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Plantago triandra Berggr.

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Plantago triandra Berggr., Minneskr. Kongl. Fysiogr. Sällsk. Lund 8: 16, t.4 (1877)
Plantago triandra Berggr.

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New Zealand
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16, t.4
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra

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Plantago triandra Berggr.

Primary root short-lived. Stem short and broadly napiform, us. simple, with cop. long hairs. Rosette us. flat, 1-10 cm. diam.; lvs of firm texture, punctate, often black-blotched; lamina linear to broad-lanceolate, us. gradually (more abruptly in some coastal plants) narrowed into flat petiole; tip obtuse, margin entire in seedling, us. but not always becoming toothed to strongly pinnate-dentate in flowering stage; lf-hairs few or ∞, best developed on raised transverse ridges opp. bases of teeth, undersurface glab. Infls mostly hidden by long stem-hairs, each spike reduced to a single floret; scape extremely short at flowering, up to 2.5 cm. long at fruiting, almost glab. except for tuft of hairs immediately below bract. Bract and sepals < 1 mm. long, always much < basal portion of capsule, membr. and without keel, glab. Corolla-tube long (up to 2.5 mm.), lobes often only 3, erect, narrow, us. < 1·5 mm. long; stamens 3 or 4 (in same plant); anthers to 1 mm. long; ovules ∞; capsule to 3 mm. long, seeds 10-50, irregularly angular.

Plantago triandra Berggr.

Primary root short-lived; adventitious roots present. Stem very short, usually simple, with dense, long, hairy tuft. Lvs radical, rosulate, often black-blotched; petiole flattened, often indistinct and lvs ± sessile. Lamina 1-4.5-(5) × 0.1-1.5 cm, linear-subulate to broad-lanceolate, narrow- to broad-elliptic, or narrow-ovate, subcoriaceous; main veins 1-(3); hairs few to numerous, best-developed on raised transverse ridges opposite teeth bases, 0 on undersurface; margins usually dentate or pinnately divided, occasionally entire; apex obtuse; base attenuate, less so in some coastal plants. Fl. 1; scape mostly hidden by long stem hairs, extremely short at flowering, to 2.5 cm long at fruiting, almost glabrous except for tuft of hairs immediately below bract. Bract and sepals < 1 mm long, ± elliptic, always much < basal portion of capsule, membranous and without keel, glabrous. Corolla tube to 2.5 mm long; lobes often only 3, 1.2-1.7 × 0.4-0.7 mm, narrow. Stamens 3-4 (in same plant). Capsule 1.5-3 mm long, ± broad-ellipsoid. Seeds 10-50, 0.5-1 mm long, irregular and ± elongated.

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Plantago hamiltonii Kirk
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago masoniae Cheeseman
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra subsp. masoniae (Cheeseman) Sykes
Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr. subsp. triandra
Plantago triandra Berggr.

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Plantago triandra Berggr.
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Plantago triandra Berggr.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
New Zealand
Southland Land District
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
6 September 2021
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