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Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook. in Cunningham, Companion Bot. Mag. 2: 366, t. 31, 32 (1838)
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.

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New Zealand
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R.Br. ex Hook.
366, t. 31, 32
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii
Named in honour of Allan Cunningham by Robert Brown in an unpublished manuscript. His description was later published by Cunningham and the name attributed to Brown. Allan Cunningham (1791-1839) was a plant collector for Kew and colonial botanist in New South Wales.

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Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.

Rhizome stout, somewhat tortuous, c. 5 mm. diam., densely clad in narrow dark brown bristly hairs. Stipes 20-60 cm. long, stout, erect, ± compressed, pale to dark brown, glab. except for bristles at base. Lamina 15-60 cm. long, tripinnate, glab., coriac., dark to light green above, glaucous to white or sometimes pale green below, broadly deltoid-triangular in outline. Pinnae ascending, primary 10-20 cm. long, secondary 5-10 cm.; pinnules oblong, subacute to acute, notched, up to 5 cm. long. Sori in sinuses of pinnules; indusium c. 1 mm. long, truncate at mouth; receptacle far-exserted when mature, slender, hairy, 2-3 mm. long. Sporangia shortly stalked, pyriform to obovoid.

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Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex A.Cunn.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex A.Cunn.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex A.Cunn.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex A.Cunn.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex A.Cunn.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex A.Cunn.
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.

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Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
New Zealand
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Loxsoma cunninghamii R.Br. ex Hook.

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Lectotype (selected by Allan 1961): New Zealand, A. Cunningham s.n., 1826, BM 000905149 (image!)
Named in honour of Allan Cunningham by Robert Brown in an unpublished manuscript. His description was later published by Cunningham and the name attributed to Brown. Allan Cunningham (1791-1839) was a plant collector for Kew and colonial botanist in New South Wales.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
22 July 2016
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