Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce

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Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce, Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 4 Suppl.: 612 (1917)
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
(G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea
Vernacular names
- Carmichaelia australis var. grandiflora Benth.
- Carmichaelia australis var. γ grandiflora Hook.f.
- Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f. var. grandiflora
- Carmichaelia grandiflora var. alba Kirk
- Carmichaelia grandiflora var. dumosa Kirk
- Lotus arboreus G.Forst.
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Much-branched shrub or tree up to 3-5 m. tall; branches ascending, ∞; branchlets us. close-set, strict, compressed, striate, glab., 1-2-(3) mm. wide. Lvs (1)-3-(5)-foliolate, glab. or nearly so; lflts up to 6 × 4 mm., obcordate-cuneate, or lobes acute, sinus narrow. Infl. of 1-3 racemes per notch, subumbellately 3-5-fld, on peduncles up to 10 mm. long, us. less. Fls ± 5 × 4 mm., on glab. pedicels c. 2 mm. long. Calyx c. 2 × 2 mm., glab. or nearly so; teeth minute, broad-triangular. Standard with purple centre and veins; keel whitish, with greenish base, auricles rounded; wings white, purple-veined, auricles bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely broad-oblong, (8)-9-10 × 4-5 mm., subcompressed, dark brown to black; beak stout, subulate, almost pungent, 3-4-(5) mm. long, somewhat obliquely placed. Seeds 2-4, pale to yellowish green, ± heavily black-mottled (some plants otherwise similar have seeds with distinctly red ground-colour).
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
2n = 32
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Shrub, up to 2 m × 2 m; sometimes suckering and forming broad patches up to 1 m tall. Branches up to 80 mm diameter, stout, ascending and spreading. Cladodes 70-150 × 1.5- 3 mm, erect to spreading, sometimes drooping, rarely divaricate, linear, striate, compressed, green to dark green, sometimes hairy when young, glabrous when mature, apex obtuse; leaf nodes 4—11. Leaves 1—3(—5)-foliolate, present on seedlings and on adult plants, terminal leaflet larger; lamina 2-7 × 1-4.5 mm, obovate, broad-obovate to broad-elliptic, fleshy, green, adaxial surface glabrous, abaxial surface glabrous or with a few scattered hairs, apex emarginate, base cuneate; petiole 7—11 mm long, glabrous except for a tuft of hairs at petiolule base, green; petiolule < 0.5 mm long, glabrous, light green. Leaves on cladodes reduced to scales, < 0.8 mm long, broad-triangular, glabrous, apex subacute. Stipules 0.9—1.3 × 1—1.4 mm, free, triangular, glabrous, apex subacute with a tuft of hairs, margin hairy. Inflorescence a raceme, 1 per node, each with 5—9(— 10) flowers clustered on upper third of raceme. Peduncle c. 8 mm long, glabrous, green. Bracts < 1 mm long, triangular, pale brown, adaxial surface hairy, abaxial surface glabrous, apex acute to subacute, margin hairy. Pedicel 1-1.5 mm long, glabrous, green. Bracteoles < 0.5 mm long, on upper part of pedicel or on receptacle, pale brown, adaxial surface hairy, abaxial surface glabrous, apex subacute to obtuse and with tuft of hairs. Calyx 3—3.5 × 2— 2.5 mm, campanulate, green, outer surface glabrous. Calyx lobes 0.5—1 mm long, triangular, inner surface hairy, appressed to corolla, apex acute. Standard 6— 6.5 × 7-8 mm, broad-obovate, patent, positioned towards front of keel, keeled, apex retuse or obtuse with an apiculate tip; white or with a pale central blotch, veins sometimes weakly flushed red-purple; claw c. 1 mm long, pale green. Wings 6-7 × 1.5- 2 mm, oblong, longer than keel, white, apex obtuse; auricle 0.2-0.3 mm long, triangular; claw 1.8-2 mm long, pale green. Keel (Fig. 2E) 5—6 × 1.5—1.8 mm, white, apex obtuse; auricle 0.3-0.5 mm long, triangular, white; claw 2-2.5 mm long, pale green. Stamens 4.5—5 mm long; dorsal filaments connate for c. ¾ of length, outer stamens free for c. 0.8 mm. Pistil 5-6 mm long, exserted beyond stamens, glabrous; ovules 8—9(—11); stigma with a ring of hairs at base. Pods 7—15 × 2.7-4.5 mm, oblong or broad-oblong, laterally compressed, erect, light grey or pale brown, both valves dehiscent at distal end; beak 2—2.5 mm long, in a central apical position, stout, pungenttipped. Seeds 2-3.7 × 1.6-2.4 mm, broad-oblong to broad-elliptic, 1-3 per pod, surface with 1—3 ridges, testa thin and membranous, light brown or tan. FL Dec-Mar, FT Jan—Dec.
Taxonomic concepts
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia australis var. grandiflora Benth.
Carmichaelia australis var. γ grandiflora Hook.f.
Carmichaelia australis var. γ grandiflora Hook.f.
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia australis var. γ grandiflora Hook.f.
Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia grandiflora (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Carmichaelia grandiflora var. alba Kirk
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Carmichaelia grandiflora var. dumosa Kirk
Carmichaelia grandiflora var. dumosa Kirk
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
Lotus arboreus G.Forst.
Carmichaelia arborea (G.Forst.) Druce
scientific name
1 January 2000
31 May 2004