Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse

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Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 56: 81 (1926)
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum
Lectotype (selected by Allan 1961): Mt Wellington, Auckland, H. Carse, 30 May 1924, CHR 290558 (on three sheets)!
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Rhizome creeping horizontally or slightly ascending, stout, up to 15 cm. or more long, emitting, at least in young plants, very slender horizontal roots up to ± 10 cm. long, bearing buds that produce offset plants. Stipites clustered to approximate. Stipes (10)-15-20 cm. long, deeply grooved above, ± paleate, stout, winged. Rhachis stout, winged, as are costae. Lamina 10-60 × 10-15 cm., lanceolate-oblong, submembr., rather pale green, very glossy above, bipinnate, acuminate. Primary pinnae numerous, 10-15 × 2.5-5 cm., lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, decurrent; again pinnate in lower part, pinnatifid in upper. Secondary pinnae 15-30 × (5)-10-15 mm., about oblong, crenately lobed, sessile by cuneately narrowed decurrent base. Sori narrow-oblong, 3-10 mm. long, nearer costule than margin; indusium firm.
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Rhizome creeping, up to 15 cm long, pale green with a few scattered scales, stoloniferous. Stipes 6-20 cm long, pale green above, brown below, deeply grooved, covered in small, very dark, triangular to ovate scales which have thick cell walls (Fig. 17F-J). Laminae lanceolate to elliptic, 15-60 × 7-20 cm, light green, glossy above, thin, bipinnate. Raches green, scaly, prominently grooved. Pinnae 12-20 pairs, lanceolate to narrowly ovate, acuminate, stalked, 3-10 × 0.5-2.5 cm, scaly on underside; lower pinnae themselves pinnate, upper ones pinnatifid. Pinnules sessile or shortly stalked, elliptic, often deeply serrate, 10-20 × 5-15 mm. Sori 3-10 mm long, nearer mid-vein than margin. Sporangia orangebrown. Spores (30)38-42(50) mcm long, (20)24-29(35) mcm wide (4 populations), perispore very pale and not prominently patterned (Fig. 30E-F).
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
n = 72
n = 72
Taxonomic concepts
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Asplenium lamprophyllum Carse
Identification keys
From the Greek lampro- (shining, glossy) and -phyllus (leaved), a reference to the nature of the fronds.
Lectotype (selected by Allan 1961): Mt Wellington, Auckland, H. Carse, 30 May 1924, CHR 290558 (on three sheets)!
scientific name
1 January 2000
16 March 2004