Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.

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Euphrasia zelandica Wettst., Monogr. Euphrasia 264 (1896)
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Small ± succulent annual herb 2-10 cm. tall, simple or branched from base, sts minute and flowering when < 1 cm. tall; branches ascending, bifariously white-pubescent, occ. with short glandular hairs towards tips. Lvs sessile, us. rather distant in lower parts of branches and crowded towards tips, sts forming small rosette, ± 4-9 × 2-6 mm., ovate to suborbicular or flabellate with 2-5 pairs of narrow acute teeth, cuneately narrowed to base, margins thickened and revolute, upper surface clad in short flattened white hairs sts mixed with short glandular hairs, occ. nearly glab., lower surface glab. or sparsely hairy. Fls clustered at tips of branches, subsessile or on pedicels up to 4 mm. long, sts pedicels longer, especially in fr. Calyx (4)-5-(6) mm. long, sts much enlarged in fr., pubescent as lvs, divided ? to nearly 1/2 way; lobes acute, margins and midveins thickened and reddish. Corolla white, 6-10-(12) mm. long; tube narrow, slightly to much > calyx; lobes of lower lip 1-2 mm. wide, entire, obtuse to subacute. Anthers yellow to golden brown, margins glab. or nearly so, awns slender, ± equal. Capsule < or ± = calyx, 4-8 × 3-5 mm., obovate, setose at apex; seeds ∞, 1-1·5 mm. long.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Small, ± succulent, annual herb 2-10 cm tall, simple or branched from base, sometimes minute and flowering when < 1 cm tall; branches ascending, bifariously white-hairy, occasionally with short glandular hairs towards tips. Lvs sessile, ± 4-9 × 2-6 mm, ovate to suborbicular or flabellate, with 2-5 pairs of narrow acute teeth; upper surface with short, flattened, simple hairs, sometimes with short glandular hairs, occasionally nearly glabrous; lower surface glabrous or sparsely hairy. Fls subsessile or on pedicels to 4 mm long. Calyx (4)-5-(6) mm long, with hairs as on lvs, divided ⅓- c. 1/2 way. Corolla white, with throat yellow or yellow-spotted, 6-10-(12) mm long. Anthers yellow to golden brown; margins glabrous or nearly so; awns slender, ± equal. Capsule < or ± = calyx, 4-8 × 3-5 mm.
Taxonomic concepts
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
Euphrasia zelandica Wettst.
scientific name
1 January 2000
23 April 2004