Cotula coronopifolia L.

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Cotula coronopifolia L., Sp. Pl. 892 (1753)
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia
Vernacular names
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Somewhat fleshy glab. perennial herb with stems branched from base. Stems and lowest branches decumbent, creeping and rooting, then erect to ascending, up to 3 dm. tall, but often reduced to < 10 cm. under adverse conditions. Lamina (12)-50-80 mm. long, entire, narrow-oblong to lanceolate, widened to amplexicaul base; or more usually irregularly pinnatifid with 3 to many pinnae or lobes. Scapes slender, axillary and terminal, of diverse length. Capitula ± 8-10 mm. diam.; phyll. membr., narrow-oblong, obtuse; receptacle ± convex, finally us. strongly so. Florets bright yellow, ♀in 1 series on slender flattened pedicels; disk-florets perfect, us.∞, hardly pedicelled. Achenes broad-cylindric, ± compressed, with broad spongy wings.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
2n = 20
2n = 20
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Ascending to erect, fleshy, glabrous annual or short-lived perennial up to 30 cm tall. Stems terete, branched from base and above, up to 25-(40) cm long, rooting freely from lower nodes. Lvs fleshy, alternate, apetiolate, linear, lanceolate or spathulate, entire, with few irregular large lobes, or shallowly 1-(2)-pinnatisect, usually perfoliate, rarely amplexicaul, (10)-15-80 mm long; lvs above becoming shorter, more triangular, less often divided and more often amplexicaul. Involucral bracts in 2-3 rows, 4-6 mm long. Capitula solitary, bright yellow, (6)-8-10-(13) mm diam.; peduncles scarcely expanded at apex, solid, 2-7 cm long, c. 1 mm diam.; ♀ florets in 1 or < 1 row, pedicellate, with a corolla; ☿ florets numerous, subsessile, with flattened tubular corolla. Achenes all flattened, hairy on inner surface, glabrous on outer. Achenes of ♀ florets 1.5-2 × 1-1.2 mm; lateral angles with thick, corky, entire, marginal wings. Achenes of ☿ florets 1.1-1.2 × 0.5-0.6 mm; lateral angles thinly ribbed.
Taxonomic concepts
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
Cotula integrifolia Hook.f.
Cotula coronopifolia L.
scientific name
1 January 2000
24 May 2006