Kirk, P.M.; Cannon, P.F.; Minter, D.W.; Stalpers, J.A. 2008-: IndexFungorum Higher Classification.

Kirk, P.M.; Cannon, P.F.; Minter, D.W.; Stalpers, J.A. 2008-: IndexFungorum Higher Classification.
Taxonomic concepts
Acantharia Theiss. & Syd.
Acanthofungus Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien
Acanthostigma De Not.
Acaromyces Boekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnberg
Acarosporales Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux
Acarosporomycetidae Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux
Acaulosporaceae J.B. Morton & Benny
Acrocalymma Alcorn & J.A.G. Irwin
Acroconidiella J.C. Lindq. & Alippi
Acroconidiellina M.B. Ellis
Acrodontiella U. Braun & Scheuer
Actinosporella Descals, Marvanová & J. Webster
Actinothyrium J.C. Schmidt & Kunze
Adelococcaceae Rambold
Agaricostilbaceae Oberw. & R. Bauer
Agaricostilbales Oberw. & R. Bauer
Agaricostilbomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Agyriales Clem. & Shear 1931
Ajellomycetaceae Unter., J.A. Scott & Sigler
Akanthomyces Lebert
Akrophyton Lebert
Albatrellaceae Nuss
Alboleptonia Largent & R.G. Benedict
Aleurocystidiellum P.A. Lemke
Aleurodiscus Rabenh. ex J. Schröt.
Aliquandostipitaceae Inderb.
Allophylaria (P. Karst.) P. Karst.
Alutaceodontia (Parmasto) Hjorstam & Ryvarden
Amandinea M. Choisy ex Scheid. & M. Mayrhofer
Amarrendia Bougher & T. Lebel
Amniculicolaceae Yin. Zhang, C.L. Schoch, J. Fourn., Crous & K.D. Hyde
Amoebidiaceae J.L. Licht. ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Amoebidiales Léger & Dubosq
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf.
Amphisphaeria Ces. & De Not.
Ampulloclitocybe Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys
Amyloathelia Hjortstam & Ryvarden
Amylostereaceae Boidin, Mugnier & Canales
Anastrophella E. Horak & Desjardin
Anisomeridium (Müll. Arg.) M. Choisy
Annellospermosporella P.R. Johnst.
Annulatascaceae S.W. Wong, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones
Annulatascus K.D. Hyde
Annulohypoxylon Y.M. Ju, J.D. Rogers & H.M. Hsieh
Annulusmagnus J. Campb. & Shearer
Anteaglonium Mugambi & Huhndorf
Antennatula Fr. ex F. Strauss
Antherospora R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Begerow, Piątek & Vánky
Anthracothecium Hampe ex A. Massal.
Antrodiella Ryvarden & I. Johans.
Anungitopsis R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr.
Apiospora Sacc.
Apiosporaceae K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhl., Joanne E. Taylor & M.E. Barr
Appendichordella R.G. Johnson, E.B.G. Jones & S.T. Moss
Arachnomyces Massee & E.S. Salmon
Arachnomycetaceae Sigler & Currah
Archaeospora J.B. Morton & D. Redecker
Archaeosporaceae J.B. Morton & D. Redecker
Archaeosporales C. Walker & A. Schüssler
Ardhachandra Subram. & Sudha
Armillariella (P. Karst.) P. Karst.
Arrhytidia Berk. & M.A. Curtis
Arthoniales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Arthoniomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
Arthothelium A. Massal.
Arthrinium Kunze
Arthrodermataceae Locq. ex Currah
Arthrographis G. Cochet ex Sigler & J.W. Carmich.
Arthrorhaphidaceae Poelt & Hafellner
Arxiozyma Van der Walt & Yarrow
Ascocodinaea Samuels, Cand. & Magni
Ascocoryne J.W. Groves & D.E. Wilson
Ascodichaenaceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood
Ascosacculus J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer
Ascosalsum J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer
Ascosphaera L.S. Olive & Spiltoir
Aspidotheliaceae Räsänen ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Asteromyces Moreau & F. Moreau ex Hennebert
Asterophlyctis H.E. Petersen
Asterostromella Höhn. & Litsch.
Astrosphaeriella Syd. & P. Syd.
Atelocauda Arthur & Cummins
Atractiellales Oberw. & Bandoni
Atractiellomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Atractilina Dearn. & Barthol.
Auerswaldiella Theiss. & Syd.
Aulacostroma Syd. & P. Syd.
Aulographaceae Luttr. ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Aulographum Lib.
Aurantiosporium M. Piepenbr., Vánky & Oberw.
Aureobasidium Viala & G. Boyer
Auriscalpiaceae Maas Geest.
Australicium Hjortstam & Ryvarden
Australoporus P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden
Australovuilleminia Ghobad-Nejhad & Hallenb.
Austrogautieria E.L. Stewart & Trappe
Austropaxillus Bresinsky & Jarosch
Austropeltum Henssen, Döring & Kantvilas
Austrosmittium Lichtw. & M.C. Williams
Bactrosphaeria Penz. & Sacc.
Baeomycetales Lumbsch, Huhndorf & Lutzoni
Bahusutrabeeja Subram. & Bhat
Barriopsis A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous
Bartheletia G. Arnaud
Bartheletia G. Arnaud ex Scheuer, R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Stabenth., Melnik & Grube
Bartheletiaceae R. Bauer, Scheuer, M. Lutz & Grube
Bartlettiella D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg.
Basidiobolaceae Engl. & E. Gilg
Basipetospora G.T. Cole & W.B. Kendr.
Batrachochytrium Longcore, Pessier & D.K. Nichols
Beauveria Vuill.
Beelia F. Stevens & R.W. Ryan
Bellemerea Hafellner & Cl. Roux
Biatorellaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner & Casares
Biatoridium J. Lahm ex Körb.
Biconiosporella Schaumann
Bimuria D. Hawksw., Chea & Sheridan
Bitancourtia Thirum. & Jenkins
Blastocladiella V.D. Matthews
Blastodendrion (M. Ota) Cif. & Redaelli
Blastoderma B. Fisch. & Brebeck
Boedijnopeziza S. Ito & S. Imai
Boeremia Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley
Boletinellaceae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Bombardia (Fr.) Fuckel ex P. Karst.
Bombardioidea C. Moreau ex N. Lundq.
Bondarzewiaceae Kotl. & Pouzar
Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not.
Botryosphaeriaceae Theiss. & Syd.
Botryosphaeriales C.L. Schoch, Crous & Shoemaker
Botryotrichum Sacc. & Marchal
Bourdotia (Bres.) Bres. & Torrend
Brachyconidiellopsis Decock, R.F. Castañeda & Adhikari
Brachydesmiella G. Arnaud ex S. Hughes
Brachysporiella Bat.
Brachysporiopsis Yanna, W.H. Ho & K.D. Hyde
Brachysporium (Sacc.) Sacc.
Brauniellula A.H. Sm. & Singer
Brevicellicium K.H. Larss. & Hjortstam
Brigantiaeaceae Hafellner & Bellem.
Burrillia Setch.
Calosphaeriales M.E. Barr 1983
Camarosporium Schulzer
Camptoum Link
Canalisporium Nawawi & Kuthub.
Candelariales Miadl., Lutzoni & Lumbsch
Capnodiales Woron.
Capnophialophora S. Hughes
Carbosphaerella I. Schmidt
Carpoligna F.A. Fernández & Huhndorf
Castanedomyces Cano, Pitarch & Guarro
Catabotrydaceae Petr. ex M.E. Barr
Catenophoropsis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Catenosynnema R. Kodsueb & McKenzie
Catenuloxyphium Bat., Nascim. & Cif.
Cephalothecaceae Höhn.
Ceraceomerulius (Parmasto) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
Ceratocoma Buriticá & J.F. Hennen
Ceratocystiopsis H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr.
Ceratocystis Ellis & Halst.
Ceratosporium Schwein.
Ceratostomataceae G. Winter
Ceratostomella Sacc.
Ceriospora Niessl
Chaconiaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats.
Chaetochalara B. Sutton & Piroz.
Chaetomiaceae G. Winter
Chaetoplaca Syd. & P. Syd.
Chaetosphaerella E. Müll. & C. Booth
Chaetosphaerellaceae Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernádez
Chaetosphaeria Tul. & C. Tul.
Chaetosphaeriaceae Réblová, M.E. Barr & Samuels
Chaetosphaeriales Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernández
Chaetothyriaceae Hansf. ex M.E. Barr
Chaetothyriomycetidae Doweld
Chalaropsis Peyronel
Cheiromyces Berk. & M.A. Curtis
Chionomyces Deighton & Piroz.
Chionosphaeraceae Oberw. & Bandoni
Chlorociboria Seaver ex C.S. Ramamurthi, Korf & L.R. Batra
Chroodiscus (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg.
Chroogomphus (Singer) O.K. Mill.
Chrysocelis Lagerh. & Dietel
Chrysothricaceae Zahlbr.
Ciboriopsis Dennis
Ciferrioxyphium Bat. & H. Maia
Cirrenalia Meyers & R.T. Moore
Cladosporium Link
Cladotrichum Corda
Classicula R. Bauer, Begerow, Oberw. & Marvanová
Classiculaceae R. Bauer, Begerow, Oberw. & Marvanová
Classiculales R. Bauer, Begerow, Oberw. & Marvanová
Classiculomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss, & Oberw.
Clauzadea Hafellner & Bellem.
Clavatospora Sv. Nilsson ex Marvanová & Sv. Nilsson
Clitocybula (Singer) Singer ex Métrod
Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm.
Clypeostroma Theiss. & Syd.
Clypeotrabutia Seaver & Chardón
Coccodiniaceae Höhn. ex O.E. Erikss.
Coccoideaceae Henn. ex Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Coccotrema Müll. Arg.
Coccotremataceae Henssen ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Colletogloeopsis Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Collybiopsis (J. Schröt.) Earle
Coniochaetaceae Malloch & Cain
Coniochaetales Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernández
Coniocybaceae Rchb.
Conoideocrella D. Johnson, G.H. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora
Cookellaceae Höhn. ex Sacc. & Trotter
Corallomyces Berk. & M.A. Curtis
Cordella Speg.
Cordyceps Fr.
Cordycipitaceae Kreisel ex G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora
Coremiella Bubák & Willi Krieg.
Cornuvesica Viljoen, M.J. Wingf. & K. Jacobs
Cortinomyces Bougher & Castellano
Coryneliaceae Sacc. ex Berl. & Voglino
Crassochaeta Réblová
Crivellia Shoemaker & Inderbitzin
Crossopsora Syd. & P. Syd.
Cryphonectria (Sacc.) Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Cryphonectriaceae Gryzenh. & M.J. Wingf.
Cryptadelphia Réblová & Seifert
Cryptohymenium Samuels & L.M. Kohn
Cryptophialoidea Kuthub. & Nawawi
Cryptostroma P.H. Greg. & S. Waller
Cryptovalsa Ces. & De Not. ex Fuckel
Cucurbitariaceae G. Winter
Culcitalna Meyers & R.T. Moore
Culicidospora R.H. Petersen
Cunninghamellaceae Naumov ex R.K. Benj.
Custingophora Stolk, Hennebert & Klopotek
Cyanotrama Ghobad-Nejhad & Y.C. Dai
Cyclaneusma DiCosmo, Peredo & Minter
Cylindrospora I.V. Issi & Voronin
Cylindrotrichum Bonord.
Cyniclomyces Van der Walt & D.B. Scott
Cyphellophora G.A. de Vries
Cystofilobasidiaceae K. Wells & Bandoni
Cystofilobasidiales Fell, Roeijmans & Boekhout
Cystofilobasidium Oberw. & Bandoni
Cytoplacosphaeria Petr.
Dactylosporaceae Bellem. & Hafellner
Dangeardiella Sacc. & P. Syd.
Davidiella Crous & U. Braun
Davidiellaceae C.L. Schoch, Spatafora, Crous & Shoemaker
Debaryomyces Lodder & Kreger ex Kreger
Deconica (W.G. Sm.) P. Karst.
Dematophora R. Hartig
Dendrocorticium M.J. Larsen & Gilb.
Dendrosporium Plakidas & Edgerton ex J.L. Crane
Dentocorticium (Parmasto) M.J. Larsen & Gilb.
Dermoloma J.E. Lange ex Herink
Descomyces Bougher & Castellano
Devriesia Seifert & N.L. Nick.
Diademaceae Shoemaker & C.E. Babc.
Diatrypella (Ces. & De Not.) De Not.
Dicephalospora Spooner
Dichocladosporium K. Schub., U. Braun & Crous
Dichotomophthora Mehrl. & Fitzp. ex P.N. Rao
Dictyochaetopsis Aramb. & Cabello
Digitopodium U. Braun, Heuchert & K. Schub.
Diheterospora Kamyschko ex G.L Barron & Onions
Dimerium (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Diplocladiella G. Arnaud ex M.B. Ellis
Diplosporium Link
Dischloridium B. Sutton
Discosporium Sacc. & P. Syd.
Dissoconium de Hoog, Oorschot & Hijwegen
Distocercospora N. Pons & B. Sutton
Diversisporales C. Walker & A. Schüssler
Doassansia Cornu
Doassansiaceae R.T. Moore ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Doassansiales R. Bauer & Oberw.
Doassansiopsidaceae Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw.
Doassansiopsis (Setch.) Dietel
Dolabra C. Booth & W.P. Ting
Dothideales Lindau
Dothideomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Dothideomycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers
Drechmeria W. Gams & H.-B. Jansson
Drepanoconis J. Schröt. & Henn.
Drepanospora Berk. & M.A. Curtis
Eballistra R. Bauer, Begerow, A. Nagler & Oberw.
Eccrinaceae L. Léger & Duboscq ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Eccrinales Léger & Dubosq
Echinodontiaceae Donk
Echinosphaeria A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf
Edmundmasonia Subram.
Elaphocordyceps G.H. Sung & Spatafora
Elaphomycetaceae Tul. & C. Tul. ex Paol.
Elsinoaceae Höhn. ex Sacc. & Trotter
Emmonsia Cif. & A.M. Corte
Endocalyx Berk. & Broome
Endochytriaceae Sparrow ex D.J.S. Barr
Endoconidiophora Münch
Endohormidium Auersw. & Rabenh.
Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz.
Endomycopsis Stell.-Dekk.
Endophragmia Duvernoy & Maire
Endophragmiella B. Sutton
Englerulaceae Henn.
Engyodontium de Hoog
Enterobryus Leidy
Enterocytozoon Desportes, Le Charpentier, Galian, Bernard, Cochand-Priollet, Lavergne, Ravisse & Modigliani
Enteromyces Lichtw.
Enthallopycnidium F. Stevens
Entorrhizaceae R. Bauer & Oberw.
Entorrhizomycetes Begerow, Stoll & R. Bauer
Entrophospora R.N. Ames & R.W. Schneid.
Entylomataceae R. Bauer & Oberw.
Entylomatales R. Bauer & Oberw.
Eremomycetaceae Malloch & Cain
Erratomyces M. Piepenbr. & R. Bauer
Erynia (Nowak. ex A. Batko) Remaud. & Hennebert
Euantennariaceae S. Hughes & Corlett ex S. Hughes
Eurotiales G.W. Martin ex Benny & Kimbr. 1980
Eurotiomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Exobasidiomycetes Begerow, Stoll & R. Bauer
Exochalara W. Gams & Hol.-Jech.
Falcatispora K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones
Fennellia B.J. Wiley & E.G. Simmons
Floromyces Vánky, M. Lutz & R. Bauer
Floromycetaceae M. Luz, R. Bauer & Vánky
Fluviostroma Samuels & E. Müll.
Fuscoderma (D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg.) P.M. Jørg. & D.J. Galloway
Fusichalara S. Hughes & Nag Raj
Fusicladosporium Partridge & Morgan-Jones
Gabarnaudia Samson & W. Gams
Gaeumannomyces Arx & D.L. Olivier
Galactomyces Redhead & Malloch
Gallaceaceae Locq. ex P.M. Kirk
Gamsylella M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner
Gasteroagaricoides D.A. Reid
Gastrolactarius R. Heim ex J.M. Vidal
Geastrales K. Hosaka & Castellano
Geniculosporium Chesters & Greenh.
Georgefischeriaceae R. Bauer, Begerow & Oberw.
Georgefischeriales R. Bauer, Begerow & Oberw.
Gibellula Cavara
Gigasporaceae J.B. Morton & Benny
Gjaerumia R. Bauer, M. Lutz & Oberw.
Gjaerumiaceae R. Bauer, M. Lutz & Oberw.
Gliocephalotrichum J.J. Ellis & Hesselt.
Glionectria Crous & C.L. Schoch
Gloeocercospora D.C. Bain & Edgerton ex Deighton
Gloeohypochnicium (Parmasto) Hjortstam
Gloeopeniophorella Rick
Gloeophyllum (P. Karst.) P. Karst.
Gloeotinia M. Wilson, Noble & E.G. Gray
Glomeromycetes Caval.-Sm.
Glomeromycota C. Walker & A. Schüssler
Glotzia M. Gauthier ex Manier & Lichtw.
Golovinomyces (U. Braun) V.P. Gelyuta
Gomphales Jülich
Gomphillaceae Walt. Watson ex Hafellner
Gonapodyaceae H.E. Petersen ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Goniopila Marvanová & Descals
Gonytrichum Nees & T. Nees
Graphiopsis Trail
Guilliermondella Nadson & Krassiln.
Gummiglobus Trappe, Castellano & Amar.
Gymnocintractia M. Piepenbr., Begerow & Oberw.
Gyrothyrium Arx
Haematonectria Samuels & Nirenberg
Haloguignardia Cribb & J.W. Cribb
Halophytophthora H.H. Ho & S.C. Jong
Halosarpheia Kohlm. & E. Kohlm.
Halosphaeriaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex Kohlm.
Halosphaeriopsis T.W. Johnson
Haptocillium W. Gams & Zare
Harpellaceae L. Léger & Duboscq
Helicobasidiaceae P.M. Kirk
Helicobasidiales R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Helicocephalidaceae Boedijn
Helicogermslita Lodha & D. Hawksw.
Helicoubisia Lunghini & Rambelli
Helminthosphaeria Fuckel
Helminthosphaeriaceae Samuels, Cand. & Magni
Hemicarpenteles A.K. Sarbhoy & Elphick
Hemigrapha (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. ex D. Hawksw.
Hericiaceae Donk
Heterochaetella (Bourdot) Bourdot & Galzin
Heterodoassansia Vánky
Heterogastridiaceae Oberw. & R. Bauer
Heterogastridiales Oberw. & R. Bauer
Heterosporium Klotzsch ex Cooke
Hilberina Huhndorf & A.N. Mill.
Hirsutella Pat.
Holmiella Petrini, Samuels & E. Müll.
Hormiokrypsis Bat. & Nascim.
Hormisciomyces Bat. & Nascim.
Hormodendrum Bonord.
Hyalopesotum H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr.
Hydrabasidium Park.-Rhodes ex J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
Hydrocybe (Fr. ex Rabenh.) Wünsche
Hygrophoropsis (J. Schröt.) Maire ex Martin-Sans
Hymenostilbe Petch
Hyphochytriaceae A. Fisch.
Hyphochytriales Bessey ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Hyphodermella J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
Hypochniciellum Hjortstam & Ryvarden
Hypocreomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Hysterangiales K. Hosaka & Castellano
Hysterobrevium E.W.A. Boehm & C.L. Schoch
Hysterostomina Theiss. & Syd.
Icmadophilaceae Triebel
Immersaria Rambold & Pietschm.
Immersiella A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf
Induratia Samuels, E. Müll. & Petrini
Infundibulomyces N. Plaingam, Somrithipol & E.B.G. Jones
Infundibura Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Inocyclus Theiss. & Syd.
Intextomyces J. Erikss. & Ryvarden
Intralichen D. Hawksw. & M.S. Cole
Iodosphaeria Samuels, E. Müll. & Petrini
Isaria Pers.
Jaculispora H.J. Huds. & Ingold
Jahnulales K.L. Pang, Abdel-Wahab, El-Shar., E.B.G. Jones & Sivichai
Jamesdicksonia Thirum., Pavgi & Payak
Jamesiella Lücking, Sérus. & Vězda
Junewangia W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones
Katumotoa Kaz. Tanaka & Y. Harada
Kazachstania exigua (Reess ex E.C. Hansen) Kurtzman
Kendrickomyces B. Sutton, V.G. Rao & Mhaskar
Kickxellales Kreisel ex R.K. Benj.
Kirramyces J. Walker, B. Sutton & Pascoe
Kirschsteiniothelia D. Hawksw.
Korunomyces Hodges & F.A. Ferreira
Kramasamuha Subram. & Vittal
Kriegeria Bres.
Kuehneromyces Singer & A.H. Sm.
Kulkarniella Gokhale & Patel
Kumanasamuha P. Rag. Rao & D. Rao
Kutilakesopsis Agnihothr. & G.C.S. Barua
Kylindria DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr.
Labyrintha Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss.
Labyrinthulaceae Cienk.
Labyrinthulales Bessey ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Lachnocladiaceae D.A. Reid
Laeticutis Audet
Lambertella Höhn.
Lanatonectria Samuels & Rossman
Lasiobelonium (Sacc.) Sacc. & P. Syd.
Lasiodiplodia Ellis & Everh.
Lasiosphaeriaceae Nannf.
Lasiostemma Theiss., Syd. & P. Syd.
Lasiostictis (Sacc. & Berl.) Sacc.
Lauderlindsaya J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Lecanicillium W. Gams & Zare
Lecanorales Nannf. 1932
Lecanoromycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Lecanoromycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers 2007
Leotiomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Lepiotula (Maire) Locq. ex E. Horak
Leptocorticium Hjortstam & Ryvarden
Leptopeltidaceae Höhn. ex Trotter
Leptosporella Penz. & Sacc.
Leptostromella (Sacc.) Sacc.
Le-Ratia Pat. ex Sacc. & Trotter
Leratiomyces Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder ex Bridge, Spooner, Beever & D.-C. Park
Leucocintractia M. Piepenbr., Begerow & Oberw.
Leuconectria Rossman, Samuels & Lowen
Leucosporidiaceae Jülich
Leucosporidiales J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & R. Bauer
Leucosporidium Fell, Statzell, I.L. Hunter & Phaff
Lichenodiplis Dyko & D. Hawksw.
Lichenomphalia Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys
Lichenotheliaceae Henssen
Lichinomycetes Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2004
Lidophia J. Walker & B. Sutton
Limacinula (Sacc. & D. Sacc.) Höhn.
Linocarpon Syd. & P. Syd.
Listerellaceae E. Jahn ex H. Neubert, Nowotny & K. Baumann 1993
Lithogyalideopsis Lücking, Sérus. & Vězda
Littispora J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer
Lizonia (Ces. & De Not.) De Not.
Lobothallia (Clauzade & Cl. Roux) Hafellner
Lomentospora Hennebert & B.G. Desai
Lopadostoma (Nitschke) Traverso
Macalpinomyces Langdon & Full.
Mackenziea Yanna & K.D. Hyde
Mackenziella Yanna & K.D. Hyde
Macrohyporia I. Johans. & Ryvarden
Macrophoma (Sacc.) Berl. & Voglino
Magnaporthaceae P.F. Cannon
Magnaporthe R.A. Krause & R.K. Webster
Magnisphaera J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer
Malasseziales R.T. Moore
Mammariopsis L.J. Hutchison & J. Reid
Massariosphaeria (E. Müll.) Crivelli
Matsusphaeria K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones
Megalosporaceae Vězda ex Hafellner & Bellem.
Megaspora (Clauzade & Cl. Roux) Hafellner & V. Wirth
Melampsoropsis (J. Schröt.) Arthur
Melanconiopsis Ellis & Everh.
Melaniella R. Bauer, Vánky, Begerow & Oberw.
Melaniellaceae R. Bauer, Vánky, Begerow & Oberw.
Melanochaeta E. Müll., Harr & Sulmont
Melanohalea O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Divakar, Essl., D. Hawksw. & Lumbsch
Melanomma Nitschke ex Fuckel
Melanops Nitschke ex Fuckel
Melanopsammella Höhn.
Melanosporales N. Zhang & M. Blackw.
Melanotaeniaceae Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw.
Melanotaenium de Bary
Melanustilospora Denchev
Meliniomyces Hambl. & Sigler
Meliolaceae G.W. Martin ex Hansf.
Meliolales Gäum. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Menisporopsis S. Hughes
Merulioporia Bondartsev & Singer
Metacapnodiaceae S. Hughes & Corlett
Metacordyceps G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora
Metschnikowiaceae T. Kamieński
Metulocladosporiella Crous, Schroers, J.Z. Groenew., U. Braun & K. Schub.
Microascaceae Luttr. ex Malloch
Microascales Luttr. ex Benny & R.K. Benj.
Microbotryales R. Bauer & Oberw.
Microbotryomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Microcyclus Sacc. ex Syd. & P. Syd.
Micropeltidaceae Clem. & Shear
Microsphaeropsis Sousa da Câmara, Oliveira & Luz
Microstromatales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
Microthyriales G. Arnaud
Microthyriella Höhn.
Mikronegeriaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats.
Minimelanolocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia
Moellerodiscus Henn.
Monilochaetes Halst. ex Harter
Monoblastiaceae Walt. Watson
Monoblepharidomycetes J.H. Schaffn.
Monochaetia (Sacc.) Allesch.
Mycenella (J.E. Lange) Singer
Mycocaliciomycetidae Tibell
Mycofalcella Marvanová, Om-K. Khattab & J. Webster
Mycophycias Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm.
Mycosyringaceae R. Bauer & Oberw.
Myelosperma Syd. & P. Syd.
Myelospermataceae K.D. Hyde & S.W. Wong
Myriangiales Starbäck
Myxocladium Corda
Myxophora Döbbeler & Poelt
Döbbeler & Poelt
Myxotrichaceae Locq. ex Currah
Naetrocymbaceae Höhn. ex R.C. Harris
Nannfeldtiomyces Vánky
Naohidemyces S. Sato, Katsuya & Y. Hirats.
Natantispora J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer
Nectricladiella Crous & C.L. Schoch
Nectriella Nitschke ex Fuckel
Neocallimastigaceae I.B. Heath
Neocallimastigales J.L. Li, I.B. Heath & L. Packer
Neocallimastigomycetes M.J. Powell
Neocallimastix Vavra & Joyon ex I.B. Heath
Neofusicoccum Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips
Neomassariosphaeria Yin. Zhang, J. Fourn. & K.D. Hyde
Neopeltella Petr.
Neoscytalidium Crous & Slippers
Neotyphodium Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin
Neozygitaceae Ben-Ze'ev, R.G. Kenneth & Uziel
Nephromataceae Wetmore ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Nereiospora E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss
Nigrolentilocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia
Nivatogastrium Singer & A.H. Sm.
Oberwinkleria Vánky & R. Bauer
Ocellaria (Tul. & C. Tul.) P. Karst.
Ochroconis de Hoog & Arx
Odontotremataceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood
Olpidiopsidaceae Sparrow ex Cejp
Olpidium (A. Braun) J. Schröt.
Oncopodiella G. Arnaud ex Rifai
Ondiniella E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss
Onygenales Cif. ex Benny & Kimbr.
Ophiocapnocoma Bat. & Cif.
