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Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson

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New Zealand
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Paul G.Wilson
(Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum

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Glab. aromatic much-branched shrub up to ± 3 m. tall; branchlets slender, ascending; bark reddish. Lvs alt., on very short ± twisted petioles; lamina coriac., ± 25-45 × 5-10 mm., narrow- to lanceolate oblong, obtuse, minutely crenulate, brownish green above, reddish below, gland-dotted. Infl. a terminal corymb up to c. 5 cm. diam.; peduncle and pedicels slender, reddish, ± scurfy. Fls 8-10 mm. diam., fragrant; sepals minute, pubescent, triangular; petals c. 4-6 mm. long, white, linear, apex inflexed. Staminal filaments c. 6-8 mm. long. Pistil 5-lobed. Cocci us. 1-2 maturing (1-2 aborted), about rhomboid, ± 4 mm. long.

Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson

n = 16
2n = 32

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Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson

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Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Leionema nudum (Hook.) Paul G.Wilson
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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