Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.

Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass., Dict. Sci. Nat. 36: 27 (1825)
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
(Gaudich.) Cass.
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Capitula small, solitary or clustered (occ. only 2 together), sessile or on short scapes, heterogamous, discoid; phyll. few, in 2 series, subequal; receptacle nude. Anthers obtuse to pointed at base; style-arms of disk-florets short, truncate; pappus 0. Achenes 4-angled to terete or fusiform. Some 20 spp. of small ± mosslike glab. (or very nearly so) herbs with alt. entire lvs; of Fuegia, Falkland Is, Australia, Tasmania, N.Z. (these endemic).
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Perennial herbs, often very small, low, mat- or cushion-forming or caespitose, rarely up to 12 cm high. Leaves rosulate, alternate, often densely imbricate, sometimes a few cauline or bract-like, linear-oblanceolate or oblong-ovate, glabrous or very rarely with septate hairs, rarely keeled or flat but still somewhat crassulate-coriaceous, with sunken multicellular glands; apex retuse, obtuse or apiculate; margins entire, sometimes scariose, often with septate hairs towards the base; petiole sheath-like or rarely a true sheath, often purple; stomata adaxial and abaxial. Capitula disciform, heterogamous, solitary and terminal or seldom 2-10 corymbosely arranged, up to 5 mm wide, sessile to pedunculate; peduncle often elongated in fruit, glabrous or rarely septate hairy; bracts leaf-like, phyllary-like, or absent. Phyllaries (3-) 5-14 (-19), ± imbricate, free, equal, in 1-3 series, oblong-linear or obovate, often with microscopic glands at the base, sometimes with translucent ducts; nerves 1 or rarely 5 or absent; apex obtuse-acute or retuse; margins entire or seldom denticulate, ± scariose, often tinged purple. Receptacle naked and flat. Outer florets female, fertile, tubular or cyathiform, in one series, glabrous; corolla 3-4 (-5)-lobed, basally often bulbous, white, purple, pale green, or yellowish, often two-coloured; vascular tissue in lobe margin, central, or absent; style glabrous, bilobed; style-branches short, ovate. Central florets functionally male, campanulate, with an undivided, truncate style lacking sweeping hairs and stigmatic papillae, or central florets perfect, ± tubular to slightly campanulate, with a divided, truncate style having short, acute sweeping hairs and stigmatic papillae; corolla 4-lobed but occasionally 2-, 3- to 5-lobed, white, purple, pale green or yellowish, often two-coloured, glabrous; vascular tissue in lobe margin, central, or both central and marginal, or absent; anthers caudate, 0.5-1.5 mm long; appendage oblong; endothecium polarized orrarely partly radial. Cypsela straight or rarely slightly curved, ellipsoid-obvoid or somewhat terete, nerved or ribbed, glabrous, minutely papillose or hairy; apex smooth, rimmed, crowned or with small horns or awns, rarely beaked. Pappus absent.
Taxonomic concepts
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
Abrotanella (Gaudich.) Cass.
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 May 2006