Ophiocordyceps Petch
Ophiocordycipitaceae G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora
Ophiostomatales Benny & Kimbr.
Orbiliaceae Nannf.
Orbiliales Baral, O.E. Erikss., G. Marson & E. Weber
Orbiliomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Baral 2003
Orpinomyces D.J.S. Barr, H. Kudo, Jakober & K.J. Cheng
Ostropomycetidae Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux
Otthia Nitschke ex Fuckel
Pachybasidiella Bubák & Syd.
Pachypatella Theiss. & Syd.
Paepalopsis J.G. Kühn
Panorbis J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer
Papularia Fr.
Paraceratocladium R.F. Castañeda
Paraglomeraceae J.B. Morton & D. Redecker
Paraglomerales C. Walker & A. Schüssler
Paraglomus J.B. Morton & D. Redecker
Paramoebidium L. Léger & Duboscq
Parapleurotheciopsis P.M. Kirk
Paraporpidia Rambold & Pietschm.
Parasola Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple
Parmulariaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr
Parodiellaceae Theiss. & Syd. ex M.E. Barr
Parodiopsidaceae Toro
Patellariales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Peltigerales W. Watson 1929
Peniophoraceae Lotsy
Peridermium (Link) J.C. Schmidt & Kunze
Peristomialis (W. Phillips) Boud.
Peronoplasmopara (Berl.) G.P. Clinton
Persiciospora P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw.
Pertusariaceae Körb. ex Körb.
Pertusariales M. Choisy ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
Pestalozziella Sacc. & Ellis
Petersonia Cummins & Y. Hirats.
Petrakiopsis Subram. & K.R.C. Reddy
Peyronelina G. Arnaud ex P.J. Fisher, J. Webster & D.F. Kane
Pezizomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Phaeoacremonium W. Gams, Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Phaeoannellomyces McGinnis & Schell
Phaeoblastophora Partridge & Morgan-Jones
Phaeocandelabrum R.F. Castañeda, Gusmao, Guarro & Iturr.
Phaeocapnias Cif. & Bat.
Phaeochoraceae K.D. Hyde, P.F. Cannon & M.E. Barr
Phaeocrella Réblová, L. Mostert, W. Gams, Crous
Phaeogyroporus Singer
Phaeolepiota Maire ex Konrad & Maubl.
Phaeomycena R. Heim ex Singer & Digilio
Phaeosphaerella P. Karst.
Phaeosphaeriopsis M.P.S. Câmara, M.E. Palm & A.W. Ramaley
Phaeosporobolus D. Hawksw. & Hafellner
Phaeostalagmus W. Gams
Phaeotrametes Lloyd ex J.E. Wright
Phakopsoraceae Cummins & Hirats. f.
Phallales E. Fisch.
Phallomycetidae K. Hosaka, Castellano & Spatafora
Phanerodontia Hjortstam & Ryvarden
Phaneroites Hjortstasm & Ryvarden
Phialographium H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr.
Phialomyces P.C. Misra & P.H.B. Talbot
Phlebopus (R. Heim) Singer
Phlyctidaceae Poelt ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Phlyctis (Wallr.) Flot.
Phragmocephala E.W. Mason & S. Hughes
Phragmotaenium R. Bauer, Begerow, A. Nagler & Oberw.
Phyllachora Nitschke ex Fuckel
Phyllostictina Syd. & P. Syd.
Phymatopsis Tul. ex Trevis.
Piedraia Fonseca & Leão
Piedraiaceae Viégas ex Cif., Bat. & S. Camposa{2}
Pileolariaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats.
Piptocephalidaceae J. Schröt.
Piromyces J.J. Gold, I.B. Heath & Bauchop
Pistillaria Jeekel, Tuzet, Manier & Jolivet
Placoasterella Sacc. ex Theiss. & Syd.
Platismatia W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb.
Plectosphaerella Kleb.
Plectosphaerellaceae W. Gams, Summerb. & Zare
Plectosporium M.E. Palm, W. Gams & Nirenberg
Pleiochaeta (Sacc.) S. Hughes
Pleosphaeropsis Vain.
Pleospora Rabenh. ex Ces. & De Not.
Pleosporales Luttrell ex Barr 1983
Pleosporomycetidae C.L. Scoch, Spatafora, Crous & Shoemaker
Pleuroascus Massee & E.S. Salmon
Pleuropedium Marvanová & S.H. Iqbal
Pleurostomophora Vijaykr., L. Mostert, Jeewon, W. Gams, K.D. Hyde & Crous
Plicaturella Murrill
Plokamidomyces Bat., C.A.A. Costa & Cif.
Pneumocystidaceae O.E. Erikss.
Pneumocystidomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
Pneumocystis P. Delanoe & Delanoe
Podohydnangium G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young
Podosporiella Ellis & Everh.
Pollaccia E. Bald. & Cif.
Polycephalomyces Kobayasi
Polymeridium (Müll. Arg.) R.C. Harris
Polystomellaceae Theiss. & P. Syd.
Pontisma H.E. Petersen
Pontismataceae H.E. Petersen ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Porosphaerella E. Müll. & Samuels
Porosphaeria Samuels & E. Müll.
Proliferodiscus J.H. Haines & Dumont
Protomycocladus Schipper & Samson
Protoscyphaceae Kutorga & D. Hawksw.
Protosteliopsis L.S. Olive & Stoian.
Protostelium L.S. Olive & Stoian.
Protoventuria Berl. & Sacc.
Psathyra (Fr.) P. Kumm.
Psathyrella (Fr.) Quél.
Psathyrellaceae Vilgalys, Moncalvo & Rehead
Pseudaegerita J.L. Crane & Schokn.
Pseudallescheria Negr. & I. Fisch.
Pseudeurotiaceae Malloch & Cain
Pseudoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones
Pseudoamauroascus Cano, Solé & Guarro
Pseudoarmillariella (Singer) Singer
Pseudobotrytis Krzemien. & Badura
Pseudocamptoum Gonz. Frag. & Cif.
Pseudochaete T. Wagner & M. Fisch.
Pseudocladosporium U. Braun
Pseudoclathrosphaerina Voglmayr
Pseudocochliobolus Tsuda, Ueyama & Nishih.
Pseudodermatosorus Vánky
Pseudodiplodia (P. Karst.) Sacc.
Pseudodoassansia (Setch.) Vánky
Pseudohalonectria Minoura & T. Muroi
Pseudohansfordia G.R.W. Arnold
Pseudohendersonia Crous & M.E. Palm
Pseudohiatula (Singer) Singer
Pseudoinonotus T. Wagner & M. Fisch.
Pseudolagarobasidium J.C. Jang & T. Chen
Pseudoparodia Theiss. & Syd.
Pseudoperisporiaceae Toro
Pseudophacidium P. Karst.
Pseudoplagiostoma Cheewangkoon, M.J. Wingf. & Crous
Pseudosaccharomyces Briosi & Farneti
Pseudotremellodendron D.A. Reid
Pteroconium Sacc. ex Grove
Pucciniales Clem. & Shear
Pucciniastraceae Gäum. ex Leppik
Pucciniomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Pucciniomycotina R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Pucciniosiraceae Cummins & Y. Hirats.
Pucciniostele Tranzschel & Kom.
Pyrenulales Fink ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Quadrispora Bougher & Castellano
Rachicladosporium Crous, U. Braun & C.F. Hill
Ramichloridium Stahel ex de Hoog
Reddellomyces Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk
Regiocrella P. Chaverri & K.T. Hodge
Remersonia Samson & Seifert
Rhabdospora (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc.
Rhagadolobium Henn. & Lindau
Rhamphosporaceae R. Bauer & Oberw.
Rhexoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones
Rhinocladium Sacc. & Marchal
Rhizidiomyces Zopf
Rhizidiomycetaceae Karling ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. Charles
Rhizidiomycopsis Sparrow
Rhizochaete Gresl., Nakasone & Rajchenb.
Rhizogene Syd. & P. Syd.
Rhizopogonaceae Gäum. & C.W. Dodge
Rhizosphaera L. Mangin & Har.
Rhodotorula F.C. Harrison
Rhopographus Nitschke ex Fuckel
Rhynchosphaeria (Sacc.) Berl.
Rhynchosporium Heinsen ex A.B. Frank
Richoniella Costantin & L.M. Dufour
Rimaconus Huhndorf, F.A. Fernández, Joanne E. Taylor & K.D. Hyde
Roccellaceae Chevall.
Roesleriaceae Y.J. Yao & Spooner
Rosenscheldiella Theiss. & Syd.
Rostraureum Gryzenh. & M.J. Wingf.
Rotiferophthora G.L. Barron
Russulaceae Lotsy
Russulales Kreisel ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David
Rutola J.L. Crane & Schokn.
Rutstroemia P. Karst.
Rutstroemiaceae Holst-Jensen, L.M. Kohn & T. Schumach.
Saccardiaceae Höhn.
Saccharomyces Meyen ex E.C. Hansen
Saccharomycetaceae G. Winter
Saccharomycetes G. Winter 1880 [1884]
Saccharomycopsidaceae Arx & Van der Walt
Saccharomycopsis Schiønning
Saccharomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Satchmopsis B. Sutton & Hodges
Savoryella E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton
Scedosporium Sacc. ex Castell. & Chalm.
Schismatomma Flot. & Körb. ex A. Massal.
Schizochytrium S. Goldst. & Belsky
Schizoplasmodium L.S. Olive & Stoian.
Schizosaccharomycetes O.E. Erikss. 1994
Schizothyriaceae Höhn. ex Trotter, Sacc., D. Sacc. & Traverso
Schizothyrium Desm.
Sclerocrana Samuels & L.M. Kohn
Sclerogastraceae Locq. ex P.M. Kirk
Scleromitrula S. Imai
Sclerophthora Thirum., C.G. Shaw & Naras.
Scolecobasidium E.V. Abbott
Scopuloides (Massee) Höhn. & Litsch.
Scutellospora C. Walker & F.E. Sanders
Scutigeraceae Bondartsev & Singer ex Singer
Scyphospora L.A. Kantsch.
Scytinostromella Parmasto
Sebacinaceae K. Wells & Oberw.
Sebacinales M. Weiss, Selosse, Rexer, A. Urb. & Oberw.
Seifertia Partridge & Morgan-Jones
Selenosporella G. Arnaud ex MacGarvie
Semidelitschia Cain & Luck-Allen
Septobasidiales Couch ex Donk
Septocylindrium Bonord. ex Sacc.
Septoriopsis F. Stevens & Dalbey
Setosphaeria K.J. Leonard & Suggs
Seuratiaceae Vuill. ex M.E. Barr
Skyttea Sherwood, D. Hawksw. & Coppins
Solicorynespora R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr.
Sonderhenia H.J. Swart & J. Walker
Sordariaceae G. Winter
Sordariales Chadef. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Sordariomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Sordariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Spathulospora A.R. Caval. & T.W. Johnson
Spathulosporaceae Kohlm.
Spathulosporomycetidae Locq.
Spencermartinsia A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous
Spermosporina U. Braun
Sphaerodothella C.A. Pearce & K.D. Hyde
Sphaerodothis (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Shear
Sphaerognomonia Potebnia ex Höhn.
Sphaeronaemella P. Karst.
Sphaerosporella (Svrček) Svrček & Kubička
Sphaerosporium Schwein.
Sphaerostilbella (Henn.) Sacc. & D. Sacc.
Spizellomycetaceae D.J.S. Barr
Spogotteria Dyko & B. Sutton
Spondylocladiopsis M.B. Ellis
Spondylocladium Mart. ex Sacc.
Sporendocladia G. Arnaud ex Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr.
Sporidiobolaceae Kobayasi
Sporidiobolales J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & R. Bauer
Sporobolomyces Kluyver & C.B. Niel
Sporoschisma Berk. & Broome
Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. & Hennebert
Sporothrix Hektoen & C.F. Perkins
Stachylina L. Léger & M. Gauthier
Stanjehughesia Subram.
Stanjemonium W. Gams, O'Donnell, Schroers & M. Chr.
Staphylotrichum J.A. Mey. & Nicot
Stauronema (Sacc.) Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler
Stegocintractia M. Piepenbr., Begerow & Oberw.
Stemonaria Nann.-Bremek., R. Sharma & Y. Yamam.
Stemonitopsis (Nann.-Bremek.) Nann.-Bremek.
Stenocephalopsis Chamuris & C.J.K. Wang
Stenocephalum Chamuris & C.J.K. Wang
Stephanonectria Schroers & Samuels
Stephanosporaceae Oberw. & E. Horak
Stereaceae Pilát
Stigmatula (Sacc.) Syd. & P. Syd.
Stirtoniella D.J. Galloway, Hafellner & Elix
Streptomyces Waksman & Henrici
Streptomycetaceae Waksman & Henrici
Streptoverticillium Baldacci
Strigulaceae Zahlbr.
Submersisphaeria K.D. Hyde
Subramaniomyces Varghese & V.G. Rao
Syncephalastraceae Naumov ex R.K. Benj.
Syncephalastrum J. Schröt.
Syspastospora P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw.
Taeniella L. Léger & Duboscq
Taphrinomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Taphrinomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Teloschistales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Teracosphaeria Réblová & Seifert
Teratosphaeria Syd. & P. Syd.
Teratosphaeriaceae Crous & U. Braun
Terfezia (Tul. & C. Tul.) Tul. & C. Tul.
Tetranacrium H.J. Huds. & B. Sutton
Thamnostylum Arx & H.P. Upadhyay
Thelenellaceae H. Mayrhofer
Thielaviopsis Went
Thozetellopsis Agnihothr.
Thraustochytriaceae Sparrow ex Cejp
Thrombiaceae Poelt & Vězda ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
Thyridiaceae J.Z. Yue & O.E. Erikss.
Tilletiaceae J. Schröt.
Tilletiales Kreisel ex R. Bauer & Oberw.
Tilletiariaceae R.T. Moore
Togniniaceae Réblová, L. Mostert, W. Gams & Crous
Tolypocladium W. Gams
Tolyposporium Woronin ex J. Schröt.
Torrentispora K.D. Hyde, W.H. Ho, E.B.G. Jones, K.M. Tsui & S.W. Wong
Torrubia Lév.
Torrubiella Boud.
Tracya Syd. & P. Syd.
Trapeliopsis Hertel & Gotth. Schneid.
Tremellodendropsis (Corner) D.A. Crawford
Trichocomaceae E. Fisch.
Trichopeltheca Bat., C.A.A. Costa & Cif.
Trichosphaerella E. Bommer, M. Rousseau & Sacc.
Trichosphaeriaceae G. Winter
Trichosphaeriales M.E. Barr
Trichothallus F. Stevens
Trypetheliales Lücking, Aptroot & Sipman
Tumularia Descals & Marvanová
Udeniomyces Nakase & Takem.
Ulocoryphus Michaelides, L.J. Hunter & W.B. Kendr.
Umbelopsis Amos & H.L. Barnett
Umbilicariaceae Chevall.
Umbilicariales Lumbsch, Hestmark & Lutzoni 2007
Umbrinosphaeria Réblová
Uncinuliella R.Y. Zheng & G.Q. Chen
Urocystidaceae Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw.
Urocystidales R. Bauer & Oberw.
Urocystis Rabenh. ex Fuckel
Uropyxidaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats.
Ustilaginomycetes R. Bauer, Oberw. & Vánky 1997
Ustilaginomycotina R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw.
Ustilentylomataceae R. Bauer & Oberw.
Vanakripa Bhat, W.B. Kendr. & Nag Raj
Venturiaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr
Vermisporium H.J. Swart & M.An. Will.
Verpatinia Whetzel & Drayton
Verrucariaceae Zenker
Verrucariales Mattick ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss.
Vestergrenia (Sacc. & Syd.) Died.
Viennotia Göker, Voglmayr, Riethmüller, M. Weiss & Oberw.
Vizellaceae H.J. Swart
Volvigerum (E. Horak & M.M. Moser) R. Heim
Vouauxiomyces Dyko & D. Hawksw.
Wallemiales Zalar, de Hoog & Schroers
Wallemiomycetes Zalar, de Hoog & Schroers
Wallrothiella Sacc.
Wardomyces F.T. Brooks & Hansf.
Whalleya J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín
Wilsonomyces Adask., J.M. Ogawa & E.E. Butler
Wynnea Berk. & M.A. Curtis
Xanthomendoza S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt
Xanthopyreniaceae Zahlbr.
Xenogloea Syd. & P. Syd.
Xenokylindria DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr.
Xylariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka
Xylohypha (Fr.) E.W. Mason ex Deighton
Xylomyces Goos, R.D. Brooks & Lamore
Zanclospora S. Hughes & W.B. Kendr.
Zopfiaceae G. Arnaud ex D. Hawksw.
Zygophiala E.W. Mason
Zygosaccharomyces B.T.P. Barker
Cited scientific names
- Abortiporus Murrill 1904
- Abrothallus De Not. 1845
- Absidia Tiegh. 1876
- Abstoma G. Cunn. 1926 [1927]
- Acantharia Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Acanthocystis (Fayod) Kühner 1926
- Acanthofungus Sheng H. Wu, Boidin & C.Y. Chien 2000
- Acanthonitschkea Speg. 1908
- Acanthophysium (Pilát) G. Cunn. 1963
- Acanthorhynchus Shear 1907
- Acanthostigma De Not. 1864 [1863]
- Acanthostigmella Höhn. 1905
- Acarocybellina Subram. 1992
- Acaromyces Boekhout, Scorzetti, Gerson & Sztejnberg 2003
- Acarospora A Massal. 1852
- Acarosporaceae Zahlbr. 1906
- Acarosporales Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2007
- Acarosporina Sherwood 1977
- Acarosporomycetidae Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2004
- Acaulopage Drechsler 1935
- Acaulospora Gerd. & Trappe 1974
- Acaulosporaceae J.B. Morton & Benny 1990
- Acerbiella Sacc. 1905
- Acetabula (Fr.) Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Achlya Nees 1823
- Achorion Remak 1845
- Achorodothis Syd. 1926
- Achroomyces Bonord. 1851
- Acia P. Karst. 1879
- Ackermannia Pat. 1902
- Acladium Link 1809
- Acrasida
- Acremoniella Sacc. 1886
- Acremonium Link 1809
- Acrocalymma Alcorn & J.A.G. Irwin 1987
- Acroconidiella J.C. Lindq. & Alippi 1964
- Acroconidiellina M.B. Ellis 1971
- Acrocordia A. Massal. 1854
- Acrodictys M.B. Ellis 1961
- Acrodontiella U. Braun & Scheuer 1995
- Acrodontium de Hoog 1972
- Acrogenospora M.B. Ellis 1971
- Acrogenotheca Cif. & Bat. 1963
- Acrophialophora Edward 1961 [1959]
- Acrospeira Berk. & Broome 1857
- Acrospermaceae Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Acrospermales
- Acrospermum Tode 1790
- Acrosporium Bonord. 1851
- Acrostalagmus Corda 1838
- Acrotheca Fuckel 1860
- Acrothecium (Corda) Preuss 1851
- Actidium Fr. 1815
- Actinobacteria Stackebrandt et al. 1997
- Actinocladium Ehrenb. 1819
- Actinomyces Harz 1877
- Actinomycetaceae Buchanan 1918
- Actinomycetales Buchanan 1917
- Actinonema Pers. 1822
- Actinoscypha P. Karst. 1888
- Actinospora Ingold 1952
- Actinosporella Descals, Marvanová & J. Webster 1999 [1998]
- Actinostilbe Petch 1925
- Actinothyrium J.C. Schmidt & Kunze 1818
- Adelococcaceae Rambold 1993
- Adelopus Theiss. 1918 [1917]
- Aderkomyces Bat. 1961
- Adomia S. Schatz 1985
- Aecidium Pers. ex J.F. Gmel. 1792
- Aegerita Pers. 1794
- Aegeritina Jülich 1984
- Aeruginospora Höhn. 1908
- Aethalium Link 1809
- Agaricaceae Chevall. 1826
- Agaricales Underw. 1899
- Agaricomycetes Doweld 2001
- Agaricomycetidae Parmasto 1986
- Agaricomycotina Doweld 2001
- Agaricostilbaceae Oberw. & R. Bauer 1989
- Agaricostilbales Oberw. & R. Bauer 1989
- Agaricostilbomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Agaricostilbum J.E. Wright 1970
- Agaricus L. 1753
- Agonimia Zahlbr. 1909
- Agrocybe Fayod 1889
- Agrogaster D.A. Reid 1986
- Agyriaceae Corda 1838
- Agyriales Clem. & Shear 1931
- Agyriella Sacc. 1884
- Aithaloderma Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Ajellomycetaceae Unter., J.A. Scott & Sigler 2004
- Akanthomyces Lebert 1858
- Akrophyton Lebert 1858
- Alatospora Ingold 1942
- Albatrellaceae Nuss 1980
- Albatrellopsis Teixeira 1993
- Albatrellus Gray 1821
- Albertiniella Kirschst. 1936
- Alboffia Speg. 1899
- Alboleptonia Largent & R.G. Benedict 1970
- Albonectria Rossman & Samuels 1999
- Albotricha Raitv. 1970
- Albuginaceae J. Schröt. 1893
- Albuginales Thines 2005
- Albuginomycetidae Thines 2005
- Albugo (Pers.) Roussel 1806
- Aldona Racib. 1900
- Alectoria Ach. 1809
- Aleuria (Fr.) Gillet 1879
- Aleuria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Aleurina Massee 1898
- Aleurisma Link 1809
- Aleurobotrys Boidin 1986 [1985]
- Aleurocorticium P.A. Lemke
- Aleurocystidiellum P.A. Lemke 1964
- Aleurocystis Lloyd ex G. Cunn. 1956
- Aleurodiscus Rabenh. ex J. Schröt. 1888 [1889]
- Aliquandostipitaceae Inderb. 2001
- Allantophomopsis Petr. 1925
- Allantozythia Höhn. 1923
- Allescheria R. Hartig 1899
- Allescheria Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Allomyces E.J. Butler 1911
- Allophylaria (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1870
- Allosoma Syd. 1926
- Allothyrium Syd. 1939
- Alnicola Kühner 1926
- Alphitomorpha Wallr. 1819
- Alpova C.W. Dodge 1931
- Alternaria Nees 1816-17
- Alternariaster E.G. Simmons 2007
- Alutaceodontia (Parmasto) Hjorstam & Ryvarden 2002
- Alveolaria Lagerh. 1892
- Alysidium Kunze 1817
- Amandinea M. Choisy ex Scheid. & M. Mayrhofer 1993
- Amanita Pers. 1797
- Amanitaceae E.-J. Gilbert 1940 [1941]
- Amanitopsis Roze 1877 [1876]
- Amarenographium O.E. Erikss. 1982
- Amarenomyces O.E. Erikss. 1981
- Amarrendia Bougher & T. Lebel 2002
- Amaurochaete Rostaf. 1873
- Amauroderma (Pat.) Torrend 1920
- Amauroderma Murrill 1905
- Amaurodon J. Schröt. 1888 [1889]
- Amazonia Theiss. 1913
- Amblyosporium Fresen. 1863
- Ambrosiozyma Van der Walt 1972
- Ameghiniella Speg. 1888
- Amerodiscosiella M.L. Farr 1961
- Amethicium Hjortstam 1983
- Amniculicolaceae Yin. Zhang, C.L. Schoch, J. Fourn., Crous & K.D. Hyde 2009
- Amoebidiaceae J.L. Licht. ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Amoebidiales Léger & Dubosq 1929
- Amoebozoa Lühe 1913
- Amorphotheca Parbery 1969
- Amorphothecaceae Parbery 1969
- Ampelomyces Ces. ex Schltdl. 1852
- Amphichaeta McAlpine 1904
- Amphicytostroma Petr. 1921
- Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
- Amphinema P. Karst. 1892
- Amphisphaerella (Sacc.) Kirschst. 1934
- Amphisphaeria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Amphisphaeriaceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Amphorulopsis Petr. 1959
- Ampulloclitocybe Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys 2002
- Amyloathelia Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1979
- Amylocorticiaceae Jülich 1982
- Amylocorticium Pouzar 1959
- Amylocystis Bondartsev & Singer 1944
- Amylofungus Sheng H. Wu 1996 [1995]
- Amylolepiota Harmaja 2002
- Amylosporus Ryvarden 1973
- Amylostereaceae Boidin, Mugnier & Canales 1998
- Amylostereum Boidin 1958
- Anariste Syd.
- Anastrophella E. Horak & Desjardin 1994
- Ancylistaceae J. Schröt. 1893
- Androsaceus (Pers.) Pat. 1887
- Anellaria P. Karst. 1879
- Angatia Syd. & P. Syd. 1914
- Angiopoma Lév. 1841
- Angiopsora Mains 1934
- Anguillospora Ingold 1942
- Angulospora Sv. Nilsson 1962
- Anisomeridium (Müll. Arg.) M. Choisy 1928
- Anisomyces Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Anisostomula Höhn. 1919
- Anixiopsis E.C. Hansen 1897
- Ankistrocladium Perrott 1960
- Annellodochium Deighton 1969
- Annellophora S. Hughes 1952 [1951]
- Annellospermosporella P.R. Johnst. 1999
- Annulatascaceae S.W. Wong, K.D. Hyde & E.B.G. Jones 1998
- Annulatascus K.D. Hyde 1992
- Annulohypoxylon Y.M. Ju, J.D. Rogers & H.M. Hsieh 2005
- Annulusmagnus J. Campb. & Shearer 2004
- Anomoporia Pouzar 1966
- Anteaglonium Mugambi & Huhndorf 2009
- Antennaria Link 1809
- Antennatula Fr. ex F. Strauss 1850
- Antennularia Rchb. 1828
- Antennulariella Woron. 1915
- Antennulariellaceae Woron. 1925
- Antherospora R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Begerow, Piątek & Vánky 2008
- Anthina Fr. 1832
- Anthostoma Nitschke 1867
- Anthostomella Sacc. 1875
- Anthracobia Boud. 1885
- Anthracoidea Bref. 1895
- Anthracoideaceae Denchev 1997
- Anthracophyllum Ces. 1879
- Anthracostroma Petr. 1954
- Anthracothecium Hampe ex A. Massal. 1860
- Anthurus Kalchbr. & MacOwan 1880
- Antimanopsis Petr. 1948
- Antipodium Piroz. 1974
- Antrodia P. Karst. 1879
- Antrodiella Ryvarden & I. Johans. 1980
- Anungitea B. Sutton 1973
- Anungitopsis R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr. 1990
- Anzia Stizenb. 1861
- Aphanoascus Zukal 1890
- Aphanobasidium Jülich 1979
- Aphanocladium W. Gams 1971
- Aphanomyces de Bary 1860
- Aphanomycopsis Scherff. 1925
- Aphanopeltis Syd. 1927
- Aphanostigme Syd. 1926
- Aphelaria Corner 1950
- Aphelariaceae Corner 1970
- Apiocrea Syd. & P. Syd. 1921 [1920]
- Apiodiscus Petr. 1940
- Apiognomonia Höhn. 1917
- Apioporthe Höhn. 1917
- Apiosordaria Arx & W. Gams 1967
- Apiosphaeria Höhn. 1909
- Apiospora Sacc. 1875
- Apiosporaceae K.D. Hyde, J. Fröhl., Joanne E. Taylor & M.E. Barr 1998
- Apiosporina Höhn. 1910
- Apiosporina Petr. 1925
- Aplacodina Ruhland 1900
- Aplosporella Speg. 1880
- Apodospora Cain & J.H. Mirza 1970
- Apodothina Petr. 1970 [1969]
- Apogloeum Petr. 1954
- Apoharknessia Crous & S. Lee 2004
- Apomelasmia Grove 1937
- Aporpium Bondartsev & Singer 1944
- Aposphaeria Sacc. 1880
- Apostemidium P. Karst. 1871
- Apostemium (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1870
- Apostrasseria Nag Raj 1983
- Appendichordella R.G. Johnson, E.B.G. Jones & S.T. Moss 1987
- Appendiculella Höhn. 1919
- Apterivorax S. Keller 2005
- Aquamortierella Embree & Indoh 1967
- Arachnion Schwein. 1822
- Arachniotus J. Schröt.
