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Abrotanella linearis Berggr.

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Abrotanella linearis Berggr., Minneskr. Kongl. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund 8: 14, t.3, fig.28-38 (1877)
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.

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New Zealand
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14, t.3, fig.28-38
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis
Lectotype (fide Swensen 1995): Novae Zelandiae, [South Island, Westland], In monte Kelley's Hill alpinum, Martio 1874, S. Berggren s.n. (LD 1042788).

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Abrotanella linearis Berggr.

Stock stout, multicipital, stems short. Lvs rosulate, 3-7 cm. × 1-2 mm. (sts dwarfed to 1 cm. long), obtuse, somewhat coriac., ± rufous-pilose on margins near sheathing bases. Peduncles slender, 1-10 cm. long in fr., bracts lflike. Capitula solitary, paired, or few together, c. 5 mm. diam. Phyll. 7-14, narrow-oblong-obovate, subacute, 4-5 mm. long; pair of lateral nerves distant from midrib. Florets 20-25, not strongly dimorphic; achenes c. 1·5 mm. long, indistinctly ± 4-ribbed or -angled.

Abrotanella linearis Berggr.

Plants loosely caespitose, often creeping; stems slender, sparsely hairy, up to 12 cm tall. Leaves spreading-erect, linear, with a prominent mid-rib, (10-) 15-80 × 0.5-2.0 mm; apex retuse, obtuse or apiculate; margins most often hairy from base to half of their length. Capitula 1 (-3), pedunculate; peduncle glabrous or hairy, elongated in fruit; bracts 2-6 leaf-like. Pyllaries (8-) 10-14 (-19), oblong, acute-obtuse, with 3 translucent ducts. Outer florets 10-15, cyathiform, 4-lobed, white, 1.5-1.7 mm long; vascular tissue central or rudimentary. Central florets 8-16, functionally male, white, 2 mm long; vascular tissue central; anthers 1.0-1.2 rom long. Cypsela ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved, ribbed, glabrous, 1.5-2.5 mm long; apex rimmed or minutely beaked.

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Abrotanella filiformis Petrie
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella filiformis Petrie
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella filiformis Petrie
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis var. apiculata G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis var. apiculata G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Abrotanella linearis var. apiculata G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
Brachyscome simplicifolia J.B.Armstr.
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.

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Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
New Zealand
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Abrotanella linearis Berggr.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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Lectotype (fide Swensen 1995): Novae Zelandiae, [South Island, Westland], In monte Kelley's Hill alpinum, Martio 1874, S. Berggren s.n. (LD 1042788).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
7 September 2021
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