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Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.

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Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 3: 193 (1780)
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.

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New Zealand
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G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum
The exact meaning of the species 'oleraceum' was not given by Sparrman (1780). However the epithet derives from the Latin 'oleraceus' meaning 'used for herbs or vegetables' (Taylor 2002), a point that Sparrman had alluded to in a brief note he wrote in Latin on the backside of the neotype sheet.
Type Collection: From cultivated plants, originally collected from New Zealand. Neotype: S, Sparrman, Nova Zelandia.

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Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.

Erect or spreading, branching, glab. herb; stems woody below, up to 5 dm. tall and c. 5 mm. diam. or more, marked by scars of fallen lvs. Lower lvs c. 3 to 10 mm. long, up to 8 cm. broad, narrowly to broadly obovate-oblong to elliptic-oblong, cuneately narrowed to broad flat semiamplexicaul petiole, sharply serrate to dentate-serrate in upper half. Upper lvs smaller and narrower, with few teeth; floral lvs 3 to 1 cm. long, ± obovate-oblong, crenate-serrate. Racemes terminal, simple to much-branched, branches c. 5 to 10 cm. long. Fls ∞, c. 2 mm. diam.; pedicels slender, ascending, c. 5 mm. long. Sepals broadly ovate, ± 1 mm. long; petals somewhat longer, obovate with short claw; stamens 4, glands 4, lanceolate. Silicles broadly ovate in outline, compressed, subacute, very slightly notched, 3-5 mm. long; style about = notch. Seeds ovoid, compressed, reddish brown, < 2 mm. long.

Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.

n = c. 36 bivalents

Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.

Glabrous perennial. Stems decumbent to erect, stout, usually flexuous, to 50 cm tall. Lvs all similar, narrow-oblanceolate to obovate, evenly toothed in distal portion, cuneately narrowed to winged petiole at base, bright green, fleshy, 2-10 × 1.5-4 cm. Racemes terminal and lateral, 5-10 cm long at fruiting; pedicels erecto-patent, (3)-5-10 mm long at fruiting. Sepals 1-1.5-(2) × 0.5-1 mm. Petals white, obovate-spathulate, slightly > to twice length of sepals. Stamens 4. Silicles broadly ovate, usually truncate at base, acute at apex, not winged, 3-4-(5) × 2.5-3.5-(5) mm; style 0.1-0.2 mm long; seeds ovoid, brown, not winged, 1.5-2 mm long.

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Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. acutidentatum Kirk
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. acutidentatum Kirk
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. frondosum Kirk
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. frondosum Kirk
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. olearaceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. serrulatum Thell.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Lepidium oleraceum var. serrulatum Thell.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Nasturtium oleraceum Kuntze
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
Thlaspi oleraceum Poir.
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.

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Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Lepidium oleraceum G.Forst. ex Sparrm.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

Click to collapse Notes Info

Type Collection: From cultivated plants, originally collected from New Zealand. Neotype: S, Sparrman, Nova Zelandia.
The exact meaning of the species 'oleraceum' was not given by Sparrman (1780). However the epithet derives from the Latin 'oleraceus' meaning 'used for herbs or vegetables' (Taylor 2002), a point that Sparrman had alluded to in a brief note he wrote in Latin on the backside of the neotype sheet.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
18 June 2013
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