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Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.

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Myosotis saxosa Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) Part I, 202 (1853)
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa

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Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.

Rosette-lvs ∞ and tightly bunched, c. 2-3×0·5-1 cm., petiole narrow, c. = lamina-length and sheathing at base, lamina broad-ovate to obovate, tip apiculate often down-turned; hairs long, crowded, spreading, on undersurface similar but more appressed, the whole plant hoary. Lateral branches ascending to erect, c. 7 cm. long, lfless below cyme, lower internodes < lvs. Stem-lvs up to 15×5 mm., elliptic, sub- acute to acute, sessile; hairs softer and more appressed than those on rosette-lvs. Cymes mostly simple, ebracteate, up to 12-fld, up to 2 cm. long; internodes < calyx; pedicels up to 2 mm. long. Calyx c. 5 mm. long, lobes > 1/2 length, subacute; hairs long and strong, an under-layer shorter and finer, ± appressed, flexuous but not hooked. Corolla white, 7-8-13 mm. diam., tube 3-5 mm. long, with vertically elongated scales at mouth, flaring above into rather wide funnel-shape with lobes c. 3 × 3 mm.; filaments fixed between scales and reaching to level of lobes, anthers c. 1·5 mm. long, versatile; styles c. 2 × calyx in fr., stigma capitate. Nutlets c. 2·2 × 1·3 mm., slightly convex outside, bluntly keeled within, slightly winged round narrow tip.

Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.

Rosette lvs numerous, spathulate, hoary with long, crowded, spreading hairs on both surfaces, sometimes retrorse abaxially. Lateral branches ascending; stem lvs > internodes. Cymes ebracteate, mostly simple; internodes short. Calyx hairs long and strong. Corolla white, c. 10 mm diam.; tube cylindric but flaring above scales; filaments reaching to level of corolla lobes.

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Exarrhena saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.

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Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Myosotis saxosa Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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Myosotis amabilis is regarded by many botanists as conspecific with M. saxosa (see Webb et al. 1988). Although we agree that it probably is conspecific with M. saxosa, the status of M. amabilis has not been formally tested (C. Lehnebach and H. Meudt pers. comm. 2012).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
30 April 2004
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