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Haloragis incana (A.Cunn.) Walp.

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(A.Cunn.) Walp.
Haloragis incana

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Haloragis incana (A.Cunn.) Walp.

Wiry, erect or diffusely branched herb up to 40 cm. tall, scabrid with stiff white appressed hairs; stems obscurely tetragonous. Lvs opp. on very short petioles, elliptic-lanceolate, from c. 8 mm. long with 2-3 incisures in cartilaginous margin to 15 mm. long with up to 6 sharp teeth on each side, hairs on both surfaces. Infl. racemose, bracts alt., lfy, lanceolate, almost entire, 2-3 mm. long. Fls erect, strongly pro-tandrous, c. 3 mm. long; sepals triangular, glab. with incomplete cartilaginous margin and basal triangle; petals hooded, with strong stiff hairs on keels; stamens 4 opp. sepals, staminodes 4 opp. petals; ovary 8-angled, minutely hairy on ribs, ovoid-globose; styles 4, very short, erect, stigmas with long multicellular hairs. Fr. pale, c. 1·25 mm. long, ovoid, constricted below sepals, 8 vertical ribs distinct and retaining some stiff hairs, faces between minutely papillose and ± obliquely rugose; pericarp hard, 1 loculus, us. 1-seeded.

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Haloragis incana (A.Cunn.) Walp.
Haloragis incana (A.Cunn) Walp.
Haloragis incana (A.Cunn.) Walp.
Haloragis incana (A.Cunn) Walp.

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scientific name
24 June 2002
12 April 2017
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