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Potentilla L.

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Potentilla L., Sp. Pl. 495 (1753)
Potentilla L.

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New Zealand
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Potentilla L.

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Potentilla L.

Fls solitary to cymose; calyx 5-lobed, with 5 alt. bractlets; petals 5, us. yellow; stamens ∞, carpels us. ∞, receptacle dry, us. pubescent to pilose; achenes surrounded by persistent calyx, styles us. deciduous. Herbs or shrubs with compound lvs and adnate stipules. About 300 spp., mainly northern hemisphere. The N.Z. sp. is perhaps endemic, but is very closely related to the widespread .
Short-stemmed, perennial, mat-forming herbs, with long, ± leafy runners rooting at nodes, not armed. Lvs in basal rosettes, in clusters (sometimes singly) scattered along runners and cauline, long-petiolate, pinnately 3-foliolate, dentate or crenate; stipules adnate below, conspicuous, persistent. Fls solitary, ☿, small- to medium-sized, borne on long, slender scapes arising from basal rosettes or in axils of runner lvs. Hypanthium with a central convex, somewhat spongy receptacle (carpophore). Epicalyx segments leafy and toothed. Calyx usually with 5, ± triangular, toothed sepals about = epicalyx segments. Petals 5, ± obovate, yellow. Stamens 20-30. Ovary superior; carpels numerous; styles numerous, surrounded by hypanthium rim; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. a head of many achenes on surface of dryish, semi-fleshy, coloured receptacle, the styles deciduous at fruiting.

Potentilla L.

Short-stemmed, perennial or rarely annual or biennial herbs or small shrubs, often mat-forming or sprawling and spreading, not armed. Lvs in basal rosettes or cauline or both, pinnate or palmate; leaflets usually dentate or crenate; stipules free in upper part, ± connate at base, persistent. Infl. a cyme or fls solitary, usually terminal. Fls small- to medium-sized, ☿, (4)-5-merous. Hypanthium ± flat or weakly concave, with a central, hemispheric dry or spongy receptacle (carpophore). Epicalyx segments lobed or entire. Calyx usually with triangular to lanceolate sepals. Petals ± obovate, usually white or yellow, rarely reddish, orange or purple. Stamens (10)-20-numerous. Ovary superior; carpels (4)-10-80; styles surrounded by hypanthium rim; ovules 1 per carpel. Fr. a head of 4-many achenes on surface of dry and spongy hypanthium; styles usually deciduous at fruiting.

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Duchesnea Smith
Potentilla L.
Duchesnea Smith
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.

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Potentilla L.
[Not available]
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Potentilla L.
Potentilla L.
United Kingdom

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 January 2014
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