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Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.

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Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides

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Glab. to sparsely hairy erect-branching dioec. herb up to 30 cm. or more tall; stock stout, branched above; taproot deeply descending. Radical lvs 7-15 cm. long, linear-oblong in outline, pinnatifid to pinnate, with scarious sheathing bases; pinnules linear, entire to sparingly acutely lobed. Cauline lvs shorter, subsessile, upper ones narrow-linear, entire or toothed. Racemes several, terminal; fls minute on subpatent slender peduncles 3-4 mm. long. Sepals broad-ovate ± 1 mm. long; petals 0 or rudimentary. ♂ with 4-6 stamens, ovary rud.; ♀ with staminodes. Silicles ovate to ovate-oblong in outline, notched, 3-5 mm. long; styles slightly exserted. Seeds compressed-ovoid, ± 2 mm. long, yellowish brown.

Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.

Papillose-pubescent to glabrate dioec. herb with deeply descending taproot up to c. 1 m. long; stock up to c. 1 cm. diam.', branched above. Radical lvs us. many, subrosulate, linear in outline, pinnate to pinnatifid, c. 1-10 cm. long; pinnules ∞, c. 1 to 3 cm. long, lobulate to entire. Stems slender, us. many, ascending, branched, up to 10 cm. long or more, produced into racemes; cauline lvs ± linear-spathulate, toothed to entire, smaller. Racemes slender, terminal, 2-10 cm. long; pedicels slender, subpatent, 3 to 5 mm. long; fls minute, sepals ± 1 mm. long, broadly ovate. Staminate fls with or without oblong-spathulate petals, ± 1·5 mm. long, including claw; stamens 4 to 6; glands 6, oblong; abortive ovary villous. Pistillate fls apetalous; stamens 4, abortive; glands 6, linear. Silicles 3-5 mm. long, rhombic, narrowed above and below, notched, narrowly winged above; styles short. Seeds hardly 1·5 mm. long.

Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.

Dioecious perennial. Stems decumbent to erect, branching, glabrescent to densely hairy. Lvs hairy above, glabrous beneath. Rosette lvs persistent, shortly petiolate, pinnatifid to pinnate, to 2-pinnatifid, 2-7-(10) × 0.3-1.5 cm; pinnae linear to obovate, entire or narrowly lobed. Stem lvs becoming entire, lanceolate to oblong to obovate to linear, 2-15 × 1-3 mm. Racemes 2-5-(10) cm long at fruiting; rachis hairy; pedicels hairy, spreading, 4-6 mm long at fruiting. Sepals sparsely hairy, 1-1.5 × 0.5-1 mm. Petals either 0, or white, obovoid, up to 2 mm long. ♂ fls with 4 or 6 stamens and rudimentary ovary. ♀ fls with 4 abortive stamens and developed ovary. Silicles ovate to rhomboid, 3-5 × 2-3.5 mm; style 0.2-0.3 mm long, free from narrow wing, slightly exceeding shallow notch; valves with scattered flexuous hairs or almost glabrous. Seeds ovoid, brown, not winged, 1.5-2 mm long.

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Lepidium kawarau Petrie
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium kawarau var. dubium Kirk
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides subsp. kawarau (Petrie) Thell.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f. subsp. sisymbrioides
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides subsp. kawarau var. dubium (Kirk) Thell.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Lepidium sisymbrioides subsp. solandri var. ovalis Thell.
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
Nasturtium sisymbrioides Kuntze
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.

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New Zealand
Otago Land District
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Lepidium sisymbrioides Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
10 April 2012
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