- Arachnocladia S. Hammer
- Arachnocrea Z. Moravec 1956
- Arachnomyces Massee & E.S. Salmon 1902
- Arachnomycetaceae Sigler & Currah 2002
- Arachnomycetales Sigler & Currah 2002
- Arachnopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Arachnophora Hennebert 1963
- Arcangeliella Cavara 1900
- Archaeospora J.B. Morton & D. Redecker 2001
- Archaeosporaceae J.B. Morton & D. Redecker 2001
- Archaeosporales C. Walker & A. Schüssler 2001
- Arcticomyces Savile 1959
- Arctomiaceae Th. Fr. 1860
- Arcyria Hill ex F.H. Wigg. 1780
- Arcyriaceae Rostaf. ex Cooke 1877
- Ardhachandra Subram. & Sudha 1978
- Arenaea Penz. & Sacc.
- Arenariomyces Höhnk 1954
- Argopsis Th. Fr. 1857
- Aristastoma Tehon 1933
- Armillaria (Fr.) Staude 1857
- Armillariella (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1881
- Arnaudiella Petr. 1927
- Arnium Nitschke ex G. Winter 1873
- Arrhenia Fr. 1849
- Arrhytidia Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1849
- Arthonia Ach. 1806
- Arthoniaceae Rchb. 1841
- Arthoniales Henssen ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Arthoniomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Arthoniomycetidae
- Arthopyrenia A. Massal. 1852
- Arthopyreniaceae Walt. Watson 1929
- Arthothelium A. Massal. 1852
- Arthrinium Kunze 1817
- Arthrobotryella Sibilia 1928
- Arthrobotrys Corda 1839
- Arthrobotryum Ces. 1854
- Arthrocladiella Vassilkov 1960
- Arthroderma Curr. 1860
- Arthrodermataceae Locq. ex Currah 1985
- Arthrographis G. Cochet ex Sigler & J.W. Carmich. 1976
- Arthrorhaphidaceae Poelt & Hafellner 1976
- Arthrorhaphis Th. Fr. 1860
- Arthrosporium Sacc. 1880
- Articulospora Ingold 1942
- Artomyces Jülich 1982 [1981]
- Arxiella Papendorf 1967
- Arxiozyma Van der Walt & Yarrow 1984
- Asbolisia Speg. 1918
- Aschersonia Endl. 1842
- Aschersonia Mont. 1848
- Ascobolaceae Boud. ex Sacc. 1884
- Ascobolus Pers. 1791
- Ascocalyx Naumov 1926
- Ascochyta Lib. 1830
- Ascochytella Tassi 1902
- Ascochytula (Potebnia) Died. 1912
- Ascocodinaea Samuels, Cand. & Magni 1997
- Ascocoma H.J. Swart 1987
- Ascocoryne J.W. Groves & D.E. Wilson 1967
- Ascocratera Kohlm. 1987 [1986]
- Ascocybe D.E. Wells 1954
- Ascodesmidaceae J. Schröt. 1893 [1908]
- Ascodichaena Butin 1977
- Ascodichaenaceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood 1982
- Ascomyces Mont. & Desm. 1848
- Ascomycota Caval.-Sm. 1998
- Ascophanus Boud. 1869
- Ascosacculus J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer 2003
- Ascosalsum J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer 2003
- Ascosphaera L.S. Olive & Spiltoir 1955
- Ascosphaeraceae Olive & Spiltoir 1955
- Ascotremella Seaver 1930
- Ascozonus (Renny) E.C. Hansen 1876
- Aseroe Labill. 1800
- Aserophallus Lepr. & Mont. 1845
- Asordaria Arx, Guarro & Aa 1987
- Aspergillus Link 1809
- Asperisporium Maubl. 1913
- Asperopilum Spooner 1987
- Aspicilia A. Massal. 1852
- Aspidothea Syd. 1927
- Aspidotheliaceae Räsänen ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw.
- Aspidothelium Vain. 1890
- Asteridiella McAlpine 1897
- Asterina Lév. 1845
- Asterinaceae Hansf. 1946
- Asterinella Theiss. 1912
- Asterocalyx Höhn. 1912
- Asterodon Pat. 1894
- Asteroma DC. 1815
- Asteromassaria Höhn. 1917
- Asteromella Pass. & Thüm. 1880
- Asteromyces Moreau & F. Moreau ex Hennebert 1962
- Asteronaevia Petr. 1929
- Asterophlyctis H.E. Petersen 1903
- Asterophora Ditmar 1809
- Asteroscutula Petr. 1948
- Asterosporium Kunze 1819
- Asterostomella Speg. 1886
- Asterostomula Theiss. 1916
- Asterostroma Massee 1889
- Asterostromella Höhn. & Litsch. 1907
- Astraeus Morgan 1889
- Astrocystis Berk. & Broome 1873 [1875]
- Astrosphaeriella Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Astrosporina J. Schröt. 1889
- Atelocauda Arthur & Cummins 1933
- Athelia Pers. 1822
- Atheliaceae Jülich 1982
- Atheliales Jülich 1981
- Athelocystis Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2010
- Athelopsis Oberw. ex Parmasto 1968
- Atichia Flot. 1850
- Atkinsonella Diehl 1950
- Atractiellales Oberw. & Bandoni 1982
- Atractiellomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Atractilina Dearn. & Barthol. 1924
- Atractium Link 1809
- Atricordyceps Samuels 1983
- Auerswaldia Sacc. 1883
- Auerswaldiella Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Aulacostroma Syd. & P. Syd.
- Aulaxina Fée 1825
- Aulographaceae Luttr. ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Aulographina Arx & E. Müll. 1960
- Aulographum Lib. 1834
- Aurantiosporium M. Piepenbr., Vánky & Oberw. 1996
- Aurantiporus Murrill 1905
- Aureobasidium Viala & G. Boyer 1891
- Auricula Lloyd 1922
- Auricularia Bull. ex Juss. 1789
- Auriculariaceae Fr. 1838
- Auriculariales J. Schröt. 1887
- Auriculariopsis Maire 1902
- Aurificaria D.A. Reid 1963
- Auriscalpiaceae Maas Geest. 1963
- Auriscalpium Gray 1821
- Australicium Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2002
- Australohydnum Jülich 1978
- Australoporus P.K. Buchanan & Ryvarden 1988
- Australovuilleminia Ghobad-Nejhad & Hallenb. 2010
- Austrella P.M. Jørg. 2004
- Austrobasidium Palfner 2006
- Austroblastenia Sipman 1983
- Austroboletus (Corner) Wolfe 1980
- Austrogaster Singer 1962
- Austrogautieria E.L. Stewart & Trappe 1985
- Austropaxillus Bresinsky & Jarosch 1999
- Austropeltum Henssen, Döring & Kantvilas 1992
- Austropezia Spooner 1987
- Austrosmittium Lichtw. & M.C. Williams 1990
- Auxarthron G.F. Orr & Kuehn 1963
- Azosma Corda 1831
- Bacidia De Not. 1846
- Bacidina Vězda 1991
- Backusella Hesselt. & J.J. Ellis 1969
- Bacteria
- Bactridium Kunze 1817
- Bactrodesmiella M.B. Ellis 1959
- Bactrodesmium Cooke 1883
- Bactrosphaeria Penz. & Sacc. 1897
- Bactrospora A. Massal. 1852
- Badhamia Berk. 1853
- Badimiella Malcolm & Vězda 1994
- Baeomyces Pers. 1794
- Baeomycetaceae Dumort. 1829
- Baeomycetales Lumbsch, Huhndorf & Lutzoni 2007
- Baeospora Singer 1938
- Baeumleria Petr. & Syd. 1927
- Bagliettoa A. Massal. 1853
- Bagnisiopsis Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Bahupaathra Subram. & Lodha 1964
- Bahusutrabeeja Subram. & Bhat 1977
- Balansia Speg. 1885
- Balansiopsis Höhn. 1910
- Balladyna Racib. 1900
- Balladynella Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Banhegyia L. Zeller & Tóth 1960
- Bankera Coker & Beers ex Pouzar 1955
- Bankeraceae Donk 1961
- Bapalmuia Sérus. 1993
- Barlaea Sacc. 1889
- Barlaeina Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Barriopsis A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous 2008
- Bartalinia Tassi 1900
- Bartheletia G. Arnaud 1954 [1953]
- Bartheletia G. Arnaud ex Scheuer, R. Bauer, M. Lutz, Stabenth., Melnik & Grube 2008
- Bartheletiaceae R. Bauer, Scheuer, M. Lutz & Grube 2008
- Bartlettiella D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg. 1990
- Barya Fuckel 1864
- Basiascum Cavara 1888
- Basidiobolaceae Engl. & E. Gilg 1924
- Basidiobolales Cavalier-Smith 1998
- Basidiobolus Eidam 1886
- Basidiodendron Rick 1938
- Basidiomycota R.T. Moore 1980
- Basidiophora Roze & Cornu 1869
- Basidioradulum Nobles 1967
- Basifimbria Subram. & Lodha 1968
- Basipetospora G.T. Cole & W.B. Kendr. 1968
- Batrachochytrium Longcore, Pessier & D.K. Nichols 1999
- Battarrea Pers. 1801
- Bauerago Vánky 1999
- Bauhinus R.T. Moore 1992
- Beauveria Vuill. 1913 [1912]
- Beejadwaya Subram. 1978 [1977]
- Beelia F. Stevens & R.W. Ryan 1925
- Beenakia D.A. Reid 1956
- Bellemerea Hafellner & Cl. Roux 1984
- Belonia Körb. 1856
- Belonidium Durieu 1848
- Beloniella Rehm 1892
- Belonioscypha Rehm 1892
- Belonium Sacc. 1884
- Belonopsis (Sacc.) Rehm 1891 [1896]
- Beltrania Penz. 1882
- Beltraniella Subram. 1952
- Bensingtonia Ingold 1986
- Berggrenia Cooke 1879
- Berkelella (Sacc.) Sacc. 1891
- Berkleasmium Zobel 1854
- Berlesiella Sacc. 1888
- Bertia De Not. 1844
- Bertiaceae Smyk 1981
- Bertrandia R. Heim 1936
- Bettsia Skou 1972
- Beverwykella Tubaki 1975
- Biatora Fr. 1817
- Biatorella De Not. 1846
- Biatorellaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner & Casares 1992
- Biatoridium J. Lahm ex Körb. 1860
- Biatoropsis Räsänen 1934
- Biconiosporella Schaumann 1972
- Bifusella Höhn. 1917
- Biharia Thirum. & Mishra 1953
- Bilimbia De Not. 1846
- Bimeris Petr. 1949
- Bimuria D. Hawksw., Chea & Sheridan 1979
- Bionectria Speg. 1919
- Bionectriaceae Samuels & Rossman 1999
- Bioscypha Syd. 1927
- biotic
- Bipolaris Shoemaker 1959
- Biscogniauxia Kuntze 1891
- Bispora Corda 1837
- Bispora Fuckel 1870
- Bisporella Sacc. 1884
- Bitancourtia Thirum. & Jenkins 1953
- Bivallum P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Bjerkandera P. Karst. 1879
- Blakeslea Thaxt. 1914
- Blastocladiaceae H.E. Petersen 1909
- Blastocladiales Fitzp. 1930
- Blastocladiella V.D. Matthews 1937
- Blastocladiomycetes Doweld 2001
- Blastocladiomycota T.W. James 2007
- Blastodendrion (M. Ota) Cif. & Redaelli 1925
- Blastoderma B. Fisch. & Brebeck 1894
- Blastospora Dietel 1908
- Blastotrichum Corda 1838
- Blennoria Moug. & Fr. 1825
- Blitridium De Not. 1864 [1863]
- Bloxamia Berk. & Broome 1854
- Blumeria Golovin ex Speer 1975 [1973-74]
- Blumeriella Arx 1961
- Blyttiomyces A.F. Bartsch 1939
- Boedijnopeziza S. Ito & S. Imai 1937
- Boeremia Aveskamp, Gruyter & Verkley 2010
- Boerlagella Penz. & Sacc. 1897
- Boerlagiomyces Butzin 1977
- Boidinia Stalpers & Hjortstam 1982
- Bolbitiaceae Singer 1948 [1946]
- Bolbitius Fr. 1838
- Boletaceae Chevall. 1826
- Boletales E.-J. Gilbert 1931
- Boletellus Murrill 1909
- Boletinellaceae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Boletinus Kalchbr. 1867
- Boletopsis Fayod 1889
- Boletus L. 1753
- Boletus Tourn. ex Adans. 1763
- Boliniaceae Rick 1931
- Boliniales P.F. Cannon 2001
- Bombardia (Fr.) Fuckel ex P. Karst. 1873
- Bombardioidea C. Moreau ex N. Lundq. 1972
- Bommerella Marchal 1885
- Bondarzewia Singer 1940
- Bondarzewiaceae Kotl. & Pouzar 1957
- Bostrichonema Ces. 1867
- Bothrodiscus Shear 1907
- Botryobasidiaceae Jülich 1982
- Botryobasidium Donk 1931
- Botryobasidium Rick 1959
- Botryodiplodia (Sacc.) Sacc. 1884
- Botryohypochnus Donk 1931
- Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Botryosphaeriaceae Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Botryosphaeriales C.L. Schoch, Crous & Shoemaker 2006
- Botryosporium Corda 1831
- Botryotinia Whetzel 1945
- Botryotrichum Sacc. & Marchal 1885
- Botrytis P. Micheli ex Pers. 1794
- Bourdotia (Bres.) Bres. & Torrend 1913
- Bovista Pers. 1794
- Bovistella Morgan 1892
- Brachybasidiaceae Gäum. 1926
- Brachycladium Corda 1838
- Brachyconidiellopsis Decock, R.F. Castañeda & Adhikari 2004
- Brachydesmiella G. Arnaud ex S. Hughes 1961
- Brachysporiella Bat. 1952
- Brachysporiopsis Yanna, W.H. Ho & K.D. Hyde 2004
- Brachysporium (Sacc.) Sacc. 1886
- Brauniellula A.H. Sm. & Singer 1959
- Brefeldia Rostaf. 1873
- Bremia Regel 1843
- Brettanomyces N.H. Claussen ex Custers 1940
- Brevicellicium K.H. Larss. & Hjortstam 1978
- Brevilegnia Coker & Couch 1927
- Bricookea M.E. Barr 1982
- Brigantiaea Trevis. 1853
- Brigantiaeaceae Hafellner & Bellem. 1982 [1981]
- Broomeia Berk. 1844
- Broomeiaceae Zeller 1948
- Broomella Sacc. 1883
- Brunaudia (Sacc.) Kuntze
- Brunneosphaerella Crous 2009
- Brunnipila Baral 1985
- Bryochiton Döbbeler & Poelt 1978
- Bryoglossum Redhead 1977
- Bryomyces Döbbeler 1978
- Bryonectria Döbbeler 1998
- Bryonora Poelt 1983
- Bryorella Döbbeler 1978
- Bryoria Brodo & D. Hawksw. 1977
- Bryosphaeria Döbbeler 1978
- Bryostroma Döbbeler 1978
- Bubakia Arthur 1906
- Buellia De Not. 1846
- Buergenerula Syd. 1936
- Buglossoporus Kotl. & Pouzar 1966
- Bulbillomyces Jülich 1974
- Bulgaria Fr. 1822
- Bulgariaceae Fr. 1849
- Bulgariella P. Karst. 1885
- Bullatina Vězda & Poelt 1987
- Bullera Derx 1930
- Bulleromyces Boekhout & A. Fonseca 1991
- Bunodophoron A. Massal. 1861
- Burenellidae Jouvenaz & E.I. Hazard
- Burrillia Setch. 1891
- Byssochlamys Westling 1909
- Byssoloma Trevis. 1853
- Byssolophis Clem. 1931
- Byssomerulius Parmasto 1967
- Byssonectria P. Karst. 1881
- Byssosphaeria Cooke 1879
- Byssostilbe Petch 1912
- Byssothecium Fuckel 1861
- Byssus L. 1753
- Cacumisporium Preuss 1851
- Cadophora Lagerb. & Melin 1927
- Caecomyces J.J. Gold 1988
- Caeoma Link 1809
- Cainia Arx & E. Müll. 1955
- Cainiaceae J.C. Krug 1978
- Calbovista Morse ex M.T. Seidl 1995
- Calcarisporium Preuss 1851
- Caldariomyces Woron. 1926
- Caldesiella Sacc. 1877
- Calenia Müll. Arg.
- Caliciaceae Chevall. 1826
- Caliciopsis Peck 1880
- Calicium Pers. 1794
- Callistosporium Singer 1944
- Calloria Fr. 1836
- Callorina Korf 1971
- Calloriopsis Syd. & P. Syd.
- Calocera (Fr.) Fr. 1825
- Calocladia Lév. 1851
- Calocline Syd. 1939
- Calocybe Kühner ex Donk 1962
- Calodon Quél. ex P. Karst. 1881
- Calolepis Syd. 1925
- Calomyxa Nieuwl. 1916
- Calonectria De Not. 1867
- Calonema Morgan 1893
- Calopadia Vězda 1986
- Caloplaca Th. Fr. 1860
- Caloscypha Boud. 1885
- Caloscyphaceae Harmaja 2002
- Calosphaeria Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Calosphaeriaceae Munk 1957
- Calosphaeriales M.E. Barr 1983
- Calospora Sacc. 1883
- Calostilbe Sacc. & P. Syd. 1902
- Calostoma Desv. 1809
- Calostomataceae E. Fisch. 1900
- Calothyrium Theiss. 1912
- Calvatia Fr. 1849
- Calycella (Sacc.) Sacc. 1899
- Calycellina Höhn. 1918
- Calycidiaceae Elenkin 1929
- Calycidium Stirt. 1877
- Calycina (Nees) Gray 1821
- Calyculosphaeria Fitzp.
- Calyptella Quél. 1886
- Calyptospora J.G. Kühn 1869
- Camarographium Bubák 1916
- Camarophyllopsis Herink 1959 [1958]
- Camarophyllus (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Camarops P. Karst. 1873
- Camaropycnis E.K. Cash 1945
- Camarosporium Schulzer 1870
- Camarosporula Petr. 1954
- Camillea Fr. 1849
- Campanella Henn. 1895 [1897]
- Camposporium Harkn. 1884
- Campsotrichum Ehrenb. 1819
- Camptomeris Syd. 1927
- Camptoum Link 1824
- Campylomyces Nakasone 2004
- Campylospora Ranzoni 1953
- Canalisporium Nawawi & Kuthub. 1989
- Cancellidium Tubaki 1975
- Candelabrochaete Boidin 1970
- Candelabrum Beverw. 1951
- Candelaria A. Massal. 1852
- Candelariaceae Hakul. 1954
- Candelariales Miadl., Lutzoni & Lumbsch 2007
- Candelariella Müll. Arg. 1894
- Candelospora Rea & Hawley 1912
- Candida Berkhout 1923
- Canomaculina Elix & Hale 1987
- Canoparmelia Elix & Hale 1986
- Cantharellaceae J. Schröt. 1888 [1889]
- Cantharellales Gäum. 1926
- Cantharellula Singer 1936
- Cantharellus Adans. ex Fr. 1821
- Capillaria Pers. 1822
- Capitotricha (Raitv.) Baral 1985
- Capnobotrys S. Hughes 1970
- Capnocybe S. Hughes 1966
- Capnodiaceae Höhn. ex Theiss. 1916
- Capnodiales Woron. 1925
- Capnodiastrum Speg. 1886
- Capnodium Mont. 1849
- Capnofrasera S. Hughes 2003
- Capnokyma S. Hughes 1975
- Capnophialophora S. Hughes 1966
- Capnosporium S. Hughes 1976
- Caprettia Bat. & H. Maia 1965
- Capronia Sacc. 1883
- Carbonea (Hertel) Hertel 1983
- Carbosphaerella I. Schmidt 1969
- Cariomyces
- Carpoligna F.A. Fernández & Huhndorf 1999
- Casaresia Gonz. Frag. 1920
- Cashiella Petr. 1951
- Castanedomyces Cano, Pitarch & Guarro 2002
- Castoreum Cooke & Massee 1887
- Catabotryaceae Petr. ex M.E. Barr 1990
- Catabotrys Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Catacauma Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Catapyrenium Flot. 1850
- Catastoma Morgan 1892
- Catathelasma Lovejoy 1910
- Catenaria Sorokīn 1889
- Catenariaceae Couch 1945
- Catenochytridium Berdan 1939
- Catenomyces A.M. Hanson 1944
- Catenophlyctis Karling 1965
- Catenophoropsis Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1988
- Catenosynnema R. Kodsueb & McKenzie
- Catenularia Grove 1886
- Catenulopsora Mundk. 1943
- Catenuloxyphium Bat., Nascim. & Cif. 1963
- Catillaria A. Massal. 1852
- Catillariaceae Hafellner 1984
- Catinella Boud. 1907
- Cattanea Garov. 1875
- Cauloglossum Grev.
- Cavosteliaceae L.S. Olive 1965 [1964]
- Cavostelium L.S. Olive 1965 [1964]
- Celidium Tul. 1852
- Cellypha Donk 1959
- Cenangella Sacc. 1884
- Cenangium Fr. 1818
- Cenococcum Moug. & Fr. 1825
- Centrospora Neerg. 1942
- Cephaleuros Kunze 1832
- Cephaliophora Thaxt. 1903
- Cephaloascaceae L.R. Batra 1973
- Cephalosporiopsis Peyronel 1915
- Cephalosporium Corda 1839
- Cephalothecaceae Höhn. 1917
- Cephalothecium Corda 1838
- Cephalotrichum Link 1809
- Cepsiclava J. Walker 2004
- Ceracea Cragin 1885
- Ceraceomerulius (Parmasto) J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1973
- Ceraceomyces Jülich 1972
- Ceratiomyxa J. Schröt. 1889
- Ceratiomyxaceae J. Schröt. 1889
- Ceratium Alb. & Schwein. 1805
- Ceratobasidiaceae G.W. Martin 1948
- Ceratobasidium D.P. Rogers 1935
- Ceratocladium Corda 1839
- Ceratocoma Buriticá & J.F. Hennen 1991
- Ceratocystidaceae Locq. ex Réblová, W. Gams & Seifert 2011
- Ceratocystiopsis H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr. 1975
- Ceratocystis Ellis & Halst. 1890
- Ceratophorum Sacc. 1880
- Ceratosphaeria Niessl 1876
- Ceratosporella Höhn. 1923
- Ceratosporium Schwein. 1832 [1834]
- Ceratostoma Fr. 1818
- Ceratostomataceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Ceratostomella Sacc. 1878
- Cercidospora Körb. 1865
- Cercophora Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Cercoseptoria Petr. 1925
- Cercospora Fresen. 1863
- Cercospora Fuckel 1863
- Cercosporella Sacc. 1880
- Cercosporidium Earle 1901
- Cercosporina Speg. 1911
- Cercostigmina U. Braun 1993
- Cercozoa Caval.-Sm.
- Cerebella Ces. 1851
- Cerinomyces G.W. Martin 1949
- Ceriomyces Murrill 1909
- Cerion Massee 1901
- Cerioporus Quél. 1886
- Ceriospora Niessl 1876 [1875]
- Ceriosporopsis Linder 1944
- Ceriporia Donk 1933
- Ceriporiopsis Domański 1963
- Cerocorticium Henn. 1899 [1900]
- Cerotelium Arthur 1906
- Cerrena Gray 1821
- Cetraria Ach. 1803
- Cetrariella Kärnefelt & A. Thell 1993
- Cetrelia W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb. 1968
- Ceuthosira Petr. 1924
- Ceuthospora Grev. 1826 [1827]
- Chaconia Juel 1897
- Chaconiaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats. 1983
- Chadefaudia Feldm.-Maz. 1957
- Chaenotheca (Th. Fr.) Th. Fr. 1860
- Chaenothecopsis Vain. 1927
- Chaetasbolisia Speg. 1918
- Chaetendophragmia Matsush. 1971
- Chaetocalathus Singer 1943 [1942]
- Chaetochalara B. Sutton & Piroz. 1965
- Chaetoconis Clem. 1909
- Chaetocypha Corda 1829
- Chaetodiplodia P. Karst. 1884
- Chaetomella Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Chaetomiaceae G. Winter 1884 [1887]
- Chaetomidium (Zopf) Sacc. 1882
- Chaetomium Kunze 1817
- Chaetoplaca Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Chaetoporus P. Karst. 1890
- Chaetopsina Rambelli 1956
- Chaetopsis Grev. 1825
- Chaetosartorya Subram. 1972
- Chaetoscutula E. Müll. 1959 [1958]
- Chaetoscypha Syd. 1924
- Chaetoseptoria Tehon 1937
- Chaetospermum Sacc. 1892
- Chaetosphaerella E. Müll. & C. Booth 1972
- Chaetosphaerellaceae Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernádez 2004
- Chaetosphaeria Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Chaetosphaeriaceae Réblová, M.E. Barr & Samuels 1999
- Chaetosphaeriales Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernández 2004
- Chaetosphaeronema Moesz 1915
- Chaetosticta Petr. & Syd. 1925
- Chaetostigme Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Chaetothyriaceae Hansf. ex M.E. Barr 1979
- Chaetothyriales M.E. Barr 1987
- Chaetothyrina Theiss. 1913
- Chaetothyriomycetidae Doweld 2001
- Chaetothyrium Speg. 1888
- Chaetotrichum Syd. 1927
- Chalara (Corda) Rabenh. 1844
- Chalarodes McKenzie 1991
- Chalaropsis Peyronel 1916
- Chalastospora E.G. Simmons 2007
- Chalciporus Bataille 1908
- Chalcosphaeria Höhn. 1917
- Chamonixia Rolland 1899
- Cheilaria Lib. 1830
- Cheilymenia Boud. 1885
- Cheimonophyllum Singer 1955
- Cheiromycella Höhn. 1910
- Cheiromyces Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1857
- Cheiropodium Syd. & P. Syd. 1915
- Cheirospora Moug. & Fr. 1825
- Chiodecton Ach. 1814
- Chionomyces Deighton & Piroz. 1972
- Chionosphaeraceae Oberw. & Bandoni 1982
- Chitonia (Fr.) P. Karst. 1879
- Chlorencoelia J.R. Dixon 1975
- Chloridium Link 1809
- Chlorociboria Seaver ex C.S. Ramamurthi, Korf & L.R. Batra 1958 [1957]
- Chlorocyphella Speg. 1909
- Chlorophyceae
- Chlorophyllum Massee 1898
- Chlorophyllum Murrill 1910
- Chlorophyta
- Chloroscypha Seaver 1931
- Chlorosplenium Fr. 1849
- Chlorovibrissea L.M. Kohn 1989
- Chnoopsora Dietel 1906
- Choanephora Curr. 1873
- Choanephoraceae J. Schröt. 1894
- Choanozoa Caval.-Sm.
- Choiromyces Vittad. 1831
- Chondrioderma Rostaf.
- Chondrogaster Maire 1925 [1924]
- Chondropsis Nyl. 1863
- Chondrostereum Pouzar 1959
- Chorioactidaceae Pfister 2008
- Chromelosporium Corda 1833 [1837]
- Chromista
- Chromocleista Yaguchi & Udagawa 1993
- Chromocreopsis Seaver 1910
- Chromocyphella De Toni & Levi 1888
- Chromosporium Corda 1829
- Chroodiscus (Müll. Arg.) Müll. Arg. 1890
- Chroogomphus (Singer) O.K. Mill. 1964
- Chrysocelis Lagerh. & Dietel 1913
- Chrysomphalina Clémençon 1982
- Chrysomyxa Unger 1840
- Chrysonilia Arx 1981
- Chrysophlyctis Schilb. 1896
- Chrysopsora Lagerh. 1892
- Chrysosporium Corda 1833 [1837]
- Chrysothallus Velen. 1934
- Chrysothricaceae Zahlbr. 1905
- Chrysothrix Mont. 1852
- Chytridiaceae Nowak. 1878
- Chytridiales J. Schröt. 1892
- Chytridiomycetes Cejp 1957
- Chytridiomycota Arx 1967
- Chytridium A. Braun 1851
- Chytriomyces Karling 1945
- Ciboria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Ciboriella Seaver 1951
- Ciborinia Whetzel 1945
- Ciboriopsis Dennis 1962
- Cicinnobella Henn. 1904
- Cicinobolus Ehrenb. 1853
- Cienkowskia Rostaf. 1873
- Ciferrioxyphium Bat. & H. Maia 1963
- Ciliaria Quél. 1885
- Ciliochorella Syd. 1935
- Cintractia Cornu 1883
- Cionium Link 1809
- Cionothrix Arthur 1907
- Circinotrichum Nees 1817
- Cirrenalia Meyers & R.T. Moore 1960
- Cirrhomyces Höhn. 1903
- Cirrosporium S. Hughes 1980
- Cistella Quél. 1886
- Citromyces Wehmer 1893
- Cladia Nyl. 1870
- Cladobotryum Nees 1816-17
- Cladochytriaceae J. Schröt. 1892
- Cladochytrium Nowak. 1877
- Cladonia P. Browne 1756
- Cladoniaceae Zenker 1827-29
- Cladophialophora Borelli 1980
- Cladorrhinum Sacc. & Marchal 1885
- Cladosporium Link 1816 [1813]
- Cladotrichum Corda 1831
- Classicula R. Bauer, Begerow, Oberw. & Marvanová 2003
- Classiculaceae R. Bauer, Begerow, Oberw. & Marvanová 2003
- Classiculales R. Bauer, Begerow, Oberw. & Marvanová 2003
- Classiculomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss, & Oberw. 2003
- Clasterosporium Schwein. 1832 [1834]
- Clastoderma A. Blytt 1880
- Clastodermataceae Alexop. & T.E. Brooks 1971
- Clathrella E. Fisch. 1898
- Clathrosphaerina Beverw. 1951
- Clathrospora Rabenh. 1857
- Clathrosporium Nawawi & Kuthub. 1987
- Clathrus P. Micheli ex L. 1801
- Claudopus Gillet 1876
- Claussenomyces Kirschst. 1923
- Claustula K.M. Curtis 1926
- Claustulaceae G. Cunn. 1931
- Clauzadea Hafellner & Bellem. 1984
- Clauzadeana Cl. Roux 1984
- Clavaria L. 1753
- Clavariaceae Chevall. 1826
- Clavariadelphaceae Corner 1970
- Clavariadelphus Donk 1933
- Clavariopsis De Wild. 1895
- Clavariopsis Holterm. 1898
- Clavatospora Sv. Nilsson ex Marvanová & Sv. Nilsson 1971
- Claviceps Tul. 1853
- Clavicipitaceae O.E. Erikss. 1982
- Clavicorona Doty 1947
- Clavicybe Harmaja 2002
- Clavispora Rodr. Mir. 1979
- Clavogaster Henn. 1896
- Clavomphalia E. Horak 1987
- Clavulicium Boidin 1957
- Clavulina J. Schröt. 1888 [1889]
- Clavulinaceae Donk 1961
- Clavulinopsis Overeem 1923
- Clethridium (Sacc.) Sacc. 1895
- Climacocystis Kotl. & Pouzar 1958
- Climacodon P. Karst. 1881
- Cliostomum Fr. 1825
- Clithris (Fr.) P. Karst. 1870
- Clitocybe (Fr.) Staude 1857
- Clitocybula (Singer) Singer ex Métrod 1952
- Clitopilopsis Maire 1937
- Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Clonostachys Corda 1839
- Clypeococcum D. Hawksw. 1977
- Clypeopycnis Petr. 1925
- Clypeosphaeria Fuckel 1870
- Clypeosphaeriaceae G. Winter 1886
- Clypeostroma Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Clypeotrabutia Seaver & Chardón 1926
- Clypeum Massee 1896
- Coccocarpia Pers. 1827
- Coccocarpiaceae Henssen 1986
- Coccodiella Hara 1910
- Coccodiniaceae Höhn. ex O.E. Erikss. 1981
- Coccoideaceae Henn. ex Sacc. & D. Sacc. 1905
- Coccoidella Höhn. 1909
- Coccomyces De Not. 1847
- Cocconia Sacc. 1889
- Coccophacidium Rehm 1888
- Coccostroma Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Coccotrema Müll. Arg. 1889
- Coccotremataceae Henssen ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1991
- Cochliobolus Drechsler 1934
- Codinaea Maire 1937
- Coelomomyces Keilin 1921
- Coelomomycetaceae Couch ex Couch 1962
- Coelomycidium Debais. 1919
- Coemansia Tiegh. & G. Le Monn. 1873
- Coenogoniaceae
- Coenogonium Ehrenb. 1820
- Colensoniella Hafellner 1979
- Coleophoma Höhn. 1907
- Coleopuccinia Pat. 1889
- Coleosporiaceae Dietel 1900
- Coleosporium Lév. 1847
- Coleroa Rabenh. 1850
- Collaria Nann.-Bremek. 1967
- Collema F.H. Wigg. 1780
- Collemataceae Zenker 1827-29
- Collemopsidium Nyl. 1881
- Colletogloeopsis Crous & M.J. Wingf. 1997
- Colletogloeum Petr. 1953
- Colletosporium Link 1824
- Colletotrichum Corda 1831 [1837]
- Colloderma G. Lister 1910
- Collodiscula I. Hino & Katum. 1955
- Collopus Earle 1909
- Collybia (Fr.) Staude 1857
- Collybiopsis (J. Schröt.) Earle 1909
- Colpoma Wallr. 1833
- Coltricia Gray 1821
- Coltriciella Murrill 1904
- Columnocystis Pouzar 1959
- Columnodontia Jülich 1979
- Colus Cavalier & Séchier 1835
- Coma Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1972
- Comatricha Preuss 1851
- Comocephalum Syd. 1939
- Comoclathris Clem. 1909
- Complexipes C. Walker 1979
- Conchomyces Overeem 1927
- Conferticium Hallenb. 1980
- Conferva
- Conida A. Massal. 1856
- Conidiobolus Bref. 1884
- Conidiocarpus Woron. 1926
- Conidiosporomyces Vánky 1992
- Coniella Höhn. 1918
- Coniochaeta (Sacc.) Cooke 1887
- Coniochaetaceae Malloch & Cain 1971
- Coniochaetales Huhndorf, A.N. Mill. & F.A. Fernández 2004
- Coniocybaceae Rchb. 1837
- Coniocybe Ach. 1816
- Coniophora DC. 1815
- Coniophoraceae Ulbr. 1928
- Coniophorella P. Karst. 1889
- Coniosporium Link 1809
- Coniothecium Corda 1833 [1837]
- Coniothyrium Corda 1840
- Connopus R.H. Petersen 2010
- Conocybe Fayod 1889
- Conoideocrella D. Johnson, G.H. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora 2009
- Conoplea Pers. 1797
- Conotremopsis Vězda 1977
- Cookeina Kuntze 1891
- Cookellaceae Höhn. ex Sacc. & Trotter 1913
- Copelandia Bres. 1912
- Coprinellus P. Karst. 1879
- Coprinopsis P. Karst. 1881
- Coprinus Pers. 1797
- Coprobia Boud. 1885
- Coprotinia Whetzel 1944
- Coprotus Korf & Kimbr. 1967
- Coralloderma D.A. Reid 1965
- Coralloides Tourn. ex Maratti 1822
- Corallomyces Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1853
- Corallomyces Fr. 1849
- Corallomycetella Henn. 1904
- Cordana Preuss 1851
- Cordella Speg. 1886
- Cordierites Mont. 1840
- Cordyceps Fr. 1818
- Cordycipitaceae Kreisel ex G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora 2007
- Coremiella Bubák & Willi Krieg. 1912
- Coremium Link 1809
- Corethromyces Thaxt. 1892
- Corethropsis Corda 1839
- Coriolellus Murrill 1905
- Coriolopsis Murrill 1905
- Coriolus Quél. 1886
- Cornumyces M.W. Dick 2001
- Cornutispora Piroz. 1973
- Cornuvesica Viljoen, M.J. Wingf. & K. Jacobs 2000
- Cornuvia Rostaf. 1873
- Corollospora Werdem. 1922
- Coronellaria P. Karst. 1870
- Coronophora Fuckel 1864
- Coronophorales Nannf. 1932
- Coronospora M.B. Ellis 1971
- Corticiaceae Herter 1910
- Corticiales K.H. Larss. 2007
- Corticifraga D. Hawksw. & R. Sant. 1990
- Corticium Fr. 1835
- Corticium Pers. 1794
- Cortinariaceae R. Heim ex Pouzar 1983
- Cortinarius (Pers.) Gray 1821
- Cortinomyces Bougher & Castellano 1993
- Corymbomyces Appel & Strunk 1904
- Coryne (Nees) 1816-17
- Corynelia Ach. 1818
- Coryneliaceae Sacc. ex Berl. & Voglino 1886
- Coryneliales Seaver & Chardón 1926
- Coryneliospora Fitzp. 1942
- Corynella Boud. 1885
- Corynespora Güssow 1906
- Corynesporasca Sivan. 1996
- Corynesporascaceae Sivan. 1996
- Corynetes Hazsl. 1881
- Coryneum Nees 1816-17
- Corynites Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1853
- Cosmospora Rabenh. 1862
- Costantinella Matr. 1892
- Cotylidia P. Karst. 1881 [22]
- Crassochaeta Réblová 1999
- Craterellus Pers. 1825
- Craterium Trentep. 1797
- Creangium Petr. 1950
- Creolophus P. Karst. 1879
- Creosphaeria Theiss. 1910
- Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
- Cresponea Egea & Torrente 1993
- Cribraria Pers. 1794
- Cribrariaceae Corda 1838
- Crinipellis Pat. 1889
- Crinula Fr. 1821
- Cristella Pat. 1887
- Cristulariella Höhn. 1916
- Crivellia Shoemaker & Inderbitzin 2006
- Crocicreas Fr. 1849
- Crocysporium Corda 1837
- Cronartiaceae Dietel 1900
- Cronartium Fr. 1815
- Crossopsora Syd. & P. Syd. 1919 [1918]
- Crucellisporiopsis Nag Raj 1983
- Crucibulum Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Crucispora E. Horak 1971
- Crustoderma Parmasto 1968
- Crustodontia Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2005
- Crustomyces Jülich 1978
- Cryphonectria (Sacc.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. 1905
- Cryphonectriaceae Gryzenh. & M.J. Wingf. 2006
- Cryptadelphia Réblová & Seifert 2004
- Cryptobasidiaceae Malençon ex Donk 1956
- Cryptocline Petr. 1924
- Cryptococcus Vuill. 1901
- Cryptocoryneum Fuckel 1870
- Cryptodiaporthe Petr. 1921
- Cryptodiscus Corda 1838
- Cryptohymenium Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1987 [1986]
- Cryptolechia A. Massal. 1853
- Cryptomycella Höhn. 1925
- Cryptomyces Grev. 1825
- Cryptomycina Höhn. 1917
- Cryptophiale Piroz. 1968
- Cryptophialoidea Kuthub. & Nawawi 1987
- Cryptoporus (Peck) Shear 1902
- Cryptosphaerella Sacc. 1882
- Cryptosphaeria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Cryptospora Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Cryptosporella Sacc. 1877
- Cryptosporiopsis Bubák & Kabát 1912
- Cryptosporium Kunze 1817
- Cryptostictis Fuckel 1867
- Cryptostroma P.H. Greg. & S. Waller 1952 [1951]
- Cryptothecia Stirt. 1876
- Cryptovalsa Ces. & De Not. ex Fuckel 1870
- Ctenomyces Eidam 1880
- Cucujomyces Speg. 1917
- Cucurbidothis Petr. 1921
- Cucurbitaria Gray 1821
- Cucurbitariaceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Cudonia Fr. 1849
- Cudoniaceae P.F. Cannon 2001
- Cudoniella Sacc. 1889
- Culcitalna Meyers & R.T. Moore 1960
- Culicidospora R.H. Petersen 1960
- Cumminsiella Arthur 1933
- Cunninghamella Matr. 1903
- Cunninghamellaceae Naumov ex R.K. Benj. 1959
- Cunninghamia Curr. 1873
- Cunninghammyces Stalpers 1985
- Cuphocybe R. Heim 1951
- Curreya Sacc. 1883
- Curvularia Boedijn 1933
- Custingophora Stolk, Hennebert & Klopotek 1968
- Cyanotrama Ghobad-Nejhad & Y.C. Dai 2010
- Cyathicula De Not. 1864 [1863]
- Cyathus Haller 1768
- Cyclaneusma DiCosmo, Peredo & Minter 1983
- Cycloconium Castagne 1845
- Cyclomyces Kunze ex Fr. 1830
- Cycloschizon Henn. 1902
- Cyclostomella Pat. 1896
- Cyclotheca Theiss. 1914
- Cylichnium Wallr. 1833
- Cylindrium Bonord. 1851
- Cylindrobasidium Jülich 1974
- Cylindrocarpon Wollenw. 1913
- Cylindrochytridium Karling 1941
- Cylindrocladiella Boesew. 1982
- Cylindrocladiopsis J.M. Yen 1979
- Cylindrocladium Morgan 1892
- Cylindrocolla Bonord. 1851
- Cylindrodendrum Bonord. 1851
- Cylindrophora Bonord. 1851
- Cylindrospora I.V. Issi & Voronin 1986
- Cylindrosporella Höhn. 1916
- Cylindrosporidae I.V. Issi & Voronin
- Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
- Cylindrotrichum Bonord. 1851
- Cymadothea F.A. Wolf 1935
- Cymatoderma Jungh. 1840
- Cyniclomyces Van der Walt & D.B. Scott 1971
- Cyphelium Ach. 1815
- Cyphella Fr. 1822
- Cyphellaceae Lotsy 1907
- Cyphellophora G.A. de Vries 1962
- Cyphellopsis Donk 1931
- Cyphellostereum D.A. Reid 1965
- Cyphospilea Syd. 1926
- Cyptotrama Singer 1960
- Cystangium Singer & A.H. Sm. 1960
- Cystidiodontia Hjortstam 1983
- Cystoagaricus Singer 1947
- Cystocoleus Thwaites 1849
- Cystoderma Fayod 1889
- Cystodermella Harmaja 2002
- Cystofilobasidiaceae K. Wells & Bandoni 2000
- Cystofilobasidiales Fell, Roeijmans & Boekhout 1999
- Cystofilobasidium Oberw. & Bandoni 1983
- Cystolepiota Singer 1952 [1951]
- Cystopsora E.J. Butler 1910
- Cystopus Lév. 1847
- Cystostereaceae Jülich 1982
- Cystostereum Pouzar 1959
- Cytidia Quél. 1888
- Cytonaema Höhn.
- Cytoplacosphaeria Petr. 1920 [1919]
- Cytoplea Bizz. & Sacc. 1885
- Cytospora Ehrenb. 1818
- Cytosporella Sacc. 1884
- Cytosporina Sacc. 1884
- Cytostagonospora Bubák 1916
- Cyttaria Berk. 1842 [1845]
- Cyttariaceae Speg. 1888
- Cyttariales Luttr. ex Gamundí 1971
- Dacampiaceae Körb. 1855
- Dacampiosphaeria D. Hawksw.
- Dacrymyces Nees 1816-17
- Dacrymycetaceae J. Schröt. 1888 [1889]
- Dacrymycetales Henn. 1898
- Dacrymycetes Doweld 2001
- Dacryobolus Fr. 1849
- Dacryonaema Nannf. 1947
- Dacryopinax G.W. Martin 1948
- Dactylaria Sacc. 1880
- Dactylella Grove 1884
- Dactylellina M. Morelet 1968
- Dactylium Nees 1816-17
- Dactylomyces Sopp 1912
- Dactylospora Körb. 1855
- Dactylosporaceae Bellem. & Hafellner 1982
- Dactylosporium Harz 1872
- Daedalea Pers. 1801
- Daedaleopsis J. Schröt. 1888
- Daldinia Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Dangeardiella Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Darluca Castagne 1851
- Dasturella Mundk. & Khesw. 1943
- Dasyscypha Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Dasyscyphella Tranzschel 1898
- Dasyscyphus Gray 1821
- Datronia Donk 1966
- Davidiella Crous & U. Braun 2003
- Davidiellaceae C.L. Schoch, Spatafora, Crous & Shoemaker 2007
- Davisiella Petr. 1924
- Davisomycella Darker 1967
- Dawsicola Döbbeler 1981
- Dawsophila Döbbeler 1981
- Dearnessia Bubák 1916
- Debaryomyces Lodder & Kreger ex Kreger 1984
- Deconica (W.G. Sm.) P. Karst. 1879
- Deflexula Corner 1950
- Degelia Arv. & D.J. Galloway 1981
- Degeliella P.M. Jørg. 2004
- Deightoniella S. Hughes 1952
- Dekkera Van der Walt 1964
- Delicatula Fayod 1889
- Delisea Fée 1825
- Delitschia Auersw. 1866
- Delitschiaceae M.E. Barr 2000
- Delortia Pat. & Gaillard 1888
- Delpontia Penz. & Sacc. 1902
- Dematioscypha Svrček 1977
- Dematium Pers. 1801
- Dematophora R. Hartig 1883
- Dendriscocaulon Nyl. 1888
- Dendrochaete G. Cunn. 1965
- Dendrocorticium M.J. Larsen & Gilb. 1974
- Dendrodochium Bonord. 1851
- Dendrophoma Sacc. 1880
- Dendropolyporus (Pouzar) Jülich 1982
- Dendrospora Ingold 1943
- Dendrosporium Plakidas & Edgerton ex J.L. Crane 1972
- Dendrostilbella Höhn. 1905
- Dendrothele Höhn. & Litsch. 1907
- Dendryphiella Bubák & Ranoj. 1914
- Dendryphion Wallr. 1833
- Dendryphiopsis S. Hughes 1953
- Dennisiella Bat. & Cif. 1962
- Denticularia Deighton 1972
- Dentinum Gray 1821
- Dentipellis Donk 1962
- Dentocorticium (Parmasto) M.J. Larsen & Gilb. 1974
- Depazea Fr. 1818
- Dermatea Fr. 1849
- Dermateaceae Fr. 1849
- Dermatella P. Karst. 1871
- Dermatocarpon Eschw. 1824
- Dermatosorus Sawada ex L. Ling 1949
- Dermea Fr. 1825
- Dermocybe (Fr.) Wünsche 1877
- Dermoloma J.E. Lange ex Herink 1959 [1958]
- Descolea Singer 1950
- Descomyces Bougher & Castellano 1993
- Desmazierella Lib. 1829
- Desmococcus
- Desmopatella Höhn. 1924
- Desmotelium Syd. 1937
- Destuntzia Fogel & Trappe 1985
- Devriesia Seifert & N.L. Nick. 2004
- Dextrinocystidium Sheng H. Wu 1996 [1995]
- Diachea Fr. 1825
- Diacheopsis Meyl. 1930
- Diachorella Höhn. 1918
- Diademaceae Shoemaker & C.E. Babc. 1992
- Dialonectria (Sacc.) Cooke 1884
- Dianema Rex 1891
- Dianemataceae T. Macbr. 1899
- Diaphoromyces Thaxt. 1926
- Diapleella Munk 1953
- Diaporthaceae Höhn. ex Wehm. 1927 [1926]
- Diaporthales Nannf. 1932
- Diaporthe Nitschke 1870
- Diaporthella Petr. 1924
- Diaporthopsis Fabre 1883
- Diatrypaceae Nitschke 1869
- Diatrype Fr. 1849
- Diatrypella (Ces. & De Not.) De Not. 1863
- Dibaeis Clem. 1909
- Dibeloniella Nannf. 1932
- Dicaeoma Gray 1821
- Dicarpella Syd. & P. Syd. 1921
- Dicephalospora Spooner 1987
- Dichaena Fr. 1825
- Dichaenopsella Petr. 1952
- Dichocladosporium K. Schub., U. Braun & Crous 2007
- Dichomera Cooke 1878
- Dichomitus D.A. Reid 1965
- Dichostereum Pilát 1926
- Dichotomophthora Mehrl. & Fitzp. ex P.N. Rao 1966
- Dicladium Ces. 1852
- Dicoccum Corda 1829
- Dictydiaethaliaceae
- Dictydiaethalium Rostaf. 1873
- Dictydium Schrad. 1797
- Dictyoarthrinium S. Hughes 1952
- Dictyochaeta Speg. 1923
- Dictyochaetopsis Aramb. & Cabello 1990
- Dictyographa Müll. Arg. 1893
- Dictyolus Quél. 1886
- Dictyonema C. Agardh ex Kunth 1822
- Dictyopanus Pat. 1900
- Dictyophora Desv. 1809
- Dictyoporthe Petr. 1955
- Dictyosporium Corda 1836
- Dictyostelea
- Dictyosteliaceae Rostaf. ex Cooke 1877
- Dictyostelida
- Dictyostelium Bref. 1870 [1869]
- Dictyothyriella Speg. 1924
- Dictyotrichiella
- Dictyuchus Leitg. 1868
- Dicyma Boulanger 1897
- Diderma Pers. 1794
- Didymaria Corda 1842
- Didymascella Maire & Sacc. 1903
- Didymella Sacc. 1880
- Didymellina Höhn. 1918
- Didymiaceae Rostaf. ex Cooke 1877
- Didymium Schrad. 1797
- Didymobotryum Sacc. 1886
- Didymosphaerella Cooke 1889
- Didymosphaeria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Didymosphaeriaceae Munk 1953
- Didymosporina Höhn. 1916
- Didymosporium Nees 1816-17
- Diedickea Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Diehlia Petr. 1951
- Diehliomyces Gilkey 1955 [1954]
- Digitatispora Doguet 1962
- Digitodesmium P.M. Kirk 1981
- Digitopodium U. Braun, Heuchert & K. Schub. 2005
- Digitothyrea P.P. Moreno & Egea 1992
- Diheterospora Kamyschko ex G.L Barron & Onions 1966
- Dilophia Sacc. 1883
- Dilophospora Desm. 1840
- Dimerella Trevis. 1880
- Dimeriella Speg. 1908
- Dimerina Theiss. 1912
- Dimerium (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. 1904
- Dimerosporium Fuckel 1870
- Dimorphospora Tubaki 1958
- Dimorphotricha Spooner 1987
- Dinemasporium Lév. 1846
- Dingleya Trappe 1979
- Diorchidium Kalchbr. 1882
- Dioszegia Zsolt 1957
- Diphtherium Ehrenb. 1818
- Diphymyces I.I. Tav. 1985
- Diplocarpon F.A. Wolf 1912
- Diploceras (Sacc.) Died. 1915
- Diplochora Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Diplochorella Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Diplocladiella G. Arnaud ex M.B. Ellis 1976
- Diplocladium Bonord. 1851
- Diplococcium Grove 1885
- Diplocystidiaceae Kreisel 1974
- Diploderma Link 1816 [1813]
- Diplodia Fr. 1834
- Diplodina Westend. 1857
- Diploicia A. Massal. 1852
- Diplomitoporus Domański 1970
- Diplonaevia Sacc. 1889
- Diplophlyctis J. Schröt. 1892
- Diploplenodomopsis Petr. 1923
- Diplorhinotrichum Höhn. 1902
- Diplorhynchus G. Arnaud 1952
- Diploschistes Norman 1853
- Diplosporium Link 1824
- Diplosporonema Höhn. 1917
- Diplotheca (Zahlbr.) Räsänen 1943
- Diplotomma Flot. 1849
- Diplozythia Bubák 1904
- Dipodascaceae Engl. & E. Gilg 1924
- Dipodascus Lagerh. 1892
- Dirina Fr. 1825
- Dirinaria (Tuck.) Clem. 1909
- Disaeta Bonar 1928
- Discella Berk. & Broome 1850
- Dischloridium B. Sutton 1977 [1976]
- Discina (Fr.) Fr. 1849
- Discina Bonord. 1851
- Discinaceae Benedix 1961
- Discinella Boud. 1885
- Disciseda Czern. 1845
- Discochora Höhn. 1918
- Discocurtisia Nannf. 1983
- Discogloeum Petr. 1923
- Discohainesia Nannf. 1932
- Discosia Lib. 1837
- Discosiella Syd. & P. Syd. 1912
- Discosphaerina Höhn. 1917
- Discosporiella Petr. 1923
- Discosporium Sacc. & P. Syd. 1902
- Discostroma Clem. 1909
- Discostromopsis H.J. Swart 1979
- Discula Sacc. 1884
- Disculina Höhn. 1916
- Disporotrichum Stalpers 1984
- Dissoconium de Hoog, Oorschot & Hijwegen 1983
- Distocercospora N. Pons & B. Sutton 1988
- Ditiola Fr. 1822
- Ditopella De Not. 1863
- Diversisporales C. Walker & A. Schüssler 2004
- Doassansia Cornu 1883
- Doassansiaceae R.T. Moore ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Doassansiales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Doassansiopsidaceae Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw. 1998
- Doassansiopsis (Setch.) Dietel 1897
- Dokmaia I. Promputtha 2003
- Dolabra C. Booth & W.P. Ting 1964
- Dontuzia L.D. Gómez 1973
- Doratomyces Corda 1829
- Dothichiza Lib. ex Roum. 1880
- Dothichloe G.F. Atk. 1894
- Dothidasteromella Höhn. 1909
- Dothidea Fr. 1818
- Dothideaceae Chevall. 1826
- Dothideales Lindau 1897
- Dothidella Speg. 1880
- Dothideomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Dothideomycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers
- Dothidina Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Dothidotthiaceae
- Dothiopeltis E. Müll. 1957
- Dothiora
- Dothioraceae Theiss. & Syd. 1918 [1917]
- Dothiorella Sacc. 1880
- Dothiorina Höhn.
- Dothistroma Hulbary 1941
- Dothithyrella Höhn. 1918
- Drechmeria W. Gams & H.-B. Jansson 1985
- Drechslera S. Ito 1930
- Drechslerella Subram. 1964 [1963]
- Drepanoconis J. Schröt. & Henn. 1896
- Drepanopeziza (Kleb.) Jaap 1914
- Drepanospora Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1875
- Ductifera Lloyd 1917
- Duddingtonia R.C. Cooke 1969
- Dumontinia L.M. Kohn 1979
- Duplicaria Fuckel 1870
- Duportella Pat. 1915
- Durandiella Seaver 1932
- Durella Tul. & C. Tul. 1865
- Durogaster Lloyd
- Dwayaangam Subram. 1978
- Dwayabeeja Subram. 1958
- Dysrhynchis Clem. 1909
- Eballistra R. Bauer, Begerow, A. Nagler & Oberw. 2001
- Eballistraceae
- Eccilia (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Eccrinaceae L. Léger & Duboscq ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Eccrinales Léger & Dubosq 1929
- Echidnodella Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Echidnodes Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Echinochaete D.A. Reid 1963
- Echinodontiaceae Donk 1961
- Echinodontium Ellis & Everh. 1900
- Echinosphaeria A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf 2004
- Echinosteliaceae Rostaf. ex Cooke 1877
- Echinostelida
- Echinostelium de Bary 1873
- Ectolechiaceae Zahlbr. 1905
- Ectostroma Fr. 1823
- Edmundmasonia Subram. 1958
- Eichleriella Bres. 1903
- Eidamia Lindau 1904
- Elaphocordyceps G.H. Sung & Spatafora 2007
- Elaphomyces Nees 1820
- Elaphomycetaceae Tul. & C. Tul. ex Paol. 1889
- Elasmomyces Cavara 1898
- Elateromyces Bubák 1912
- Elfvingia P. Karst. 1889
- Elletevera Deighton 1969
- Ellisembia Subram. 1992
- Ellisiella Bat. 1956
- Ellisiodothis Theiss. 1914
- Ellisiopsis Bat. 1956
- Elmerina Bres. 1912
- Elsinoaceae Höhn. ex Sacc. & Trotter 1913
- Elsinoe Racib. 1900
- Elytroderma Darker 1932
- Emarcea Duong, Jeewon & K.D. Hyde
- Embellisia E.G. Simmons 1971
- Embolus Haller 1768
- Emericella Berk. 1857
- Emmonsia Cif. & A.M. Corte 1959
- Empusa Cohn 1855
- Encephalographa A. Massal. 1854
- Enchnoa Fr. 1849
- Encoelia (Fr.) P. Karst. 1871
- Encoeliopsis Nannf. 1932
- Endocalyx Berk. & Broome 1876 [1877]
- Endocarpon Hedw. 1789
- Endochytriaceae Sparrow ex D.J.S. Barr 1980
- Endochytrium Sparrow 1933
- Endococcus Nyl. 1855
- Endoconidiophora Münch 1907
- Endoconidium Prill. & Delacr. 1891
- Endocronartium Y. Hirats. 1969
- Endodothella Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Endogonaceae Paol. 1889
- Endogonales Moreau ex R.K. Benj. 1979
- Endogone Link 1809
- Endohormidium Auersw. & Rabenh. 1869
- Endomeliola S. Hughes & Piroz. 1994
- Endomyces Reess 1870
- Endomycetaceae J. Schröt. 1893 [1908]
- Endomycopsis Stell.-Dekk. 1931
- Endomyxa
- Endophragmia Duvernoy & Maire 1920
- Endophragmiella B. Sutton 1973
- Endophyllum Lév. 1825
- Endoptychum Czern. 1845
- Endoraecium Hodges & D.E. Gardner 1984
- Endoscypha Syd. 1924
- Endosporisorium Vánky 1995
- Endothia Fr. 1849
- Endothiella Sacc.
- Endoxyla Fuckel 1871 [1871-72]
- Enerthenema Bowman 1830
- Englerula Henn. 1904
- Englerulaceae Henn. 1904
- Englerulella Hansf. 1946
- Engyodontium de Hoog 1978
- Enteridium Ehrenb. 1819
- Enterobryus Leidy 1850
- Enterocytozoon Desportes, Le Charpentier, Galian, Bernard, Cochand-Priollet, Lavergne, Ravisse & Modigliani 1985
- Enterocytozoonidae A. Cali & H.M. Owen
- Enterographa Fée 1825
- Enteromyces Lichtw. 1961
- Enthallopycnidium F. Stevens 1925
- Entodesmium Riess 1854
- Entoleuca Syd. 1922
- Entoloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Entolomataceae Kotl. & Pouzar 1972
- Entomophthora Fresen. 1856
- Entomophthora Krenner 1961
- Entomophthoraceae Nowak. 1877
- Entomophthorales G. Winter 1880
- Entomophthoromycotina G. Winter 1880
- Entomosporium Lév. 1857 [1856]
- Entophlyctis A. Fisch. 1891
- Entorrhiza C.A. Weber 1884
- Entorrhizaceae R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Entorrhizales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Entorrhizomycetes Begerow, Stoll & R. Bauer 2007
- Entorrhizomycetidae
- Entrophospora R.N. Ames & R.W. Schneid. 1979
- Entyloma de Bary 1874
- Entylomataceae R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Entylomatales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Entylomella Höhn. 1924
- Eocronartiaceae
- Eocronartium G.F. Atk. 1902
- Ephebe Fr. 1825
- Ephelina Sacc. 1889
- Ephelis Fr. 1849
- Epibryon Döbbeler 1978
- Epichloe (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1865
- Epicoccum Link 1816 [1813]
- Epicymatia Fuckel 1870
- Epidermophyton Sabour. 1907
- Epiglia Boud. 1885
- Epigloea Zukal 1889
- Epigloeaceae Zahlbr. 1903
- Epipolaeum Theiss. & Syd. 1918
- Episphaerella Petr. 1924
- Epithele (Pat.) Pat. 1900
- Epithelopsis Jülich 1976
- Erastia Niemelä & Kinnunen 2005
- Eremomycetaceae Malloch & Cain 1971
- Erikssonopsis M. Morelet 1971
- Erinella Sacc. 1889
- Erineum Pers.
- Eriocaulago Vánky 2005
- Eriocercospora Deighton 1969
- Erioderma Fée 1825
- Eriomoeszia Vánky 2005
- Eriomycopsis Speg. 1910
- Erionema Penz. 1898
- Eriopezia (Sacc.) Rehm 1892 [1896]
- Eriosphaeria Sacc. 1875
- Eriosporium Vánky 2005
- Erratomyces M. Piepenbr. & R. Bauer 1997
- Eruptio M.E. Barr 1996
- Erynia (Nowak. ex A. Batko) Remaud. & Hennebert 1980
- Erysibe Theophr. ex Wallr. 1833
- Erysiphaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1861
- Erysiphales Gwynne-Vaughan 1922
- Erysiphe R. Hedw. ex DC. 1805
- Erythricium J. Erikss. & Hjortstam 1970
- Erythrogloeum Petr. 1953
- Euantennaria Speg. 1918
- Euantennariaceae S. Hughes & Corlett ex S. Hughes 1972
- Eudarluca Speg. 1908
- Eudimeriolum Speg. 1912
- Eumela Syd. 1925
- Euopsis Nyl. 1875
- Eupenicillium F. Ludw. 1892
- Eurotiales G.W. Martin ex Benny & Kimbr. 1980
- Eurotiomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Eurotiomycetidae Doweld 2001
- Eurotium Link 1809
- Eustegia Fr. 1823
- Eutorulopsis Cif. 1925
- Eutryblidiella (Rehm) Höhn. 1959
- Eutypa Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Eutypella (Nitschke) Sacc. 1875
- Everhartia Sacc. & Ellis 1882
- Everniastrum Hale ex Sipman 1986
- Excipula Fr. 1823
- Excipulina Sacc. 1884
- Exidia Fr. 1822
- Exidiopsis (Bref.) Möller 1895
- Exoascus Fuckel 1860
- Exobasidiaceae J. Schröt. 1888 [1889]
- Exobasidiales Henn. 1898
- Exobasidiomycetes Begerow, Stoll & R. Bauer
- Exobasidiomycetidae
- Exobasidium Woronin 1867
- Exochalara W. Gams & Hol.-Jech. 1976
- Exophiala J.W. Carmich. 1966
- Exosporium Link 1809
- Exserohilum K.J. Leonard & Suggs 1974
- Exserticlava S. Hughes 1978
- Fabraea Sacc. 1881
- Fairmaniella Petr. & Syd. 1927
- Falcatispora K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones 2003
- Famintzinia Hazsl. 1877
- Farinaria Sowerby 1800-03
- Farlowiella Sacc. 1891
- Farrowia D. Hawksw. 1975
- Farysia Racib. 1909
- Farysporium Vánky 1999
- Fasciatispora K.D. Hyde 1991
- Favolaschia (Pat.) Pat. 1892
- Favolus P. Beauv. 1803
- Fayodia Kühner 1930
- Fellhanera Vězda 1986
- Feltgeniomyces Dieder. 1990
- Femsjonia Fr. 1849
- Fenestella Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Fenestellaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Fennellia B.J. Wiley & E.G. Simmons 1973
- Ferrarisia Sacc. 1919 [1917]
- Fibulomyces Jülich
- Fibuloporia Bondartsev & Singer 1944
- Filobasidiella Kwon-Chung 1976
- Filoboletus Henn. 1899 [1900]
- Fimaria Velen.
- Fimetariella N. Lundq. 1964
- Fissurina Fée 1824
- Fistulina Bull. 1791
- Fistulinella Henn. 1901
- Flabellophora G. Cunn. 1965
- Flabellospora Alas. 1968
- Flagelloscypha Donk 1951 [1949]
- Flagellospora Ingold 1942
- Flammula (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Flammulaster Earle 1909
- Flammulina P. Karst. 1891
- Flaviporus Murrill 1905
- Flavodon Ryvarden 1973
- Flavoparmelia Hale 1986
- Fleischeria Penz. & Sacc. 1902
- Floromyces Vánky, M. Lutz & R. Bauer 2008
- Floromycetaceae M. Luz, R. Bauer & Vánky 2008
- Flosculomyces B. Sutton 1978
- Fluviostroma Samuels & E. Müll. 1980
- Fomes (Fr.) Fr. 1849
- Fomitiporella Murrill 1907
- Fomitiporia Murrill 1907
- Fomitopsidaceae Jülich 1982
- Fomitopsis P. Karst. 1881
- Fonsecaea Negroni 1936
- Fontanospora Dyko 1978
- Fracchiaea Sacc. 1873
- Frankiella Maire & A. Tison 1909
- Frommea Arthur 1917
- Frommeella Cummins & Y. Hirats. 1983
- Frutidella Kalb 1994
- Fulgensia A. Massal & De Not. 1853
- Fuligo Haller 1768
- Fulvia Cif. 1954
- Fulvifomes Murrill 1914
- Fumago Pers. 1822
- Funalia Pat. 1900
- Fungi Whittaker 1959
- Fusamen (Sacc.) P. Karst. 1890
- Fusariella Sacc. 1884
- Fusarium Link 1809
- Fuscidea V. Wirth & Vězda 1972
- Fuscideaceae Hafellner 1984
- Fuscoderma (D.J. Galloway & P.M. Jørg.) P.M. Jørg. & D.J. Galloway 1989
- Fuscopannaria P.M. Jørg. 1994
- Fuscoporia Murrill 1907
- Fusichalara S. Hughes & Nag Raj 1973
- Fusicladiella Höhn. 1919
- Fusicladium Bonord. 1851
- Fusicladosporium Partridge & Morgan-Jones 2003
- Fusicoccum Corda 1829
- Fusidium Link 1809
- Fusisporella Speg. 1910
- Fusisporium Link 1809
- Fusoma Corda 1837
- Gabarnaudia Samson & W. Gams 1974
- Gaeumannomyces Arx & D.L. Olivier 1952
- Gaillardiella Pat. 1895
- Galactinia (Cooke) Boud. 1885
- Galactomyces Redhead & Malloch 1977
- Galactopus Earle 1909
- Galera (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Galerina Earle 1909
- Galiella Nannf. & Korf 1957
- Gallacea Lloyd 1905
- Gallaceaceae Locq. ex P.M. Kirk 2008
- Galzinia Bourdot 1922
- Gambleola Massee 1898
- Gamsylella M. Scholler, Hagedorn & A. Rubner 1999
- Gamundia Raithelh. 1979
- Ganoderma P. Karst. 1881
- Ganodermataceae Donk 1948
- Gasteroagaricoides D.A. Reid 1986
- Gastroboletus Lohwag 1926
- Gastrolactarius R. Heim ex J.M. Vidal 2005 [2004]
- Gautieria Vittad. 1831
- Geastraceae Corda 1842
- Geastrales K. Hosaka & Castellano 2007 [2006]
- Geastrum Pers. 1801
- Gelasinospora Dowding 1933
- Gelatinosporium Peck 1873
- Gelatoporia Niemelä 1985
- Gelineostroma H.J. Swart 1988
- Geminispora Pat. 1893
- Genea Vittad. 1831
- Geneosperma Rifai 1968
- Genicularia Rifai & R.C. Cooke 1966
- Geniculosporium Chesters & Greenh. 1964
- Geoglossaceae Corda 1838
- Geoglossum Pers. 1794
- Geomyces Traaen 1914
- Geopora Harkn. 1885
- Geopyxis (Pers.) Sacc. 1889
- Georgefischeriaceae R. Bauer, Begerow & Oberw. 1997
- Georgefischeriales R. Bauer, Begerow & Oberw. 1997
- Geosmithia Pitt 1979
- Geotrichum Link 1809
- Gerronema Singer 1951
- Gerwasia Racib. 1909
- Gibbera Fr. 1825
- Gibberella Sacc. 1877
- Gibberidea (Fr.) Rabenh. 1858
- Gibellula Cavara 1894
- Gigasperma E. Horak 1971
- Gigaspermaceae Jülich 1982 [1981]
- Gigaspora Gerd. & Trappe 1974
- Gigasporaceae J.B. Morton & Benny 1990
- Gilmaniella G.L. Barron 1964
- Gjaerumia R. Bauer, M. Lutz & Oberw. 2005
- Gjaerumiaceae R. Bauer, M. Lutz & Oberw. 2005
- Glarea Bills & J. Paláez 1999
- Glenospora Berk. & Desm. 1849
- Gliocephalotrichum J.J. Ellis & Hesselt. 1962
- Gliocladiopsis S.B. Saksena 1954
- Gliocladium Corda
- Gliomastix Guég. 1905
- Glionectria Crous & C.L. Schoch 2000
- Gliophorus Herink 1959 [1958]
- Globosphaeria D. Hawksw. 1990
- Gloeocantharellus Singer 1945
- Gloeocercospora D.C. Bain & Edgerton ex Deighton 1971
- Gloeocystidiellum Donk 1931
- Gloeocystidium P. Karst. 1889
- Gloeodes Colby 1920
- Gloeodiscus Dennis 1961
- Gloeoglossum E.J. Durand 1908
- Gloeohypochnicium (Parmasto) Hjortstam 1987
- Gloeopeniophorella Rick 1934
- Gloeophyllaceae Jülich 1982
- Gloeophyllales Thorn 2007
- Gloeophyllum (P. Karst.) P. Karst. 1882
- Gloeoporus Mont. 1842
- Gloeosporidiella Petr. 1921
- Gloeosporidium Höhn. 1916
- Gloeosporiella Cavara 1892
- Gloeosporium Desm. & Mont. 1849
- Gloeotinia M. Wilson, Noble & E.G. Gray 1954
- Gloiocephala Massee 1892
- Gloiodon P. Karst. 1879
- Glomeraceae Piroz. & Dalpé 1989
- Glomerales J.B. Morton & Benny 1990
- Glomerella Spauld. & H. Schrenk 1903
- Glomerellaceae Locq. 1984
- Glomeromycetes Caval.-Sm. 1998
- Glomeromycota C. Walker & A. Schüssler 2001
- Glomosporiaceae Cif. 1963
- Glomosporium Kochman 1939
- Glomus Tul. & C. Tul. 1845
- Gloniella Sacc. 1883
- Gloniopsis De Not. 1847
- Glonium Muhl. 1813
- Glotzia M. Gauthier ex Manier & Lichtw. 1969
- Glyphis Ach. 1814
- Glyphium Nitschke ex F. Lehm. 1886
- Gnomonia Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Gnomoniaceae G. Winter 1886
- Gnomoniella Sacc. 1881
- Gnomoniopsis Stoneman 1898
- Godronia Moug. & Lév. 1846
- Golovinomyces (U. Braun) V.P. Gelyuta 1988
- Gomphaceae Donk 1961
- Gomphales Jülich 1981
- Gomphidiaceae Maire ex Jülich 1982
- Gomphidius Fr. 1836
- Gomphillaceae Walt. Watson ex Hafellner 1984
- Gomphus (Fr.) Weinm. 1826
- Gomphus (Pers.) Pers. 1797
- Gonapodyaceae H.E. Petersen ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Gonatobotrys Corda 1839
- Gonatophragmium Deighton 1969
- Gongromeriza Preuss 1851
- Gongronella Ribaldi 1952
- Goniopila Marvanová & Descals 1985
- Gonytrichum Nees & T. Nees 1818
- Goplana Racib. 1900
- Gracea M.W. Dick 1997
- Grandinia Fr. 1838
- Grandiniella P. Karst. 1895
- Graphidaceae Dumort. 1822
- Graphiocladiella H.P. Upadhyay 1981
- Graphiola Poit. 1824
- Graphiolaceae Clem. & Shear 1931
- Graphiopsis Trail 1889
- Graphiothecium Fuckel 1870
- Graphis Adans. 1763
- Graphium Corda 1837
- Greeneria Scribn. & Viala 1887
- Grifola Gray 1821
- Griphosphaeria Höhn. 1918
- Grosmannia Goid. 1936
- Guedea Rambelli & Bartoli 1978
- Guepinia Fr. 1825
- Guepiniopsis Pat. 1883
- Guignardia Viala & Ravaz 1892
- Guilliermondella Nadson & Krassiln. 1928
- Gummiglobus Trappe, Castellano & Amar. 1996
- Guttularia W. Oberm. 1913
- Guttulina Cienk. 1874
- Guttulinaceae Zopf ex Berl. 1888
- Gyalecta Ach. 1808
- Gyalectaceae Sitzenb. 1862
- Gyalectidium Müll. Arg. 1881
- Gyalidea Lettau ex Vězda 1966
- Gyalideopsis Vězda 1972
- Gymnascella Peck 1884
- Gymnoascaceae Baran. 1872
- Gymnoascus Baran. 1872
- Gymnocintractia M. Piepenbr., Begerow & Oberw. 1999
- Gymnoconia Lagerh. 1894
- Gymnoglossum Massee 1891
- Gymnomyces Massee & Rodway 1898
- Gymnopilus P. Karst. 1879
- Gymnopus (Pers.) Roussel 1806
- Gymnosporangium R. Hedw. ex DC. 1805
- Gymnosporium Corda 1833
- Gyoerffyella Kol 1928
- Gyrocephalus Bref. 1888
- Gyrocerus Corda 1837
- Gyrocratera Henn. 1899
- Gyromitra Fr. 1849
- Gyrophanopsis Jülich 1979
- Gyroporaceae Locq. 1984
- Gyroporus Quél. 1886
- Gyrothrix (Corda) Corda 1842
- Gyrothyrium Arx 1950
- Hadrosporium Syd. 1938
- Hadrotrichum Fuckel 1865
- Haematomma A. Massal. 1852
- Haematommataceae Hafellner 1984
- Haematonectria Samuels & Nirenberg 1999
- Hainesia Ellis & Sacc. 1884
- Halbania Racib. 1889
- Halecania M. Mayrhofer 1987
- Haligena Kohlm. 1961
- Haliphthoros Vishniac 1958
- Haloguignardia Cribb & J.W. Cribb 1956
- Halophiobolus Linder 1944
- Halophytophthora H.H. Ho & S.C. Jong 1990
- Halosarpheia Kohlm. & E. Kohlm. 1977
- Halosphaeria Linder 1944
- Halosphaeriaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex Kohlm. 1972
- Halosphaeriopsis T.W. Johnson 1958
- Halotthia Kohlm. 1963
- Hamaspora Körn. 1877
- Hamatocanthoscypha Svrček 1977
- Hamigera Stolk & Samson 1971
- Handkea Kreisel 1989
- Hanseniaspora Zikes 1911
- Hansenula Syd. & P. Syd. 1919
- Hansfordia S. Hughes 1951
- Hapalophragmiopsis Thirum. 1950
- Hapalophragmium Syd. & P. Syd. 1901
- Hapalopilus P. Karst. 1881
- Hapalosphaeria Syd. 1908
- Haplaria Link 1809
- Haplobasidion Erikss. 1889
- Haplodothis Höhn. 1911
- Haplographium Berk. & Broome 1859
- Haplosporangium Thaxt. 1914
- Haplotrichum Link 1824
- Haptocillium W. Gams & Zare 2001
- Haptoglossa Drechsler 1940
- Haptoglossaceae
- Haptoglossales
- Haptospora G.L. Barron 1991
- Harknessia Cooke 1881
- Harpella L. Léger & Duboscq 1929
- Harpellaceae L. Léger & Duboscq 1929
- Harpellales Lichtw. & Manier 1978
- Harpographium Sacc. 1880
- Harposporium Lohde 1874
- Harzia Costantin 1888
- Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Heimiella Boedijn 1951
- Heimiomyces Singer 1942
- Heimioporus E. Horak 2004
- Helicobasidiaceae P.M. Kirk 2008
- Helicobasidiales R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Helicobasidium Pat. 1885
- Helicocephalidaceae Boedijn 1959 [1958]
- Helicocoryne Corda 1854
- Helicodendron Peyronel 1918
- Helicogermslita Lodha & D. Hawksw. 1983
- Helicogloea Pat. 1892
- Helicoma Corda 1837
- Helicomyces Link 1809
- Helicoon Morgan 1892
- Helicosporidium Keilin 1921
- Helicosporium Nees 1816-17
- Helicostylum Corda
- Helicotrichum Nees & T. Nees 1818
- Helicoubisia Lunghini & Rambelli 1979
- Heliocybe Redhead & Ginns 1985
- Heliscella Marvanová 1980
- Heliscina Marvanová 1980
- Heliscus Sacc. 1880
- Helminthosphaeria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Helminthosphaeriaceae Samuels, Cand. & Magni 1997
- Helminthosporium Link 1809
- Helotiaceae Rehm 1892 [1896]
- Helotiales Nannf. 1932
- Helotium Pers. 1801
- Helotium Tode 1790
- Helvella L. 1753
- Helvellaceae Fr. 1822
- Hemiarcyria Rostaf. 1875
- Hemibeltrania Piroz. 1963
- Hemicarpenteles A.K. Sarbhoy & Elphick 1968
- Hemicybe P. Karst. 1879
- Hemidothis Syd. & P. Syd. 1916
- Hemigrapha (Müll. Arg.) R. Sant. ex D. Hawksw. 1975
- Hemileia Berk. & Broome 1869
- Hemimycena Singer 1938
- Hemiphacidiaceae Korf 1962
- Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
- Hendersonia Berk. 1841
- Hendersonula Speg. 1880
- Henningsomyces Kuntze 1898
- Heptameria Rehm & Thüm. 1879
- Hercospora Fr. 1825
- Hericiaceae Donk 1964
- Hericium Fr. 1825
- Hericium Pers. 1794
- Herpobasidium Lind 1908
- Herpotrichia Fuckel 1868
- Herpotrichiella Petr. 1914
- Herpotrichiellaceae Munk 1953
- Herteliana P. James 1980
- Hertella Henssen 1985
- Heterobasidion Bref. 1888 [1889]
- Heterochaete Pat. 1892
- Heterochaetella (Bourdot) Bourdot & Galzin 1928
- Heteroconium Petr. 1949
- Heterodea Nyl. 1868
- Heterodermia Trevis. 1868
- Heterodictyon Rostaf. 1873
- Heterodoassansia Vánky 1993
- Heterogastridiaceae Oberw. & R. Bauer 1990
- Heterogastridiales Oberw. & R. Bauer 1990
- Heterolobosea Page & Blanton
- Heteropatella Fuckel 1873
- Heteroplacidium Breuss 1996
- Heteroporimyces M.K. Elias 1966
- Heteroporus Lázaro Ibiza 1916
- Heterosphaeria Grev. 1824
- Heterosporium Klotzsch ex Cooke 1877
- Heterotextus Lloyd 1922
- Heterotolyposporium Vánky 1997
- Hexagona
- Hexagonia Fr. 1836
- Hexagonia Pollini 1816
- Hiatula (Fr.) Mont. 1854
- Hilberina Huhndorf & A.N. Mill. 2003
- Himantia Pers. 1794
- Hirneola Fr. 1849 [1848]
- Hirschioporus Donk 1933
- Hirsutella Pat. 1892
- Hispidula P.R. Johnst. 2003
- Histeridomyces Thaxt. 1931
- Histoplasma Darling 1906
- Hjortstamia Boidin & Gilles 2002
- Hohenbuehelia Schulzer 1866
- Holmiella Petrini, Samuels & E. Müll. 1979
- Holtermannia Sacc. & Traverso 1910
- Homostegia Fuckel 1870
- Horakiella Castellano & Trappe 1992
- Hormiactella Sacc. 1886
- Hormiactis Preuss 1851
- Hormiokrypsis Bat. & Nascim. 1957
- Hormisciella Bat. 1956
- Hormisciomyces Bat. & Nascim. 1957
- Hormiscium Kunze 1817
- Hormoconis Arx & G.A. de Vries 1973
- Hormodendrum Bonord. 1853
- Hormomyces Bonord. 1851
- Hormonema Lagerb. & Melin 1927
- Hormospora De Not. 1844
- Hortaea Nishim. & Miyaji 1984
- Humaria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Humarina Seaver 1927
- Humicola Traaen 1914
- Humidicutis (Singer) Singer 1959 [1958]
- Hyaloceras Durieu & Mont. 1849
- Hyaloflorea Bat. & H. Maia 1955
- Hyalomeliolina F. Stevens 1924
- Hyaloperonospora Constant. 2002
- Hyalopesotum H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr. 1975
- Hyalopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Hyalopsora Magnus 1902
- Hyalopycnis Höhn. 1918
- Hyalorbilia Baral & G. Marson 2001
- Hyaloria Möller 1895
- Hyaloriaceae Lindau 1897
- Hyaloscypha Boud. 1885
- Hyaloscyphaceae Nannf. 1932
- Hyalostachybotrys Sriniv. 1958
- Hydnaceae Chevall. 1826
- Hydnangiaceae Gäum. & C.W. Dodge 1928
- Hydnangium Wallr. 1839
- Hydnellum P. Karst. 1879
- Hydnobolites Tul. & C. Tul. 1843
- Hydnochaete Bres. 1896
- Hydnochaete Peck 1897
- Hydnocystis Tul. & C. Tul. 1845
- Hydnodon Banker 1913
- Hydnodontaceae Jülich 1982
- Hydnoplicata Gilkey 1955 [1954]
- Hydnotrya Berk. & Broome 1846
- Hydnum L. 1753
- Hydrabasidium Park.-Rhodes ex J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1978
- Hydrocybe (Fr. ex Rabenh.) Wünsche 1877
- Hydrogera F.H. Wigg. ex Kuntze
- Hydrophora Tode 1791
- Hydropisphaera Dumort. 1822
- Hydropus Kühner ex Singer 1948 [1946]
- Hygroaster Singer 1955
- Hygrocybe (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Hygrophoraceae Lotsy 1907
- Hygrophoropsidaceae Kühner 1980
- Hygrophoropsis (J. Schröt.) Maire ex Martin-Sans 1929
- Hygrophorus Fr. 1836
- Hygrotrama Singer 1959 [1958]
- Hymenangium Klotzsch 1839
- Hymeneliaceae Körb.
- Hymenella Fr. 1822
- Hymenobolus Zukal 1893
- Hymenochaetaceae Imazeki & Toki 1954
- Hymenochaetales Oberw. 1977
- Hymenochaete Lév. 1846
- Hymenochaetella P. Karst. 1889
- Hymenogaster Vittad. 1831
- Hymenogastraceae Vittad. 1831
- Hymenophallus Nees 1816-17
- Hymenopsis Sacc. 1886
- Hymenoscyphus Gray 1821
- Hymenostilbe Petch 1931
- Hymenula Fr. 1825
- Hyperphyscia Müll. Arg. 1894
- Hyphelia Fr. 1825
- Hyphochytriaceae A. Fisch. 1892
- Hyphochytriales Bessey ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Hyphochytriomycetes
- Hyphochytriomycota Whittaker 1969
- Hyphochytrium Zopf 1884
- Hyphoderma Wallr. 1833
- Hyphodermella J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1976
- Hyphodermopsis Jülich 1982
- Hyphodontia J. Erikss. 1958
- Hypholoma (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Hyphosoma Syd. 1924
- Hypnotheca Tommerup 1970
- Hypocenia Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1874
- Hypocenomyce M. Choisy 1951
- Hypochniciellum Hjortstam & Ryvarden 1980
- Hypochnicium J. Erikss. 1958
- Hypochnus Fr. 1818
- Hypocopra (Fr.) J. Kickx f. 1867
- Hypocrea Fr. 1825
- Hypocreaceae De Not. 1845
- Hypocreales Lindau 1897
- Hypocrella Sacc. 1878
- Hypocreomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Hypocreopsis G. Winter 1875
- Hypocreopsis P. Karst. 1873
- Hypoderma DC. 1805
- Hypoderma De Not. 1847
- Hypodermella Tubeuf 1895
- Hypodermium Link 1816 [1815]
- Hypodermium Link 1825
- Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Nyl. 1896
- Hypohelion P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypomyces (Fr.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1860
- Hyponectria Sacc. 1878
- Hyponectriaceae Petr. 1923
- Hypophyllum Paulet 1808
- Hyporhamma Corda 1854
- Hypospila Fr. 1825
- Hypotrachyna (Vain.) Hale 1974
- Hypoxylon Bull. 1791
- Hypsizygus Singer 1947
- Hysterangiaceae E. Fisch. 1899
- Hysterangiales K. Hosaka & Castellano 2006
- Hysterangium Vittad. 1831
- Hysteriaceae Chevall. 1826
- Hysteriales G. Lindau 1896
- Hysterium Pers. 1797
- Hysterobrevium E.W.A. Boehm & C.L. Schoch 2009
- Hysterodiscula Petr. 1942
- Hysterographium Corda 1842
- Hysteromyces Vittad. 1844
- Hysteronaevia Nannf. 1984
- Hysteropeziza Rabenh. 1874
- Hysteropezizella Höhn. 1917
- Hysterostegiella Höhn. 1917
- Hysterostomella Speg. 1885
- Hysterostomina Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Icmadophila Trevis. 1853
- Icmadophilaceae Triebel 1993
- Idriella P.E. Nelson & S. Wilh. 1956
- Ijuhya Starbäck 1899
- Ileodictyon Tul. & C. Tul. 1844
- Illosporium Mart. 1817
- Immersaria Rambold & Pietschm. 1989
- Immersiella A.N. Mill. & Huhndorf 2004
- Immotthia M.E. Barr 1987
- Incrupila Raitv. 1970
- Incrustocalyptella Agerer 1983
- Incrustoporia Domański 1963
- Induratia Samuels, E. Müll. & Petrini 1987
- Inermisia Rifai 1968
- Infundibulomyces N. Plaingam, Somrithipol & E.B.G. Jones 2003
- Infundibura Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1981
- Ingoldia R.H. Petersen 1962
- Ingoldiomyces Vánky 1996
- Ingvariella Guderley & Lumbsch 1997
- Inocutis Fiasson & Niemelä 1984
- Inocybaceae Jülich 1982
- Inocybe (Fr.) Fr. 1863
- Inocyclus Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Inoderma Berk. 1881
- Inonotus P. Karst. 1879
- Insiticia Earle 1909
- Insolibasidium Oberw. & Bandoni 1984
- Intextomyces J. Erikss. & Ryvarden 1976
- Intralichen D. Hawksw. & M.S. Cole 2002
- Iodophanus Korf 1967
- Iodosphaeria Samuels, E. Müll. & Petrini 1987
- Iodosphaeriaceae O. Hilber 2002
- Ionaspis Th. Fr. 1871
- Ionomidotis Durand 1923
- Irenina F. Stevens 1927
- Irenopsis F. Stevens 1927
- Irpex Fr. 1828
- Irpicodon Pouzar 1966
- Irpicomyces Deighton 1969
- Isaria Pers. 1794
- Isariopsella Höhn. 1929
- Isariopsis Fresen. 1863
- Ischnoderma P. Karst. 1879
- Isoachlya Kauffman 1921
- Isothea Fr. 1849
- Issatchenkia Kudrjanzev 1960
- Isthmolongispora Matsush. 1971
- Isthmospora F. Stevens 1918
- Itersonilia Derx 1948
- Ixocomus Quél. 1888
- Jaculispora H.J. Huds. & Ingold 1960
- Jafneadelphus Rifai 1968
- Jahnulales K.L. Pang, Abdel-Wahab, El-Shar., E.B.G. Jones & Sivichai 2002
- Jamesdicksonia Thirum., Pavgi & Payak 1961 [1960]
- Jamesiella Lücking, Sérus. & Vězda 2005
- Janetia M.B. Ellis 1976
- Jattaea Berl. 1900
- Javaria Boise 1986
- Jobellisia M.E. Barr 1993
- Johnstonia M.B. Ellis 1971
- Junewangia W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones 2002
- Junghuhnia Corda 1842
- Kabatia Bubák 1904
- Kabatiella Bubák 1907
- Kabatina R. Schneid. & Arx 1966
- Karlingia A.E. Johanson 1944
- Karlingiomyces Sparrow 1960
- Karoowia Hale 1989
- Karschia Körb. 1865
- Karstenia Britzelm. 1897
- Karstenia Fr. 1885
- Karstenula Speg. 1879
- Katumotoa Kaz. Tanaka & Y. Harada 2005
- Kavinia Pilát 1938
- Kazachstania exigua (Reess ex E.C. Hansen) Kurtzman 2003
- Kazachstania Zubcova 1971
- Keissleriella Höhn. 1919
- Keisslerina Petr. 1920 [1919]
- Keithia Sacc. 1892
- Kellermania Ellis & Everh. 1885
- Kendrickomyces B. Sutton, V.G. Rao & Mhaskar 1976
- Keratinomyces Vanbreus. 1952
- Kernella Thirum. 1949
- Kernia Nieuwl. 1916
- Kernia Thirum. 1946
- Khuskia H.J. Huds. 1963
- Kickxellaceae Linder 1943
- Kickxellales Kreisel ex R.K. Benj. 1979
- Kickxellomycotina Benny 2007
- Kirramyces J. Walker, B. Sutton & Pascoe 1992
- Kirschsteiniothelia D. Hawksw. 1985
- Kleistobolus C. Lippert 1894
- Kloeckera Janke 1923
- Kloeckeraspora Niehaus 1932
- Kluyveromyces Van der Walt 1956
- Kneiffia Fr. 1836
- Kneiffiella P. Karst. 1889
- Kobayasia S. Imai & A. Kawam. 1958
- Kochmania Piątek 2005
- Koleroga Donk 1958
- Koorchaloma Subram. 1953
- Kordyana Racib. 1900
- Korunomyces Hodges & F.A. Ferreira 1981
- Kramasamuha Subram. & Vittal 1973
- Kretzschmaria Fr. 1849
- Kretzschmariella Viégas
- Kriegeria Bres. 1891
- Kuehneola Magnus 1898
- Kuehneromyces Singer & A.H. Sm. 1946
- Kulkarniella Gokhale & Patel 1952
- Kumanasamuha P. Rag. Rao & D. Rao 1964
- Kutilakesa
- Kutilakesopsis Agnihothr. & G.C.S. Barua 1957
- Kylindria DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. 1983
- Laboulbenia Mont. & C.P. Robin 1853
- Laboulbeniaceae G. Winter 1887
- Laboulbeniales Engl. 1898
- Laboulbeniomycetes Engl. 1898
- Laboulbeniomycetidae Alexop. 1962
- Labrella Fr. 1825
- Labyrintha Malcolm, Elix & Owe-Larss. 1995
- Labyrinthista
- Labyrinthomyces Boedijn 1939
- Labyrinthula Cienk. 1867
- Labyrinthulaceae Cienk. 1867
- Labyrinthulales Bessey ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Labyrinthulea
- Laccaria Berk. & Broome 1883
- Laccocephalum McAlpine & Tepper 1895
- Lacellina Sacc. 1913
- Lacellinopsis Subram. 1953
- Lachancea Kurtzman 2003
- Lachnea (Fr.) Gillet 1879
- Lachnella Fr. 1836
- Lachnellula P. Karst. 1884
- Lachnocladiaceae D.A. Reid 1965
- Lachnocladium Lév. 1846
- Lachnum Retz. 1779
- Lacrymaria Pat. 1887
- Lactarius Pers. 1797
- Lactocollybia Singer 1939
- Laestadia Auersw. 1869
- Laeticorticium Donk 1956
- Laeticutis Audet 2010
- Laetinaevia Nannf. 1932
- Laetiporus Murrill 1904
- Laetisaria Burds. 1979
- Lagenidium Schenk 1857
- Lambertella Höhn. 1918
- Lambro Racib. 1900
- Lamproderma Rostaf. 1873
- Lamprospora De Not. 1864 [1863]
- Lampteromyces Singer 1947
- Lanatonectria Samuels & Rossman 1999
- Langermannia Rostk. 1839 [1844]
- Langloisula Ellis & Everh. 1889
- Lanopila Fr. 1848
- Lanosa Fr. 1825
- Lanzia Sacc. 1884
- Laricifomes Kotl. & Pouzar 1957
- Laschia Jungh. 1838
- Lasiobelonium (Sacc.) Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Lasiobelonium Ellis & Everh. 1897
- Lasiobolus Sacc. 1884
- Lasiobotrys Kunze 1823
- Lasiodiplodia Ellis & Everh. 1896
- Lasionectria (Sacc.) Cooke 1884
- Lasiosordaria Chenant. 1919
- Lasiosphaeria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Lasiosphaeriaceae Nannf. 1932
- Lasiosphaeris Clem. 1909
- Lasiostemma Theiss., Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Lasiostictella Sherwood 1986
- Lasiostictis (Sacc. & Berl.) Sacc. 1889
- Lasmeniella Petr. & Syd. 1927
- Lateriramulosa Matsush. 1971
- Lauderlindsaya J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1989
- Laurera Rchb. 1841
- Lauriomyces R.F. Castañeda 1990
- Lauterbachiella Henn. 1898
- Laxitextum Lentz 1956 [1955]
- Le Ratia Pat. 1907
- Leangium Link 1809
- Lecanactis Körb. 1855
- Lecania A. Massal. 1853
- Lecanicillium W. Gams & Zare 2001
- Lecanidion Endl. 1830
- Lecanographa Egea & Torrente 1994
- Lecanora Ach. 1809
- Lecanoraceae Körb. 1855
- Lecanorales Nannf. 1932
- Lecanoromycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Lecanoromycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers 2007
- Leccinum Gray 1821
- Lecidea Ach. 1803
- Lecideaceae Chevall. 1826
- Lecideales
- Lecidella Körb. 1855
- Lecidoma Gotth. Schneid. & Hertel 1981
- Leciographa A. Massal. 1854
- Lecythophora Nannf. 1934
- Legeriomycetaceae Pouzar 1972
- Leifidium Wedin 1993
- Leioderma Nyl. 1888
- Leiorreuma Eschw. 1824
- Leiosphaerella Höhn. 1919
- Lembosia Lév. 1845
- Lembosina Theiss. 1913
- Lemonniera De Wild. 1894
- Lempholemma Körb. 1855
- Lentaria Corner 1950
- Lentariaceae Jülich 1982
- Lentinellus P. Karst. 1879
- Lentinula Earle 1909
- Lentinus Fr. 1825
- Lentomitella Höhn. 1905
- Lenzites Fr. 1836
- Leocarpus Link 1809
- Leotia Pers. 1794
- Leotiaceae Corda 1842
- Leotiales S.E. Carp. 1988
- Leotiomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Leotiomycetidae
- Lepidoderma de Bary 1873
- Lepiota (Pers.) Gray 1821
- Lepiotella Rick 1938
- Lepiotula (Maire) Locq. ex E. Horak 1968
- Lepista (Fr.) W.G. Sm. 1870
- Lepraria Ach. 1803
- Leprocaulon Nyl. 1878
- Lepteutypa Petr. 1923
- Leptochlamys Died. 1921
- Leptocorticium Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2002
- Leptodiscus Gerd. 1953
- Leptodontidium de Hoog 1979
- Leptodothiorella Aa 1973
- Leptodothiorella Höhn. 1918
- Leptogidium Nyl. 1873
- Leptogium (Ach.) Gray 1821
- Leptoglossum P. Karst. 1879
- Leptographium Lagerb. & Melin 1927
- Leptolegnia de Bary 1888
- Leptolegniaceae M.W. Dick 1999
- Leptolegniella Huneycutt 1952
- Leptolegniellaceae M.W. Dick 1971
- Leptomelanconium Petr.
- Leptomitales Kanouse 1927
- Leptonia (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Leptopeltidaceae Höhn. ex Trotter 1928
- Leptopeltis Höhn. 1917
- Leptoporus Quél. 1886
- Leptorhaphis Körb. 1855
- Leptosphaeria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Leptosphaeriaceae M.E. Barr 1987
- Leptosphaerulina McAlpine 1902
- Leptospora Rabenh. 1857
- Leptosporella Penz. & Sacc. 1897
- Leptosporomyces Jülich 1972
- Leptostroma Fr. 1815
- Leptostromella (Sacc.) Sacc. 1884
- Leptothyrina Höhn. 1915
- Leptothyrium Kunze 1823
- Leptotrochila P. Karst. 1871
- Leptoxyphium Speg. 1918
- Le-Ratia Pat. ex Sacc. & Trotter 1912
- Leratiomyces Bresinsky & Manfr. Binder ex Bridge, Spooner, Beever & D.-C. Park 2008
- Letendraea Sacc. 1880
- Leucoagaricus Locq. ex Singer 1948
- Leucocintractia M. Piepenbr., Begerow & Oberw. 1999
- Leucocoprinus Pat. 1888
- Leucocytospora (Höhn.) Höhn. 1927
- Leucogaster R. Hesse 1882
- Leucogyrophana Pouzar 1958
- Leuconectria Rossman, Samuels & Lowen 1993
- Leucopaxillus Boursier 1925
- Leucophleps Harkn. 1899
- Leucoscypha Boud. 1885
- Leucosporidiaceae Jülich 1982
- Leucosporidiales J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & R. Bauer 2003
- Leucosporidiella J.P. Samp. 2003
- Leucosporidium Fell, Statzell, I.L. Hunter & Phaff 1970
- Leucostoma (Nitschke) Höhn. 1917
- Leucotelium Tranzschel 1935
- Leveillella Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Leveillula G. Arnaud 1921
- Lewia M.E. Barr & E.G. Simmons 1986
- Libertella Desm. 1830
- Licea Schrad. 1797
- Liceaceae Chevall. 1826
- Liceida
- Lichen L. 1753
- Lichenochora Hafellner 1989
- Lichenoconium Petr. & Syd. 1927
- Lichenodiplis Dyko & D. Hawksw. 1979
- Lichenomphalia Redhead, Lutzoni, Moncalvo & Vilgalys 2002
- Lichenopeltella Höhn. 1919
- Lichenostigma Haffelner 1983 [1982]
- Lichenotheliaceae Henssen 1986
- Lichina C. Agardh 1817
- Lichinaceae Nyl. 1854
- Lichinales Henssen & Büdel 1986
- Lichinomycetes Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2004
- Lichinomycetidae
- Lichtheimia Vuill. 1903
- Lidophia J. Walker & B. Sutton 1974
- Ligniera Maire & A. Tison 1911
- Lignincola Höhnk 1955
- Lignosus Lloyd ex Torrend 1920
- Lilliputia Boud. & Pat. 1900
- Limacella Earle 1909
- Limacinia Neger 1895
- Limacinula (Sacc. & D. Sacc.) Höhn. 1909
- Limacium (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Limonomyces Stalpers & Loer. 1982
- Linderia G. Cunn. 1931
- Linderiella G. Cunn. 1942
- Lindtneria Pilát 1938
- Linocarpon Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Linochora Höhn. 1910
- Linodochium Höhn. 1909
- Linospora Fuckel 1870
- Linostomella Petr. 1925
- Liroa Cif. 1933
- Lirula Darker 1967
- Lisea Sacc. 1877
- Listerellaceae E. Jahn ex H. Neubert, Nowotny & K. Baumann 1993
- Lithographa Nyl. 1857
- Lithogyalideopsis Lücking, Sérus. & Vězda 2005
- Lithothelium Müll. Arg. 1885
- Litschauerella Oberw. 1966
- Littispora J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer 2003
- Lizonia (Ces. & De Not.) De Not. 1864
- Llimoniella Hafellner & Nav.-Ros. 1993
- Lloydella Bres. 1901
- Lobaria (Schreb.) Hoffm. 1796
- Lobariaceae Chevall. 1826
- Lobarina (Vain.) Nyl. ex Cromb. 1894
- Lobothallia (Clauzade & Cl. Roux) Hafellner 1991
- Lohwagia Petr. 1942
- Lohwagiella Petr. 1970 [1969]
- Lomentospora Hennebert & B.G. Desai 1974
- Lopadium Körb. 1855
- Lopadostoma (Nitschke) Traverso 1906
- Lopharia Kalchbr. & MacOwan 1881
- Lophidium Sacc. 1878
- Lophionema Sacc. 1883
- Lophiosphaera Trevis. 1877
- Lophiostoma Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Lophiostomataceae Sacc. 1883
- Lophiotrema Sacc. 1878
- Lophium Fr. 1823
- Lophoderma Chevall. 1822
- Lophodermella Höhn. 1917
- Lophodermellina Höhn. 1917
- Lophodermina Höhn. 1917
- Lophodermium Chevall. 1826
- Lophomerum Ouell. & Magasi 1966
- Lophophacidium Lagerb. 1949
- Lophotrichus R.K. Benj. 1949
- Loweporus J.E. Wright 1976
- Loxospora A. Massal. 1852
- Ludwigiella Petr. 1922
- Luellia K.H. Larss. & Hjortstam
- Lulworthia G.K. Sutherl. 1916 [1915]
- Lulworthiaceae 2000
- Lulworthiales Kohlm., Spatafora & Volkm.-Kohlm. 2000
- Lundquistia Vánky 2001
- Lunulospora Ingold 1942
- Lycogala P. Micheli ex Adans. 1763
- Lycoperdon Pers. 1801
- Lycoperdon Tourn. ex L. 1753
- Lylea Morgan-Jones 1975
- Lyophyllaceae Jülich 1982
- Lyophyllum P. Karst. 1881
- Lysurus Fr. 1823
- Macalpinomyces Langdon & Full. 1977
- Macbrideola H.C. Gilbert 1934
- Macentina Vězda 1973
- Mackenziea Yanna & K.D. Hyde 2002
- Mackenziella Yanna & K.D. Hyde 2009
- Macowania Kalchbr. ex Berk. 1876
- Macowanites Kalchbr. 1882
- Macrocystidia Joss. 1934 [1933]
- Macrodiplodia Sacc. 1884
- Macrodiplodina Petr. 1962
- Macrodiplodiopsis Petr. 1922
- Macrohilum H.J. Swart 1988
- Macrohyporia I. Johans. & Ryvarden 1979
- Macrolepiota Singer 1948 [1946]
- Macrophoma (Sacc.) Berl. & Voglino 1886
- Macrophomina Petr. 1923
- Macropodia Fuckel 1869
- Macroscyphus (Nees) Gray 1821
- Macrospora Fuckel 1870
- Macrosporium Fr. 1832
- Macrotyphula R.H. Petersen 1972
- Macroventuria Aa 1971
- Magdalaenaea G. Arnaud 1952
- Magnaporthaceae P.F. Cannon 1994
- Magnaporthe R.A. Krause & R.K. Webster 1972
- Magnisphaera J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer 2003
- Magnusia Sacc. 1878
- Maireina (Pilát) W.B. Cooke 1961
- Malacaria Syd. 1930
- Malacosphaeria Syd. 1924
- Malajczukia Trappe & Castellano 1992
- Malassezia Baill. 1889
- Malasseziales R.T. Moore 1980
- Malbranchea Sacc. 1882
- Malcolmiella Vězda 1997
- Malustela Bat. & J.A. Lima 1960
- Mamiania Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Mamianiella Höhn. 1917
- Mammariopsis L.J. Hutchison & J. Reid 1988
- Marasmiaceae Roze ex Kühner 1980
- Marasmiellus Murrill 1915
- Marasmius Fr. 1836
- Maravalia Arthur 1922
- Marcelleina Brumm., Korf & Rifai 1967
- Margarinomyces Laxa 1930
- Margaritispora Ingold 1942
- Mariannaea G. Arnaud ex Samson 1974
- Marielliottia Shoemaker 1999 [1998]
- Marinospora A.R. Caval. 1966
- Maronea A. Massal. 1856
- Marssonia J.C. Fisch. 1874
- Marssoniella Höhn. 1916
- Marssonina Magnus 1906
- Martellia Mattir. 1900
- Martensella Coem. 1863
- Marthamyces Minter 2003
- Massalongia Körb. 1855
- Massalongiaceae
- Massaria De Not. 1844
- Massariaceae Nitschke 1869
- Massariella Speg. 1880
- Massarina Sacc. 1883
- Massarinaceae Munk 1956
- Massariosphaeria (E. Müll.) Crivelli 1983
- Massariovalsa Sacc. 1882
- Masseeella Dietel 1895
- Massospora Peck 1879 [1877]
- Mastigocladium Matr. 1911
- Mastigonetron Kleb. 1914
- Mastigosporium Riess 1852
- Mastodia Hook. f. & Harv. 1847
- Matsusphaeria K.L. Pang & E.B.G. Jones 2003
- Mauginiella Cavara 1925
- Maurinia Niessl
- Mazosia A. Massal. 1854
- Mazzantia Mont. 1855
- Megalaria Hafellner 1984
- Megalariaceae Hafellner 1984
- Megaloblastenia Sipman 1983
- Megalocystidium Jülich 1978
- Megalonectria Speg. 1881
- Megalospora Meyen 1843
- Megalosporaceae Vězda ex Hafellner & Bellem.
- Megaspora (Clauzade & Cl. Roux) Hafellner & V. Wirth 1987
- Megasporaceae
- Melaleuca Pat. 1887
- Melampsora Castagne 1843
- Melampsoraceae Dietel 1897
- Melampsorella J. Schröt. 1874
- Melampsoridium Kleb. 1899
- Melampsoropsis (J. Schröt.) Arthur 1906
- Melanamphora Lafl. 1976 [1975]
- Melanconidaceae G. Winter 1886 [1887]
- Melanconiella Sacc. 1882
- Melanconiopsis Ellis & Everh. 1900
- Melanconis Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Melanconium Link 1809
- Melanelia Essl. 1978
- Melaniella R. Bauer, Vánky, Begerow & Oberw. 1999
- Melaniellaceae R. Bauer, Vánky, Begerow & Oberw. 1999
- Melanocephala S. Hughes 1979
- Melanochaeta E. Müll., Harr & Sulmont 1969 [1968]
- Melanodothis R.H. Arnold 1972 [1971]
- Melanogaster Corda 1831 [1837]
- Melanographa Müll. Arg. 1882
- Melanographium Sacc. 1913
- Melanohalea O. Blanco, A. Crespo, Divakar, Essl., D. Hawksw. & Lumbsch 2004
- Melanoleuca Pat. 1897
- Melanomma Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Melanommataceae G. Winter 1885 [1887]
- Melanophora Arx 1957
- Melanophyllum Velen. 1921
- Melanops Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Melanopsamma Niessl 1876 [1875]
- Melanopsammella Höhn. 1920 [1919]
- Melanopsichium Beck 1894
- Melanopus Pat. 1887
- Melanospora Corda 1837
- Melanospora Mudd 1861
- Melanosporales N. Zhang & M. Blackw. 2007
- Melanotaeniaceae Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw. 1998 [1997]
- Melanotaenium de Bary 1874
- Melanotus Pat. 1900
- Melanustilospora Denchev 2003
- Melasmia Lév. 1846
- Melaspilea Nyl. 1857
- Melaspileaceae Walt. Watson 1929
- Melastiza Boud. 1885
- Meliniomyces Hambl. & Sigler 2005
- Meliola Fr. 1825
- Meliolaceae G.W. Martin ex Hansf. 1946
- Meliolales Gäum. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Meliolina Syd. & P. Syd. 1914
- Meliolinaceae S. Hughes 1993
- Meliolomycetidae P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon, J.C. David & Stalpers 2001
- Mellitiosporiella Höhn. 1919 [1918]
- Mellitiosporium Corda 1838
- Meloderma Darker 1967
- Melogramma Fr. 1849
- Melogrammataceae
- Melomastia Nitschke ex Sacc. 1875
- Melzericium Hauerslev 1975 [1974]
- Membranomyces Jülich 1975
- Memnoniella Höhn. 1923
- Menegazzia A. Massal. 1854
- Menispora Pers. 1822
- Menisporella
- Menisporopsis S. Hughes 1952
- Mensularia Lázaro Ibiza 1916
- Meria Vuill. 1896
- Merimbla Pitt 1979
- Meripilaceae Jülich 1982
- Meripilus P. Karst. 1882
- Merisma Pers. 1797
- Merismella Syd. 1927
- Merismodes Earle 1909
- Merostictis Clem. 1909
- Meruliaceae P. Karst. 1881
- Merulioporia Bondartsev & Singer 1943
- Meruliopsis Bondartsev 1959
- Merulius Fr. 1821
- Mesobotrys Sacc. 1880
- Mesomycetozoea L. Mendoza, J.W. Taylor & L. Ajello
- Mesophellia Berk. 1857
- Mesophelliaceae Jülich 1982
- Metacapnodiaceae S. Hughes & Corlett 1972
- Metacapnodium Speg. 1918
- Metacoleroa Petr. 1927
- Metacordyceps G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora 2007
- Metarhizium Sorokīn 1879
- Metasphaeria Sacc. 1883
- Metatrichia Ing 1964
- Metschnikowia T. Kamieński 1899
- Metschnikowiaceae T. Kamieński 1899
- Metulocladosporiella Crous, Schroers, J.Z. Groenew., U. Braun & K. Schub. 2006
- Metulodontia Parmasto 1968
- Metuloidea G. Cunn. 1965
- Metus D.J. Galloway & P. James 1987
- Micarea Fr. 1825
- Microascaceae Luttr. ex Malloch 1970
- Microascales Luttr. ex Benny & R.K. Benj. 1980
- Microascus Zukal 1885
- Microbasidium Bubák & Ranoj. 1914
- Microbotryaceae R.T. Moore 1996
- Microbotryales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Microbotryomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Microbotryum Lév. 1847
- Microcaliciaceae Tibell 1984
- Microcalicium Vain. 1927
- Microcera Desm. 1848
- Microcyclus Sacc. ex Syd. & P. Syd. 1904
- Microdiplodia Allesch. 1901 [1903]
- Microdiplodia Tassi 1902
- Microdochium Syd. 1924
- Microglossum Gillet 1879
- Microglossum Sacc. 1884
- Micromphale Gray 1821
- Micromucor (W. Gams) Arx 1982
- Micronectriella Höhn. 1906
- Micropeltidaceae Clem. & Shear 1931
- Micropeltis Mont. 1842
- Micropeltopsis Vain. 1921
- Micropera Lév. 1846
- Micropeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Micropodia Boud. 1885
- Microporellus Murrill 1905
- Microporus P. Beauv. 1805
- Microscypha Syd. & P. Syd. 1919
- Microsphaera Lév. 1851
- Microsphaeropsis Höhn. 1917
- Microsphaeropsis Sousa da Câmara, Oliveira & Luz 1936
- Microspora
- Microsporea
- Microsporida
- Microsporidium
- Microsporum Gruby 1843
- Microstroma Niessl 1861
- Microstromataceae Jülich 1982
- Microstromatales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Microthecium Corda 1842
- Microthelia Körb. 1855
- Microthyriaceae Sacc. 1883
- Microthyriacites Cookson 1947
- Microthyriales G. Arnaud 1918
- Microthyriella Höhn. 1909
- Microthyrium Desm. 1841
- Microxiphium Speg. 1918
- Mikronegeria Dietel 1899
- Mikronegeriaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats. 1983
- Miladina Svrček 1972
- Milesia F.B. White 1878
- Milesina Magnus 1909
- Miltidea Stirt. 1898
- Miltideaceae Hafellner 1984
- Mimeomyces Thaxt. 1912
- Minimelanolocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
- Mirandina G. Arnaud ex Matsush. 1971
- Miriquidica Hertel & Rambold 1987
- Mitremyces Nees 1816-17
- Mitrula Fr. 1821
- Mitrulinia Spooner 1987
- Miuraea Hara
- Miyagia Miyabe ex Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Miyoshiella Kawam. 1929
- Mniaecia Boud.
- Mniopetalum Donk & Singer 1962
- Modicella Kanouse 1936
- Moelleriella Bres. 1896
- Moellerodiscus Henn. 1902
- Moeszia Bubák 1914
- Moesziomyces Vánky 1977
- Moeszopeltis Petr. 1947
- Molleriella G. Winter 1886
- Mollisia (Fr.) P. Karst. 1871
- Mollisiella Boud. 1885
- Monacrosporium Oudem. 1885
- Monascaceae J. Schröt. 1894
- Monascostroma Höhn. 1918
- Monascus Tiegh. 1884
- Monerolechia Trevis. 1857
- Monilia Bonord. 1851
- Monilia Hill ex F.H. Wigg. 1780
- Moniliella Stolk & Dakin 1966
- Monilinia Honey 1928
- Monilochaetes Halst. ex Harter 1916
- Monoblastiaceae Walt. Watson 1929
- Monoblepharidaceae A. Fisch. 1892
- Monoblepharidales Sparrow 1942
- Monoblepharidomycetes J.H. Schaffn. 1909
- Monoblepharis Cornu 1871
- Monochaetia (Sacc.) Allesch. 1902
- Monochaetiella E. Castell. 1943
- Monocillium S.B. Saksena 1955
- Monodia Breton & Faurel 1970
- Monodictys S. Hughes 1958
- Monodisma Alcorn 1975
- Monographella Petr. 1924
- Monographos Fuckel 1875
- Monoicomyces Thaxt. 1900
- Monoporisporites Hammen 1954
- Monospora Metschn. 1884
- Monosporidium Barclay 1888
- Monosporium Bonord. 1851
- Monostichella Höhn. 1916
- Monotospora Corda 1837
- Monotosporella S. Hughes 1958
- Montagnella Speg. 1881
- Montagnellina Höhn. 1912
- Montagnites Fr. 1838
- Montagnula Berl. 1896
- Montagnulaceae M.E. Barr 2001
- Morchella Dill. ex Pers. 1794
- Morchellaceae Rchb. 1834
- Moreaua Liou & H.C. Cheng 1949
- Morenoina Theiss. 1913
- Morganella Zeller 1948
- Morrisographium M. Morelet 1968
- Mortierella Coem. 1863
- Mortierellaceae A. Fisch. 1892
- Mortierellales Caval.-Sm. 1998
- Mucidula Pat. 1887
- Mucilago Battarra 1755
- Mucilopilus Wolfe 1979
- Mucomassaria Petr. & Cif. 1932
- Mucor Fresen. 1850
- Mucoraceae Dumort. 1822
- Mucorales Fr. 1832
- Mucoromycotina Benny 2007
- Mucronella Fr. 1874
- Mucronoporus Ellis & Everh. 1889
- Muellerella Hepp 1862
- Muellerites L. Holm 1968
- Multiclavula R.H. Petersen 1967
- Mundkurella Thirum. 1944
- Munkiella Speg. 1885
- Munkiodothis Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Munkovalsaria Aptroot 1995
- Muricopeltis Viégas 1944
- Mutinus Fr. 1849
- Muyocopron Speg. 1881
- Mycarthonia Reinke 1895
- Myceliophthora Costantin 1892
- Mycena (Pers.) Roussel 1806
- Mycenaceae Overeem 1926
- Mycenastrum Desv. 1842
- Mycenella (J.E. Lange) Singer 1938
- Mycenula P. Karst. 1890 [1889]
- Mycetozoa
- Mycoacia Donk 1931
- Mycoarctium K.P. Jain & Cain 1973
- Mycobilimbia Rehm 1890
- Mycoblastaceae Hafellner 1984
- Mycoblastus Norman 1853
- Mycobonia Pat. 1894
- Mycocalia J.T. Palmer 1961
- Mycocaliciaceae Alf. Schmidt 1970
- Mycocaliciales Tibell & Wedin 2000
- Mycocaliciomycetidae Tibell 2007
- Mycocalicium Vain. 1890
- Mycocentrospora Deighton 1972
- Mycocitrus Möller 1901
- Mycoderma Pers. 1822
- Mycofalcella Marvanová, Om-K. Khattab & J. Webster 1993
- Mycogloea L.S. Olive 1950
- Mycogone Link 1809
- Mycoleptodiscus Ostaz. 1968 [1967]
- Mycoleptodon Pat. 1897
- Mycolevis A.H. Sm. 1965
- Mycomicrothelia Keissl. 1936
- Mycophycias Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm. 1998
- Mycoporellum Müll. Arg. 1884
- Mycorrhaphium Maas Geest. 1962
- Mycosphaerella Johanson 1885 [1884]
- Mycosphaerellaceae Lindau 1897
- Mycosphaerellopsis Höhn. 1918
- Mycosyringaceae R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Mycosyrinx Beck 1894
- Mycothele Jülich 1976
- Mycothyridium Petr. 1962
- Mycotorula H. Will 1916
- Mycovellosiella Rangel 1917
- Myelosperma Syd. & P. Syd. 1915
- Myelospermataceae K.D. Hyde & S.W. Wong 1999
- Myriangiaceae Nyl. 1854
- Myriangiales Starbäck 1899
- Myriangium Mont. & Berk. 1845
- Myriellina Höhn. 1915
- Myriocarpa Fuckel 1870
- Myrioconium Syd. 1912
- Myrothecium Tode 1790
- Mystrosporium Corda 1837
- Mytilidion Sacc. 1875
- Mytilinidiaceae Kirschst. 1924
- Mytilinidion Duby 1861
- Myxacium (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Myxarium Wallr. 1833
- Myxobilimbia Hafellner 2001
- Myxocladium Corda 1837
- Myxocyclus Riess 1852
- Myxofusicoccum Died. 1912
- Myxogastrea
- Myxomphalia Hora 1960
- Myxomycidium Massee 1899
- Myxophora Döbbeler & Poelt 1978
- Myxormia Berk. & Broome 1850
- Myxosporium Link 1825
- Myxothyrium Bubák & Kabát 1915
- Myxotrichaceae Locq. ex Currah 1985
- Myxotrichum Kunze 1823
- Myzocytiopsidaceae M.W. Dick 1997
- Myzocytiopsidales M.W. Dick 2001
- Myzocytiopsis M.W. Dick 1997
- Myzocytium Schenk 1858
- Naemacyclus Fuckel 1873 [1873-74]
- Naemaspora Pers. 1796
- Naematelia Fr. 1822
- Naematoloma P. Karst. 1879
- Naemospora Roth ex Kuntze 1898
- Naetrocymbaceae Höhn. ex R.C. Harris 1995
- Naetrocymbe Körb. 1865
- Naevia Fr. 1825
- Naeviella (Rehm) Clem. 1909
- Naeviopsis B. Hein 1976
- Nais Kohlm. 1962
- Nakataea Hara 1939
- Nakazawaea Y. Yamada, K. Maeda & Mikata 1994
- Nalanthamala Subram. 1956
- Nannfeldtia Petr. 1947
- Nannfeldtiomyces Vánky 1981
- Nannizzia Stockdale 1961
- Naohidemyces S. Sato, Katsuya & Y. Hirats. 1993
- Napicladium Thüm. 1875
- Natantiella Réblová 2009
- Natantispora J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer 2003
- Nattrassia B. Sutton & Dyko 1989
- Naucoria (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Naumovia Dobrozr. 1928
- Nectria (Fr.) Fr. 1849
- Nectriaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1865
- Nectricladiella Crous & C.L. Schoch 2000
- Nectriella Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
- Nectriella Sacc. 1877
- Nectriopsis Maire 1911
- Nemania Gray 1821
- Nematoctonus Drechsler 1941
- Nematostigma Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Nematostoma Syd. & P. Syd. 1914
- Nematothecium Syd. & P. Syd. 1912
- Neoalbatrellus Audet 2010
- Neoarcangelia Berl. 1900
- Neobarya Lowen 1986
- Neobulgaria Petr. 1921
- Neocallimastigaceae I.B. Heath 1983
- Neocallimastigales J.L. Li, I.B. Heath & L. Packer 1993
- Neocallimastigomycetes M.J. Powell 2007
- Neocallimastigomycota M.J. Powell 2007
- Neocallimastix Vavra & Joyon ex I.B. Heath 1983
- Neoclitocybe Singer 1962 [1961]
- Neocosmospora E.F. Sm. 1899
- Neocudoniella S. Imai 1941
- Neodasyscypha Suková & Spooner 2005
- Neodimerium Petr. 1950
- Neoerysiphe U. Braun 1999
- Neofabraea H.S. Jacks. 1913
- Neofuscelia Essl.
- Neofusicoccum Crous, Slippers & A.J.L. Phillips 2006
- Neohygrocybe Herink 1959 [1958]
- Neojohnstonia B. Sutton 1983
- Neokneiffia Sacc. 1898
- Neolentinus Redhead & Ginns 1985
- Neolinocarpon K.D. Hyde 1992
- Neomassariosphaeria Yin. Zhang, J. Fourn. & K.D. Hyde 2009
- Neomelanconium Petr. 1940
- Neonectria Wollenw. 1917
- Neoovularia U. Braun 1992
- Neopeltella Petr. 1950
- Neopeltis Syd. 1937
- Neophyllis F. Wilson 1891
- Neosartorya Malloch & Cain 1973
- Neoscytalidium Crous & Slippers 2006
- Neoskofitzia Schulzer 1880
- Neostomella Syd. 1927
- Neottiella (Cooke) Sacc. 1889
- Neottiospora Desm. 1843
- Neottiosporina Subram. 1961
- Neotyphodium Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin 1996
- Neovossia Körn. 1879
- Neozygitaceae Ben-Ze'ev, R.G. Kenneth & Uziel 1987
- Neozygites Witlaczil 1885
- Neozythia Petr. 1958
- Nephrochytrium Karling 1938
- Nephroma Ach. 1809
- Nephromataceae Wetmore ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1990
- Nephrospora Loubière 1923
- Nereiospora E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss 1983
- Nesolechia A. Massal. 1856
- Neurophyllum Pat. 1886
- Neuropogon Nees & Flot. 1835
- Neurospora Shear & B.O. Dodge 1927
- Newinia Thaung 1973
- Nia R.T. Moore & Meyers 1961 [1959]
- Niaceae Jülich 1982
- Nidula V.S. White 1902
- Nidularia Fr. 1817
- Niesslia Auersw. 1869
- Niessliaceae Kirschst. 1939
- Nigredo (Pers.) Roussel 1806
- Nigrocornus Ryley & Langdon 2003
- Nigrofomes Murrill 1904
- Nigrolentilocus R.F. Castañeda & Heredia 2001
- Nigropuncta D. Hawksw. 1981
- Nigrospora Zimm. 1902
- Nimbomollisia Nannf. 1983
- Nimbya E.G. Simmons 1989
- Nipholepis Syd. 1935
- Niptera Fr. 1849
- Nitschkia G.H. Otth ex P. Karst. 1873
- Nitschkiaceae Nannf. 1932
- Nivatogastrium Singer & A.H. Sm. 1959
- Nocardiaceae Castellani and Chalmers 1919
- Nodotia Hjortstam
- Nodulisporium Preuss 1849
- Nodulosphaeria Rabenh. 1858
- Nolanea (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Nomuraea Maubl. 1903
- Normandina Nyl. 1855
- Nosema Nägeli
- Nosematidae
- Nothocorticium Gresl. & Rajchenb. 1999
- Notholepiota E. Horak 1971
- Nothophacidium J. Reid & Cain 1962
- Nothoravenelia Dietel 1910
- Notocladonia S. Hammer 2003
- Nowakowskiella J. Schröt. 1893
- Nummularia Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Nyctalis Fr. 1825
- Nyssopsora Arthur 1906
- Obelidium Nowak. 1877
- Oberwinkleria Vánky & R. Bauer 1995
- Obolarina Pouzar 1986
- Ocellaria (Tul. & C. Tul.) P. Karst. 1871
- Ocellularia G. Mey. 1825
- Ochroconis de Hoog & Arx 1974 [1973]
- Ochrolechia A. Massal. 1852
- Ochrolechiaceae
- Ochropsora Dietel 1895
- Octaviania Vittad. 1831
- Octavianina Kuntze 1898
- Octospora Hedw. 1789
- Odontia Fr. 1835
- Odontia Pers. 1794
- Odontotrema Nyl. 1858
- Odontotremataceae D. Hawksw. & Sherwood 1982
- Oedemium Link 1824
- Oedocephalum Preuss 1851
- Oedothea Syd. 1930
- Oerskovia Prauser et al. 1970
- Ohleria Fuckel 1868
- Oidiodendron Robak 1932
- Oidiopsis Scalia 1902
- Oidium Link 1824
- Oidium Sacc. 1880
- Oligonema Rostaf. 1875
- Oligoporus Bref. 1888 [1889]
- Oligostroma Syd. & P. Syd. 1914
- Olivea Arthur 1917
- Olpidiaceae J. Schröt. 1886 [1889]
- Olpidiopsidaceae Sparrow ex Cejp 1959
- Olpidiopsidales M.W. Dick 2001
- Olpidiopsis Cornu 1872
- Olpidium (A. Braun) J. Schröt. 1886
- Olpitrichum G.F. Atk. 1894
- Ombrophila Fr. 1849
- Ombrophila Quél. 1892
- Omphalia (Fr.) Staude 1857
- Omphaliaster Lamoure 1971
- Omphalina Quél. 1886
- Omphalospora Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Omphalotus Fayod 1889
- Oncopodiella G. Arnaud ex Rifai 1965
- Oncopodium Sacc. 1904
- Ondiniella E.B.G. Jones, R.G. Johnson & S.T. Moss 1984
- Onnia P. Karst. 1889
- Onychocola Sigler 1990
- Onygena Pers. 1800 [1799]
- Onygenaceae Berk. 1857
- Onygenales Cif. ex Benny & Kimbr. 1980
- Oomyces Berk. & Broome 1851
- Oomycetes G. Winter 1880 [1884]
- Oomycota Arx 1967
- Oospora Wallr. 1833
- Oothecium Speg. 1919
- Oothyrium Syd. 1939
- Opegrapha Ach. 1810
- Ophiobolus Riess 1854
- Ophiocapnocoma Bat. & Cif. 1963
- Ophioceras Sacc. 1883
- Ophiochaeta (Sacc.) Sacc.
- Ophiocladium Cavara 1893
- Ophiocordyceps Petch 1931
- Ophiocordycipitaceae G.H. Sung, J.M. Sung, Hywel-Jones & Spatafora 2007
- Ophiodothella (Henn.) Höhn. 1910
- Ophiodothis Sacc. 1883
- Ophiognomonia (Sacc.) Sacc. 1899
- Ophionectria Sacc. 1878
- Ophioparmaceae
- Ophiosphaerella Speg. 1909
- Ophiostoma Syd. & P. Syd. 1919
- Ophiostomataceae Nannf. 1932
- Ophiostomatales Benny & Kimbr. 1980
- Ophiotheca Curr. 1854
- Ophiovalsa Petr. 1966 [1965]
- Orbicula Cooke 1871
- Orbilia Fr. 1836
- Orbiliaceae Nannf. 1932
- Orbiliales Baral, O.E. Erikss., G. Marson & E. Weber 2003
- Orbiliomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Baral 2003
- Orbiliomycetidae
- Orbiliopsis (Sacc.) Syd. 1924
- Orcadella Wingate 1889
- Ordovicimyces M.K. Elias 1966 [1965]
- Orphanomyces Savile 1974
- Orphella L. Léger & M. Gauthier 1932
- Orpinomyces D.J.S. Barr, H. Kudo, Jakober & K.J. Cheng 1989
- Orthoscypha Syd. 1927
- Osmoporus Singer 1944
- Ossicaulis Redhead & Ginns 1985
- Ostracoderma Fr. 1825
- Ostropales Nannf. 1932
- Ostropomycetidae Reeb, Lutzoni & Cl. Roux 2004
- Otidea (Pers.) Bonord. 1851
- Otthia Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Oudemansiella Speg. 1881
- Ovularia Sacc. 1880
- Ovulariopsis Pat. & Har.
- Ovulinia F.A. Weiss 1940
- Ovulitis N.F. Buchw. 1970
- Oxydontia L.W. Mill. 1933
- Oxydothis Penz. & Sacc. 1898
- Oxyporus (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk 1933
- Pachybasidiella Bubák & Syd. 1915
- Pachybasium Sacc. 1885
- Pachyella Boud. 1907
- Pachykytospora Kotl. & Pouzar 1963
- Pachypatella Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Pachyphiale Lönnr. 1858
- Pachyphloeus Tul. & C. Tul. 1845
- Pachysacca Syd. 1930
- Paecilomyces Bainier 1907
- Paepalopsis J.G. Kühn 1882
- Palifer Stalpers & P.K. Buchanan 1991
- Panaeolina Maire 1933
- Panaeolus (Fr.) Quél. 1872
- Pandora Humber 1989
- Panellus P. Karst. 1879
- Pannaria Delise ex Bory 1828
- Pannariaceae Tuck. 1872
- Pannoparmelia (Müll. Arg.) Darb. 1912
- Panorbis J. Campb., J.L. Anderson & Shearer 2003
- Panus Fr. 1838
- Papularia Fr. 1825
- Papulaspora Preuss 1851
- Parabeltrania
- Parabotryon Syd. 1926
- Paraceratocladium R.F. Castañeda 1987
- Paracercospora Deighton 1979
- Paraconiothyrium Verkley 2004
- Paradiacheopsis Hertel 1954
- Paraeccilia Largent 1994
- Paraglomeraceae J.B. Morton & D. Redecker 2001
- Paraglomerales C. Walker & A. Schüssler 2001
- Paraglomus J.B. Morton & D. Redecker 2001
- Paramoebidium L. Léger & Duboscq 1929
- Paranectria Sacc. 1878
- Paraperonospora Constant. 1989
- Paraphaeosphaeria O.E. Erikss. 1967
- Parapleurotheciopsis P.M. Kirk 1982
- Paraporpidia Rambold & Pietschm. 1989
- Parapyricularia M.B. Ellis 1972
- Parasitella Bainier 1903
- Parasola Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple 2001
- Parasphaeria Syd. 1924
- Parastenella J.C. David 1991
- Parasympodiella Ponnappa 1975
- Parencoelia Petr. 1950
- Parksia E.K. Cash 1945
- Parmastomyces Kotl. & Pouzar 1964
- Parmelia Ach. 1803
- Parmeliaceae Zenker 1827-29
- Parmeliella Müll. Arg. 1862
- Parmelina Hale 1974
- Parmelinopsis Elix & Hale 1987
- Parmentaria Fée 1824
- Parmotrema A. Massal. 1860
- Parmularia Lév. 1846
- Parmulariaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr 1979
- Parmulariopsis Petr. 1954
- Parodiella Speg. 1880
- Parodiellaceae Theiss. & Syd. ex M.E. Barr 1987
- Parodiopsidaceae Toro 1952
- Parodiopsis Maubl. 1915
- Parvobasidium Jülich 1975
- Passalora Fr. 1849
- Patella F.H. Wigg. ex Seaver 1928
- Patellaria Fr. 1822
- Patellariaceae Corda 1838
- Patellariales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Paurocotylis Berk. 1855
- Paxillaceae Lotsy 1907
- Paxillus Fr. 1836
- Pazschkeella Syd. & P. Syd. 1901
- Peckiella (Sacc.) Sacc. 1891
- Peglionia Goid. 1937
- Pellicularia Cooke 1876
- Peltigera Willd. 1787
- Peltigeraceae Dumort. 1822
- Peltigerales W. Watson 1929
- Peltula Nyl. 1853
- Peltulaceae Büdel 1986
- Peltularia R. Sant. 1944
- Pemphidium Mont. 1840
- Pendulispora M.B. Ellis 1961
- Penicillifer Emden 1968
- Penicilliopsis Solms 1887
- Penicillium Fr. 1832
- Penicillium Link 1809
- Peniophora Cooke 1879
- Peniophoraceae Lotsy 1907
- Peniophorella P. Karst. 1889
- Pennella Manier 1968
- Penzigia Sacc. 1888
- Penzigomyces Subram. 1992
- Percolozoa
- Perenniporia Murrill 1942
- Perichaena Fr. 1817
- Pericladium Pass. 1875
- Periconia Tode 1791
- Periconiella Sacc. 1885
- Pericystis Betts 1912
- Peridermium (Link) J.C. Schmidt & Kunze 1817
- Perigrapha Hafellner 1996
- Periline Syd. 1939
- Periola Fr. 1822
- Perisporina Henn. 1904
- Perisporiopsis Henn. 1904
- Perisporium Fr. 1821
- Peristemma Syd. 1921
- Peristomialis (W. Phillips) Boud. 1907
- Perizomatium Syd. 1927
- Perizomella Syd. 1927
- Peroneutypa Berl. 1902
- Peronoplasmopara (Berl.) G.P. Clinton 1905
- Peronosclerospora (S. Ito) Hara 1927
- Peronospora Corda 1837
- Peronosporaceae Warm. 1884
- Peronosporales E. Fisch. 1892
- Peronosporomycetidae
- Perrotia Boud. 1901
- Persiciospora P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw. 1982
- Pertusaria DC. 1805
- Pertusariaceae Körb. ex Körb. 1855
- Pertusariales M. Choisy ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Pesotum J.L. Crane & Schokn. 1973
- Pestalopezia Seaver 1942
- Pestalosphaeria M.E. Barr 1975
- Pestalotia De Not. 1841 [1839]
- Pestalotiopsis Steyaert 1949
- Pestalozziella Sacc. & Ellis 1882
- Petersonia Cummins & Y. Hirats. 2003
- Petrakia Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Petrakiopsis Subram. & K.R.C. Reddy 1968 [1966]
- Petriella Curzi 1930
- Petriellidium Malloch 1970
- Petromyces Malloch & Cain 1973 [1972]
- Peyronelia Cif. & Gonz. Frag. 1927
- Peyronelina G. Arnaud ex P.J. Fisher, J. Webster & D.F. Kane 1976
- Peyronellaea Goid. 1952
- Pezicula Paulet 1791
- Pezicula Tul. & C. Tul. 1865
- Peziza Fr. 1822
- Peziza L. 1753
- Pezizaceae Dumort. 1829
- Pezizales J. Schröt. 1897
- Pezizella Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Pezizella P. Karst. 1873
- Pezizomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Pezizomycetidae
- Pezizomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Pezizula P. Karst. 1871
- Pezoloma Clem. 1909
- Phacellium Bonord. 1860
- Phacidiaceae Fr. 1849
- Phacidiella P. Karst. 1884
- Phacidiella Potebnia 1912
- Phacidiopycnis Potebnia 1912
- Phacidium Fr. 1815
- Phacopsis Tul. 1852
- Phacostromella Petr. 1955
- Phaeoacremonium W. Gams, Crous & M.J. Wingf. 1996
- Phaeoannellomyces McGinnis & Schell 1985
- Phaeoblastophora Partridge & Morgan-Jones 2002
- Phaeobotryosphaeria Speg. 1908
- Phaeobulgaria Seaver 1932
- Phaeocalicium Alb. Schmidt 1970
- Phaeocandelabrum R.F. Castañeda, Gusmao, Guarro & Iturr. 2009
- Phaeocapnias Cif. & Bat. 1963
- Phaeochora Höhn. 1909
- Phaeochoraceae K.D. Hyde, P.F. Cannon & M.E. Barr 1997
- Phaeochorella Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Phaeoclavulina Brinkmann 1897
- Phaeocollybia R. Heim 1931
- Phaeocrella Réblová, L. Mostert, W. Gams, Crous 2004
- Phaeocryptopus Naumov 1915 [1914]
- Phaeocytostroma Petr. 1921
- Phaeodimeriella Speg. 1908
- Phaeodomus Höhn. 1909
- Phaeographina Müll. Arg. 1882
- Phaeographis Müll. Arg. 1882
- Phaeogyroporus Singer 1944
- Phaeohelotium Kanouse 1935
- Phaeohymenula Petr. 1954
- Phaeoisaria Höhn. 1909
- Phaeoisariopsis Ferraris 1909
- Phaeolepiota Maire ex Konrad & Maubl. 1928
- Phaeolus (Pat.) Pat. 1900
- Phaeomarasmius Scherff. 1897
- Phaeomoniella Crous & W. Gams 2000
- Phaeomycena R. Heim ex Singer & Digilio 1952
- Phaeophleospora Rangel 1916
- Phaeophyscia Moberg 1977
- Phaeopyxis Rambold & Triebel 1990
- Phaeoramularia Munt.-Cvetk. 1960
- Phaeosaccardinula Henn. 1905
- Phaeoscopulariopsis M. Ota 1928
- Phaeoscypha Spooner 1984
- Phaeoseptoria Speg. 1908
- Phaeosolenia Speg. 1902
- Phaeosphaerella P. Karst. 1888
- Phaeosphaeria I. Miyake 1909
- Phaeosphaeriaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Phaeosphaeriopsis M.P.S. Câmara, M.E. Palm & A.W. Ramaley 2003
- Phaeospora Hepp ex Stein 1879
- Phaeosporobolus D. Hawksw. & Hafellner 1986
- Phaeostalagmus W. Gams 1976
- Phaeostigme Syd. & P. Syd.
- Phaeothyriolum Syd. 1938
- Phaeotrametes Lloyd ex J.E. Wright 1966
- Phaeotrichaceae Cain 1956
- Phaeotrichoconis Subram. 1956
- Phaeotrichosphaeria Sivan. 1983
- Phaeoxyphiella Bat. & Cif. 1963
- Phakopsora Dietel 1895
- Phakopsoraceae Cummins & Hirats. f. 1983
- Phallaceae Corda 1842
- Phallales E. Fisch. 1898
- Phallobata G. Cunn. 1926
- Phallogaster Morgan 1893
- Phallogastraceae Locq. 1974
- Phallomycetidae K. Hosaka, Castellano & Spatafora 2007 [2006]
- Phallus Junius ex L. 1753
- Phanerochaetaceae Jülich 1982
- Phanerochaete P. Karst. 1889
- Phanerodontia Hjortstam & Ryvarden 2010
- Phaneroites Hjortstasm & Ryvarden 2010
- Pharcidia Körb. 1865
- Phellinus Quél. 1886
- Phellodon P. Karst. 1881
- Phellorinia Berk. 1843
- Phelloriniaceae Ulbr. 1951
- Phialea (Fr.) Gillet 1879
- Phialemonium W. Gams & McGinnis 1983
- Phialina Höhn. 1926
- Phialocephala W.B. Kendr. 1961
- Phialocybe P. Karst. 1879
- Phialographium H.P. Upadhyay & W.B. Kendr. 1974
- Phialomyces P.C. Misra & P.H.B. Talbot 1964
- Phialophora Medlar 1915
- Phibalis Wallr. 1833
- Phillipsia Berk. 1881
- Phlebia Fr. 1821
- Phlebiella P. Karst. 1890
- Phlebiopsis Jülich 1978
- Phlebopus (R. Heim) Singer 1936
- Phlegmacium (Fr.) Wünsche 1877
- Phleogena Link 1833
- Phleogenaceae Gäum. 1926
- Phloeophthora Kleb. 1905
- Phloeospora Wallr. 1833
- Phlogiotis Quél. 1886
- Phlyctaeniella Petr. 1922
- Phlyctema Desm. 1847
- Phlyctibasidium Jülich 1974
- Phlyctidaceae Poelt ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1991
- Phlyctidium (A. Braun) Rabenh. 1868
- Phlyctidium Wallr. 1833
- Phlyctis (Wallr.) Flot. 1850
- Phlyctochytrium J. Schröt. 1892
- Phlyctorhiza A.M. Hanson 1946
- Pholiota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Pholiotina Fayod 1889
- Phoma Sacc. 1880
- Phomatospora Sacc. 1875
- Phomopsis (Sacc.) Bubák 1905
- Phorcys Niessl 1876 [1875]
- Phragmidiaceae Corda 1837
- Phragmidium Link 1816 [1813]
- Phragmiticola Sherwood 1987
- Phragmocephala E.W. Mason & S. Hughes 1951
- Phragmogloeum Petr. 1954
- Phragmonaevia Rehm 1896
- Phragmopeltis Henn. 1904
- Phragmotaenium R. Bauer, Begerow, A. Nagler & Oberw. 2001
- Phragmotrichum Kunze 1823
- Phycomyces Kunze 1823
- Phycomycetaceae Arx 1982
- Phycopeltis
- Phylacia Lév. 1845
- Phyllachora Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Phyllachoraceae Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Phyllachorales M.E. Barr 1983
- Phyllachorella Syd. 1914
- Phyllactinia Lév. 1851
- Phyllisciella Henssen 1984
- Phylloporia Murrill 1904
- Phylloporis Clem. 1909
- Phylloporthe Syd. 1925
- Phylloporus Quél. 1888
- Phyllopsora Müll. Arg. 1894
- Phyllosticta Pers. 1818
- Phyllostictina Syd. & P. Syd. 1916
- Phymatopsis Tul. ex Trevis. 1857
- Physalacria Peck 1882
- Physalacriaceae Corner 1970
- Physalospora Niessl 1876 [1875]
- Physalosporina Woron. 1911
- Physaraceae Chevall. 1826
- Physarella Peck 1882
- Physarida
- Physarum Pers. 1794
- Physcia (Schreb.) Michx. 1803
- Physciaceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Physisporinus P. Karst. 1889
- Physisporus Chevall. 1826
- Physma A. Massal. 1854
- Physoderma Wallr. 1833
- Physodermataceae Sparrow 1953 [1952]
- Physopella Arthur 1906
- Phytomyxea
- Phytophthora de Bary 1876 [1875]
- Pichia E.C. Hansen 1904
- Pichiaceae
- Piedraia Fonseca & Leão 1928
- Piedraiaceae Viégas ex Cif., Bat. & S. Camposa{2} 1956
- Piggotia Berk. & Broome 1851
- Pilacre Fr. 1825
- Pilaira Tiegh. 1875
- Pileolaria Castagne 1842
- Pileolariaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats. 1983
- Pilidiella Petr. & Syd. 1927
- Pilidium Kunze 1823
- Pilobolaceae Corda 1842
- Pilobolus Tode 1784
- Pilocarpaceae Zahlbr. 1905
- Piloderma Jülich 1969
- Pinuzza Gray 1821
- Piptarthron Mont. ex Höhn. 1918
- Piptocephalidaceae J. Schröt. 1886 [1889]
- Piptocephalis de Bary 1865
- Piptoporus P. Karst. 1881
- Piricauda Bubák 1914
- Piromyces J.J. Gold, I.B. Heath & Bauchop 1988
- Pirostoma (Fr.) Fuckel 1870
- Pirottaea Sacc. 1878
- Pisolithus Alb. & Schwein. 1805
- Pistillaria Fr. 1821
- Pistillaria Jeekel, Tuzet, Manier & Jolivet 1959
- Pistillina Quél. 1881
- Pithoascus Arx 1973
- Pithomyces Berk. & Broome 1873 [1875]
- Pithya Fuckel 1870
- Pityrosporum Sabour. 1904
- Placidium A. Massal. 1855
- Placoasterella Sacc. ex Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Placonema (Sacc.) Petr. 1921
- Placopsis (Nyl.) Linds. 1866
- Placosoma Syd. 1924
- Placosphaerella Pat. 1897
- Placosphaeria (De Not.) Sacc. 1880
- Placothyrium Bubák 1916
- Placuntium Ehrenb. 1818
- Placynthiaceae Å.E. Dahl 1950
- Placynthiella Elenkin 1909
- Placynthium (Ach.) Gray 1821
- Plagiosphaera Petr. 1941
- Plagiostigme Syd. 1925
- Plagiostigmella Petr. 1949
- Planetella Savile 1951
- Planistromellaceae M.E. Barr 1996
- Plantae
- Plasmodiophora Woronin 1877
- Plasmodiophorida
- Plasmodiophoridae Zopf ex Berl. 1888
- Plasmopara J. Schröt. 1886
- Platismatia W.L. Culb. & C.F. Culb. 1968
- Platycarpium P. Karst. 1905
- Platychora Petr. 1925
- Platygloea J. Schröt. 1887
- Platygloeaceae Racib. 1909
- Platygloeales
- Platyspora Wehm. 1961
- Platystomum Trevis.
- Plectania Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Plectocarpon Fée 1825
- Plectodiscella Woron. 1914
- Plectophoma Höhn. 1907
- Plectosphaerella Kirschst. 1938
- Plectosphaerella Kleb. 1930
- Plectosphaerellaceae W. Gams, Summerb. & Zare 2007
- Plectosporium M.E. Palm, W. Gams & Nirenberg 1995
- Pleiochaeta (Sacc.) S. Hughes 1951
- Pleistophoridae Doflein
- Plenodomus Preuss 1851
- Pleochaeta Sacc. & Speg. 1881
- Pleolpidium A. Fisch. 1892
- Pleomassaria Speg. 1880
- Pleomassariaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Pleonectria Sacc. 1876
- Pleosphaeria Speg. 1881
- Pleosphaeropsis Vain. 1921
- Pleosphaerulina Pass. 1891
- Pleospora Rabenh. ex Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Pleosporaceae Nitschke 1869
- Pleosporales Luttrell ex Barr 1983
- Pleosporomycetidae C.L. Scoch, Spatafora, Crous & Shoemaker 2006
- Pleurage Fr. 1849
- Pleurella E. Horak 1971
- Pleuroascus Massee & E.S. Salmon 1901
- Pleurocolla Petr. 1924
- Pleurocollybia Singer 1947
- Pleurocybella Singer 1947
- Pleurodomus Petr. 1934
- Pleuroflammula Singer 1946
- Pleuropedium Marvanová & S.H. Iqbal 1973
- Pleurophoma Höhn. 1914
- Pleurophomella Höhn. 1914
- Pleurophragmium Costantin 1888
- Pleuropus (Pers.) Roussel 1806
- Pleurostoma Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Pleurostomataceae
- Pleurostomophora Vijaykr., L. Mostert, Jeewon, W. Gams, K.D. Hyde & Crous 2004
- Pleurotaceae Kühner 1980
- Pleurotellus Fayod 1889
- Pleurotheciopsis B. Sutton
- Pleurothecium Höhn. 1919
- Pleurothyrium Bubák 1916
- Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
- Pleurotus (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Plicaria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Plicariella (Sacc.) Rehm 1894
- Plicatura Peck 1872
- Plicaturella Murrill 1910
- Plicaturopsis D.A. Reid 1964
- Plochmothea Syd. 1939
- Ploettnera Henn. 1899
- Plokamidomyces Bat., C.A.A. Costa & Cif. 1957
- Plowrightia Sacc. 1883
- Pluricellaesporites Hammen 1954
- Pluteaceae Kotl. & Pouzar 1972
- Pluteolus (Fr.) Gillet 1876
- Pluteus Fr. 1836
- Pneumocystidaceae O.E. Erikss. 1994
- Pneumocystidales O.E. Erikss. 1994
- Pneumocystidomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Pneumocystidomycetidae
- Pneumocystis P. Delanoe & Delanoe 1912
- Pocheina A.R. Loebl. & Tappan 1961
- Pochonia Bat. & O.M. Fonseca 1965
- Pocillaria P. Browne 1756
- Pocillum De Not. 1864 [1863]
- Pocsia Vězda 1975
- Poculum Velen. 1934
- Podaxis Desv. 1809
- Podochytrium Pfitzer 1870
- Podoconis Boedijn 1933
- Podocrella Seaver 1928
- Podohydnangium G.W. Beaton, Pegler & T.W.K. Young 1984
- Podonectria Petch 1922 [1920]
- Podophacidium Niessl 1868
- Podoplaconema Petr. 1921
- Podoscypha Pat. 1900
- Podoserpula D.A. Reid 1963
- Podosordaria Ellis & Holw. 1897
- Podosphaera Kunze 1823
- Podospora Ces. 1856
- Podosporiella Ellis & Everh. 1894
- Podosporium Schwein. 1832 [1834]
- Podostroma P. Karst. 1892
- Podotara Malcolm & Vězda 1996
- Poeltiaria Hertel 1984
- Poeltidia Hertel & Hafellner 1984
- Poeltinula Hafellner 1984
- Poetschia Körb. 1861
- Pogonospora Petr. 1957 [1956]
- Poitrasia P.M. Kirk 1984
- Pollaccia E. Bald. & Cif. 1937
- Polyactis Link 1809
- Polyblastia A. Massal. 1852
- Polycephalomyces Kobayasi 1941
- Polychidium (Ach.) Gray 1821
- Polychytriales Longcore & D.R. Simmons 2012
- Polycoccum Saut. ex Körb. 1865
- Polycornum Malcolm & Vězda 1995
- Polycystis Lév. 1846
- Polydesmia Boud. 1885
- Polymeridium (Müll. Arg.) R.C. Harris 1980
- Polymorphum Chevall. 1822
- Polymyxa Ledingham 1939
- Polyopeus A.S. Horne 1920
- Polyphlyctis Karling 1968 [1966]
- Polyporaceae Fr. ex Corda 1839
- Polyporales Gäum. 1926
- Polyporellus P. Karst. 1879
- Polyporoletus Snell 1936
- Polyporopsis Audet 2010
- Polyporus Fr. 1815
- Polypus Audet 2010
- Polysaccum F. Desp. & DC. 1807
- Polyschema H.P. Upadhyay 1966
- Polyscytalum Riess 1853
- Polysphondylium Bref. 1884
- Polyspora Laff. 1921
- Polysporina Vězda 1978
- Polystictus Fr. 1851
- Polystigma DC. 1815
- Polystigmina Sacc. 1884
- Polystomella Speg. 1888
- Polystomellaceae Theiss. & P. Syd. 1915
- Polythrinciopsis J. Walker 1966
- Polythrincium Kunze 1817
- Polytretophora Mercado 1983
- Pontisma H.E. Petersen 1905
- Pontismataceae H.E. Petersen ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Poria Pers. 1794
- Porina Müll. Arg. 1883
- Porinaceae Rchb. 1828
- Porodaedalea Murrill 1905
- Porodisculus Murrill 1907
- Poronia Willd. 1787
- Poronidulus Murrill 1904
- Porosphaerella E. Müll. & Samuels 1982
- Porosphaeria Samuels & E. Müll. 1979 [1978]
- Porostereum Pilát 1937 [1936]
- Porotheleum Fr. 1818
- Porphyrellus E.-J. Gilbert 1931
- Porpidia Körb. 1855
- Porpidiaceae Hertel & Hafellner 1984
- Porpoloma Singer 1952
- Porpomyces Jülich 1982
- Postia Fr. 1874
- Potebniamyces Smerlis 1962
- Potridiscus Döbbeler & Triebel 2000
- Potriphila Döbbeler 1996
- Pouzarella Mazzer 1976
- Pouzaromyces Pilát 1953
- Prathoda Subram. 1956
- Preussia Fuckel 1867
- Prillieuxia Sacc. & P. Syd. 1899
- Prillieuxina G. Arnaud 1918
- Pringsheimia Schulzer 1866
- Proliferodiscus J.H. Haines & Dumont 1983
- Pronectria Clem. 1931
- Propoliopsis Rehm 1914
- Propolis (Fr.) Corda 1838
- Propolomyces Sherwood 1977
- Proprioscypha Spooner 1987
- Prospodium Arthur 1907
- Prosthecium Fresen. 1852
- Protoachlya Coker 1923
- Protoblastenia (Zahlbr.) J. Steiner 1911
- Protocreopsis Yoshim. Doi 1977
- Protodaedalea Imazeki 1955
- Protogautieria A.H. Sm. 1965
- Protoglossum Massee 1891
- Protomerulius Möller 1895
- Protomyces Unger 1832
- Protomycetaceae Gray 1821
- Protomycocladus Schipper & Samson 1994
- Protomycopsis Magnus 1905
- Protonema
- Protoparmelia M. Choisy 1929
- Protoscypha Syd. 1925
- Protoscyphaceae Kutorga & D. Hawksw. 1997
- Protostelea
- Protosteliaceae L.S. Olive 1962
- Protostelida
- Protosteliopsis L.S. Olive & Stoian. 1966
- Protostelium L.S. Olive & Stoian. 1960
- Prototheca W. Krüger 1894
- Protothyrium G. Arnaud 1917
- Prototrichia Rostaf. 1876
- Protoventuria Berl. & Sacc. 1887
- Protozoa
- Protubera Möller 1895
- Psalliota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Psathyloma Soop, J.A. Cooper & Dima 2016
- Psathyra (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Psathyrella (Fr.) Quél. 1872
- Psathyrellaceae Vilgalys, Moncalvo & Rehead 2001
- Pseudaegerita J.L. Crane & Schokn. 1981
- Pseudallescheria Negr. & I. Fisch. 1944
- Pseudapiospora Petr. 1928
- Pseudephebe M. Choisy 1930
- Pseudeurotiaceae Malloch & Cain 1970
- Pseudeurotium J.F.H. Beyma 1937
- Pseudoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones 2003
- Pseudoamauroascus Cano, Solé & Guarro 2002
- Pseudoarmillariella (Singer) Singer 1956
- Pseudobaeospora Singer 1942
- Pseudobalsamia E. Fisch. 1907
- Pseudobotrytis Krzemien. & Badura 1954
- Pseudocamptoum Gonz. Frag. & Cif. 1925
- Pseudocercospora Speg. 1910
- Pseudocercosporella Deighton 1973
- Pseudochaete T. Wagner & M. Fisch. 2002
- Pseudocladosporium U. Braun 1998
- Pseudoclathrosphaerina Voglmayr 1997
- Pseudocochliobolus Tsuda, Ueyama & Nishih. 1978
- Pseudocolus Lloyd 1907
- Pseudocoprinus Kühner 1928
- Pseudocraterellus Corner 1958
- Pseudocyphellaria Vain. 1890
- Pseudodermatosorus Vánky 1999
- Pseudodictyosporium Matsush. 1971
- Pseudodidymaria U. Braun 1993
- Pseudodiplodia (P. Karst.) Sacc. 1884
- Pseudodiplodia Speg. 1920
- Pseudodoassansia (Setch.) Vánky 1981
- Pseudoepicoccum M.B. Ellis 1971
- Pseudofavolus Pat. 1900
- Pseudofusidium Deighton 1969
- Pseudographis Nyl. 1855
- Pseudogymnoascus Raillo 1929
- Pseudohalonectria Minoura & T. Muroi 1978
- Pseudohansfordia G.R.W. Arnold 1970
- Pseudohelotium Fuckel 1870
- Pseudohendersonia Crous & M.E. Palm 1999
- Pseudohiatula (Singer) Singer 1938
- Pseudohydnum P. Karst. 1868
- Pseudohydnum Rick 1904
- Pseudohypocrea Yoshim. Doi 1972
- Pseudoinonotus T. Wagner & M. Fisch. 2001
- Pseudolachnea Ranoj. 1910
- Pseudolagarobasidium J.C. Jang & T. Chen 1985
- Pseudolembosia Theiss. 1913
- Pseudolpidium A. Fisch. 1892
- Pseudomassaria Jacz. 1894
- Pseudomassariella Petr. 1955
- Pseudombrophila Boud. 1885
- Pseudomeliola Speg. 1889
- Pseudomerulius Jülich 1979
- Pseudomycena Cejp 1929
- Pseudonectria Seaver 1909
- Pseudonectriella Petr. 1959
- Pseudonocardiaceae Embley et al. 1989
- Pseudoparodia Theiss. & Syd. 1917
- Pseudoperisporiaceae Toro 1926
- Pseudoperonospora Rostovzev 1903
- Pseudopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Pseudophacidium P. Karst. 1885
- Pseudophaeoramularia U. Braun 1997
- Pseudoplagiostoma Cheewangkoon, M.J. Wingf. & Crous 2010
- Pseudoplectania Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Pseudosaccharomyces Briosi & Farneti 1906
- Pseudoseptoria Speg. 1910
- Pseudosphaerella Höhn. 1911
- Pseudosphaeritaceae M.W. Dick 1995
- Pseudospiropes M.B. Ellis 1971
- Pseudostypella McNabb 1969
- Pseudothis Theiss. & Syd. 1914
- Pseudotis (Boud.) Boud. 1907
- Pseudotomentella Svrček 1958
- Pseudotremellodendron D.A. Reid 1957 [1956]
- Pseudotrichia Kirschst. 1939
- Pseudovalsa Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Pseudovalsaceae M.E. Barr 1978
- Psilachnum Höhn. 1926
- Psilocybe (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Psilocybe Fayod 1889
- Psilolechia A. Massal. 1860
- Psilonia Fr. 1825
- Psilopezia Berk. 1847
- Psilosphaeria Cooke 1879
- Psilospora Rabenh. 1856
- Psilothecium Fuckel 1866
- Psora Hoffm. 1796
- Psoraceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Psoroma Ach. ex Michx. 1803
- Psoromidium Stirt. 1877
- Pteridomyces Jülich 1979
- Pteroconium Sacc. ex Grove 1914
- Pterospora Métrod 1949
- Pterula Fr. 1830
- Pterulaceae Corner 1970
- Ptychogaster Corda 1838
- Ptychopeltis Syd. 1927
- Ptychoverpa Boud. 1907
- Puccinia Pers. 1800 [1799]
- Pucciniaceae Chevall. 1826
- Pucciniales Clem. & Shear 1931
- Pucciniastraceae Gäum. ex Leppik 1972
- Pucciniastrum G.H. Otth 1861
- Pucciniola L. Marchand 1829
- Pucciniomycetes R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Pucciniomycotina R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Pucciniopsis Speg. 1888
- Pucciniosira Lagerh. 1892
- Pucciniosiraceae Cummins & Y. Hirats. 1983
- Pucciniostele Tranzschel & Kom. 1899
- Pulcherricium Parmasto 1968
- Pullularia Berkhout
- Pulmonaria Hoffm. 1789
- Pulveroboletus Murrill 1909
- Pulvinaria Rodway 1918
- Pulvinula Boud. 1885
- Punctelia Krog 1982
- Punctillum Petr. & Syd. 1924
- Punctularia Pat. 1895
- Pureke P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Pustula Thines 2005
- Puttemansia Henn. 1902
- Pycnidiella Höhn. 1915
- Pycnodermina Petr. 1954
- Pycnoporellus Murrill 1905
- Pycnoporus P. Karst. 1881
- Pycnostysanus Lindau 1904
- Pycnothelia (Ach.) Dufour 1821
- Pyrenidium Nyl. 1865
- Pyrenochaeta De Not. 1849 [1845]
- Pyrenogaster Malençon & Riousset 1977
- Pyrenopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Pyrenophora Fr. 1849
- Pyrenopsis Nyl. 1858
- Pyrenostigme Syd. 1926
- Pyrenothrix Riddle 1917
- Pyrenotrichaceae Zahlbr. 1926
- Pyrenotrichum Mont. 1843
- Pyrenula Ach. 1814
- Pyrenulaceae Rabenh. 1870
- Pyrenulales Fink ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Pyrgostroma Petr. 1951
- Pyricularia Sacc. 1880
- Pyriculariopsis M.B. Ellis 1971
- Pyrofomes Kotl. & Pouzar 1964
- Pyronema Carus 1835
- Pyronemataceae Corda 1842
- Pyropolyporus Murrill 1903
- Pyropyxis Egger 1984
- Pyrrhoglossum Singer 1944
- Pyrrhospora Körb. 1855
- Pythiaceae J. Schröt. 1893
- Pythiacystis R.E. Sm. & E.H. Sm. 1906
- Pythiales M.W. Dick 2001
- Pythiomorpha H.E. Petersen 1909
- Pythiopsis de Bary 1888
- Pythium Pringsh. 1858
- Pyxidiophora Bref. & Tavel 1891
- Pyxidiophoraceae G.R.W. Arnold 1971
- Pyxidiophorales P.F. Cannon 2001
- Pyxine Fr. 1825
- Quadrispora Bougher & Castellano 1993
- Quambalaria J.A. Simpson 2000
- Quambalariaceae
- Quaternaria Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Rabenhorstia Fr. 1849
- Rachicladosporium Crous, U. Braun & C.F. Hill 2007
- Raciborskia Berl. 1888
- Racodium Fr. 1829
- Racodium Pers. 1794
- Racospermyces J. Walker 2001
- Radiigera Zeller 1944
- Radulodon Ryvarden 1972
- Radulomyces M.P. Christ. 1960
- Radulum Fr. 1825
- Ramalina Ach. 1809
- Ramalinaceae C. Agardh 1821
- Ramalodium Nyl. 1879
- Ramaria Fr. ex Bonord. 1851
- Ramaria Holmsk. 1790
- Ramaricium J. Erikss. 1954
- Ramariopsis (Donk) Corner 1950
- Ramboldia Kantvilas & Elix 1994
- Ramichloridium Stahel ex de Hoog 1977
- Ramicola Velen. 1929
- Ramularia Sacc. 1880
- Ramularia Unger 1833
- Ramulaspera Lindr. 1902
- Ramulispora Miura 1920
- Rapacea E. Horak 1999
- Raperia Subram. & Rajendan 1976 [1975]
- Ravenelia Berk. 1853
- Raveneliaceae Leppik 1972
- Readeriella Syd. & P. Syd. 1908
- Rectipilus Agerer 1973
- Reddellomyces Trappe, Castellano & Malajczuk 1992
- Refractohilum D. Hawksw. 1977
- Regiocrella P. Chaverri & K.T. Hodge 2006 [2005]
- Rehmiella G. Winter 1883
- Rehmiellopsis Bubák & Kabát 1910
- Remersonia Samson & Seifert 1997
- Remispora Linder 1944
- Repetobasidium J. Erikss. 1958
- Repetophragma Subram. 1992
- Resinicium Parmasto 1968
- Resinomycena Redhead & Singer 1981
- Restiosporium Vánky 2000
- Resupinatus (Nees) Gray 1821
- Reticularia Bull. 1787-88
- Rhabdoclema Syd. 1939
- Rhabdocline Syd. 1922
- Rhabdospora (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. 1884
- Rhachomyces Thaxt. 1895
- Rhagadolobium Henn. & Lindau 1896
- Rhamphospora D.D. Cunn. 1888
- Rhamphosporaceae R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Rhaphidophora Ces. & De Not.
- Rhexoacrodictys W.A. Baker & Morgan-Jones 2002
- Rhexocercosporidium U. Braun 1994
- Rhinocladiella Nannf. 1934
- Rhinocladium Sacc. & Marchal 1885
- Rhinotrichum Corda 1837
- Rhizidiomyces Zopf 1884
- Rhizidiomycetaceae Karling ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. Charles 2001
- Rhizidiomycopsis Sparrow 1960
- Rhizidiopsis Sparrow 1933
- Rhizidium A. Braun 1856
- Rhizina Fr. 1815
- Rhizinaceae Bonord. 1851
- Rhizocarpaceae M. Choisy ex Hafellner 1984
- Rhizocarpales
- Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC. 1805
- Rhizochaete Gresl., Nakasone & Rajchenb. 2004
- Rhizocladosporium Crous & U. Braun 2007
- Rhizoclosmatium H.E. Petersen 1903
- Rhizoctonia DC. 1815
- Rhizodiscina Hafellner 1979
- Rhizogene Syd. & P. Syd. 1921
- Rhizolecia Hertel 1984
- Rhizomucor Lucet & Costantin 1900
- Rhizophagus P.A. Dang. 1896
- Rhizophlyctis A. Fisch. 1891
- Rhizophydiaceae Letcher 2006
- Rhizophydiales Letcher 2006
- Rhizophydium Schenk 1858
- Rhizophyton Zopf 1887
- Rhizopogon Fr. 1817
- Rhizopogonaceae Gäum. & C.W. Dodge 1928
- Rhizopus Ehrenb. 1821
- Rhizoscyphus W.Y. Zhuang & Korf 2004
- Rhizosphaera L. Mangin & Har. 1907
- Rhizosphaerella Höhn. 1917
- Rhizostilbella Wolk 1914
- Rhodesia Grove 1937
- