glab., lobes linear-acuminate, 2 × 0.75 mm.; ovary slender, obconic. Capsule obconic, c. 6-7 mm. long.
Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook.
Perennial herb with radical, rosulate tufts of leaves, sometimes alternate on elongated stems (shade form). Leaves more or less petiolate, entire or dentate or undulate, lamina 10 × 2 to 40 × 10 mm, linear to elliptic or ovate to obovate, gradually narrowed to petiole as long as the lamina or longer. Flowers narrowly campanulate-rotate, corolla pale flax blue to pale blue-violet, often with white zoning and deeper coloured veins, or all white, 10—25 mm diam., 10—20 mm long, corolla tube 4 × 3 to 10 × 6 mm, lobes 6 × 3 to 12 × 5 mm; style equal in length to corolla tube, lobes 2 or 3. Calyx lobes less than VA corolla length; capsule domed cylindric, 6-8 × 4 mm. Seeds 0.5 mm long, ellipsoid, smooth, glossy brown when mature. Usually insect-pollinated in natural habitat, seldom sets seed in cult. FL Nov—Apr, FT Dec—Apr.
Taxonomic concepts
Wahlenbergia brockiei J.A.Hay
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
1 September 2005