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Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson

Scientific name record
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Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta

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Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson

Simpson's description is: "Similar to the species, but everywhere stouter. Stems 3 mm. diam. Leaves green, fleshy, 3 cm. long, 1 cm. broad, with a long sheathing base. Petiole equalling the blade, flattened 2 mm. broad; sheath membranous, 5 mm. broad. Blade ovate or broadly ovate in outline, closely pinnate or deeply pinnatifid, with 1-4 (3) pairs of obovate obtuse pinnae and a terminal one, occasional pinnae irregularly 1-3 lobed. Peduncles 5-7 cm. long, with 4-10 narrow-linear bracts with scarious tips. Heads 1·5 cm. diam."

Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson

Leaves us. simple, entire, linear, 0.5-2.5 cm × 1 mm, occ. with a single oblong lobe up to 2 mm long near apex on one or both sides. Achenes dark brown.

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Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson

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Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
[Not available]
Cotula pyrethrifolia var. robusta G.Simpson
New Zealand

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scientific name
3 May 2004
10 November 2005
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