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Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will., Rec. Domin. Mus. 3: 14 (1956)
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.

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New Zealand
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Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus

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Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.

Perennial closely branched, us. yellowish, herb forming low, often very dense and mossy, mat several cm. across, attached by central root system. Lvs evenly and us. closely spaced, 2-4 × 0·5 mm., acuminate with short colourless tips, us. with some short marginal hairs especially near base. Fls single, each with its 2 membr. bracts sessile on top of an axillary peduncle. Sepals 4, acute; stamen 1 on a short ring, filament < sepal length. Fr. c. 2·7 × 1.1 mm. overall, broadest near base where wall is very thick, persistent sepals almost half length of perig. cup; peduncles elongating slightly but not much > lvs when fr. is ripe, retaining the 2 membr. bracts, each < 1 mm. long.

Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.

Cushion-forming perennial; stems decumbent, to 5 cm tall, glabrous; internodes c. 1 mm long. Lvs paired, imbricate, linear or ± subulate, glabrous or minutely scabrid on margins near base, acute or shortly acicular, 1.5-5 × 0.3-0.5 mm. Peduncles glabrous, short at flowering, elongating at fruiting to (1)-3-9 mm. Bracts in 1 pair, deltoid, scarious, keeled, 0.5-0.8 mm long. Fls solitary. Sepals 4, narrow-triangular, not scarious, at fruiting connivent and c. 1/2 length of the smooth perigynous zone; whole fr. 1.5-2 mm long. Stamen 1-(2), included in calyx.

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Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Williamson
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Williamson
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Williamson
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Williamson

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Scleranthus uniflorus P.A.Will.
[Not available]

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scientific name
1 January 2000
16 March 2017
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