Carmichaelia compacta Petrie

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Carmichaelia compacta Petrie, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 17: 272 (1884 [1885])
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta
Vernacular names
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Erect fastigiately much-branched shrub up to c. 1 m. tall; ultimate branchlets ∞, wiry, terete, 1-2 mm. diam., striate, glab. Infl. us. of 1 raceme per notch; racemes (3)-5-(10)-fld, us. compact, on glab. peduncles up to 10 mm. long. Fls c. 5 × 5 mm., on glab. pedicels up to 4 mm. long. Calyx ± 2 × 2 mm., glab.; teeth acute. Standard dark purple near base, purple-veined and -flushed above; keel whitish, auricles bluntly pointed; wings white, purple-veined, auricles rounded. Ovary glab. Pods obliquely obovate-oblong, ± turgid, breadth > depth, 4-5 × 3 mm., stramineous (to brown, rarely black); valves reticulate; beak subulate, ± 1 mm. long. Seeds 1-2, yellowish, mottled with dark brown or black.
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Erect or spreading shrub, up to 1-2 × 1-2 m, with densely placed branches and cladodes. Branches erect and spreading from base, 10-40(-60) mm diameter. Cladodes linear, striate, compressed, erect to spreading, green, glabrous, often crowded at ends of branches, 60-220 × 1.5- 2.5 mm; apex subacute, yellow; leaf nodes 4-9. Leaves 1-9-foliolate, fleshy, obovate or sometimes ovate, hairy; adaxial surface mottled; abaxial surface green; apex emarginate to retuse; margin hairy; leaflets sessile or with short petiolule, 1.5-7 × 1-6.5 mm; petiole hairy, 8-16 mm long. Leaves on cladodes reduced to a scale, triangular, glabrous, < 0.5 mm long; apex acute. Stipules clasping shoot, triangular, 0.4-0.5 × 0.4-0.5 mm; adaxial surface glabrous; abaxial surface hairy, becoming glabrous with age; apex subacute to obtuse; margin hairy. Inflorescence a raceme, 1 per node, each with (3-)5-6 flowers. Peduncle glabrous to sparsely hairy, green, 7-16 mm long. Bracts triangular to narrow-triangular, pale green becoming membranous, 0.5-1 mm long; apex acute to subacute; margin hairy. Pedicel glabrous, pale green, 2-A mm long. Bracteoles at base of receptacle or on upper part of pedicel, narrow- triangular, green and flushed red, glabrous, 0.4—0.8 × 0.1-0.3 mm; apex acute; margin hairy. Calyx campanulate, c. 1.5 × c. 1 mm; inner and outer surfaces glabrous, green, usually flushed with red. Calyx lobes triangular, flushed red, c. 0.5 mm long; apex acute; margin hairy. Bud white to pale purple. Standard obovate, spreading above wings and keel, 3—4 × 3.5^4.5 mm; adaxial surface purple, purpleveined; abaxial surface white, purple-veined; apex retuse; margin recurved; claw pale green, c. 1 mm long. Wings oblong, longer than keel, c. 4 × c. 1 mm; adaxial and abaxial surfaces white, distal area flushed purple, sometimes purple-veined; auricle rounded, white, c. 0.3 × c. 0.3 mm; claw pale green, c. 1 mm long. Keel (Fig. IB) c. 4 xc. 1.5 mm; distal area of adaxial and abaxial surfaces purple, central area white, and proximal area pale green; auricle rounded, white, c. 0.25 mm long; claw pale green, c. 2 mm long. Stamens 3-3.5 mm long; lower filaments connate for c. 7A length and with outside filaments free for 0.3-0.5 mm. Pistil exserted beyond stamens, c. 4 mm long; style with a ring of hairs below stigma; ovules 6-7. Pod obovate, broad at distal part, dorsally compressed, brown, pale grey, or straw-coloured, indehiscent, with inflated valves, 5-5.5 × 3-4 mm; beak on upper suture, slightly curved, stout, pungent, c. 1 mm long. Seeds oblongreniform, 1 (-2) per pod, light olive green or yellowgreen with black mottling, 2-2.5 × 1.5-2 mm. FL Oct-Feb, FT Dec-Jul.
Taxonomic concepts
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Carmichaelia compacta var. procumbens G.Simpson
Carmichaelia compacta var. procumbens G.Simpson
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
Huttonella compacta (Petrie) Kirk
Carmichaelia compacta Petrie
scientific name
1 January 2000
5 March 2004