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Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.

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(Hook.) Pilg.
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
Dacrydium biforme

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Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.

Shrub or tree up to 10 m., trunk up to 6 dm. diam., bark dark brown, wood pinkish. Lvs of juveniles and reversion shoots 1-2 cm. × 1·5-3 mm. or more, linear, acute, sts mucronate; petiole short, broad, twisted, midvein us. distinct; stomatal lines evident. Lvs of adults 2 mm. long, densely imbricate, appressed, obtuse, prominently keeled, rhomboid, margins hyaline. Final branchlets 3-4 mm. diam., sub-tetragonous. Male strobili solitary, terminal, c. 4 mm. long; apiculus triangular, obtuse, keeled. Carpidia solitary or paired, towards apices of branchlets, resembling scale lvs, but subpatent; ovules ovoid, compressed. Epimatium adnate to carpidium at base, coriac., surrounding pend. inverted ovule; integument membr. Seed 2-3 mm. long, about oblong in outline, compressed. Aril orange.

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Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.

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Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
New Zealand
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Dacrydium biforme (Hook.) Pilg.
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
13 March 2002
22 January 2016
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