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Geum pusillum Petrie

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Naturally uncommon

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Geum pusillum Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 28: 538 (1895 [1896])
Geum pusillum Petrie

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum

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Geum pusillum Petrie

Up to 1 dm. tall, with slender stock. Lvs radical, up to 2.5 cm. long, sparsely strigose, pinnate; terminal lflt c. 7 mm. long, suborbicular, crenate; lateral lflts c. 5 pairs, small. Scapes us. c. 5 cm. tall, with one or more minute bracts, or nude, pubescent. Fls solitary, minute; calyx-lobes ovate, bractlets minute; petals 5-6, white, about oblong. Receptacle elongate, villous; achenes glab., minute, obliquely obovoid-oblong; style minute, recurved.

Geum pusillum Petrie

Low-growing herb up to 3-(10) cm high at flowering, arising from slender stock. Basal lvs up to 25-(45) mm long, sparsely to moderately white-pilose, imparipinnate; lateral leaflets in up to 5-(7) pairs, small; terminal leaflet 3-10 mm long, crenate-dentate and sometimes obscurely 3-5-lobed; cauline lvs 1-2, reduced to minute bracts. Peduncle short. Fls mostly solitary, very rarely 2 per infl. Petals c. 1.5 mm long, white. Achenes glabrous.

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Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie
Geum pusillum Petrie

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Geum pusillum Petrie
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Geum pusillum Petrie
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Geum pusillum Petrie
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
7 July 2006
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