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Clematis australis Kirk

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Clematis australis Kirk
Clematis australis

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Clematis australis Kirk

Liane with slender stems and branches, climbing over shrubs and small trees; branchlets very slender, grooved, ± pubescent, becoming glab. Lvs 3-foliolate, subcoriac. to submembr., glab., on petioles up to 5 cm. or more long; petiolules ± pubescent, c. 1-2 cm. long. Lflts 2-3·5 cm. long, pinnate below, pinnatisect to pinnatifid above; pinnae up to 1·5 cm. long, rarely more, rather deeply lobed, obtuse, us. apiculate. Infl. of solitary fl. or few-fld panicles on peduncles up to 6 cm. long. Bracts linear-entire or lobed, 6-25 mm. long, often foliaceous; pedicels ± pubescent. ♂ up to 3 cm. diam.; sepals 5-8, ± silky-hairy, white or very pale yellow, c.2 cm. long, ovate-oblong, obtuse. Stamens several; anthers linear-oblong, c.2 mm. long. ♀ sepals pale yellow, smaller; achenes 3-4 mm. long, fusiform to ovoid, dark reddish brown, margins thickened, pubescent when young, becoming glab.

Clematis australis Kirk

Leaflets coriaceous, glabrous, pinnate below, pinnatisect to pinnatifid above. Infl. a solitary fl. or few-flowered cyme. Sepals white or very pale yellow, ovate-oblong, ± silky hairy.

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Clematis australis Kirk
Clematis australis Kirk
Clematis australis Kirk
Clematis australis Kirk
Clematis australis Kirk
Clematis australis Kirk

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Clematis australis Kirk
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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taxonomic status
P. B. Heenan. Reinstatement of Clematis petriei (Ranunculaceae), and typification and variation of C. forsteri. New Zealand Journal of Botany 38 (4):575-585, 2001

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scientific name
1 January 2000
2 April 2007
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