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Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened

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Gunnera prorepens Hook.f., Bot. Antarct. Voy. II. (Fl. Nov.-Zel.) Part I, 66 (1852)
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.

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New Zealand
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Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens

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Stolons, often below surface, branched, up to ± 3 dm. long. Lvs on slender, ± reddish petioles up to 8 cm. long. Lamina broad-oblong to broad-elliptic, 20-25 × 14-17 mm., occ. more; glab. or nearly so, membr., dull brownish green, ± sinuate, crenulate; apex rounded, base truncate to subcordate. Scapes unisexual, ± 10 cm. long. ♂ subsessible, rather distant, drooping, on very slender axis withering after anthesis. ♀ in "cluster" stage at anthesis, up to ± 7 mm. long, lobes 4, inner oblong, outer obovate; axis rather stout, ± fleshy, pale yellow to white; drupe 3-4 mm. long, obconic to pyriform, patent to drooping, shortly pedicelled, yellow, rather close-set.

Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.

Stolons, often below surface, branched, up to 4 dm. long. Lvs on slender glabrate petioles up to 10 cm. or more long. Lamina brownish to almost purplish green, membr., 10-30-(50) × 10-25-(40) mm., ovate to ovate-oblong, rounded at apex, rounded to sts truncate or subcordate at base, not or obscurely 2-3-lobed, glab. or nearly so; margins crenate to subentire, ± sinuate. Infl. up to 6 cm. or more long. ♂ with very short tube, calyx-lobes minute; petals spathulate, pilose, ± 2.5 mm. long; staminal filaments very short. ♀ rather close-set, subsessile; bracts ovate-lanceolate, c. 1·2 mm. long; styles 3-5 mm. long. Drupes on elongated scape, patent to drooping, obconic to nearly globose, red to purplish, 3-4 × 2-3 mm.

Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.

Dioecious herb. Lvs 2.5-14 cm long; lamina ovate, shallowly cordate at base, not lobed, shallowly crenate to ± entire, membranous, usually ± glabrous. Infructescence exposed above lvs. Drupes usually densely clustered on stalk, sometimes more scattered, shortly obconic to globose, red-purple to red or yellow; flesh closely attached to seed.

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Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.

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Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Gunnera prorepens Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
25 October 2006
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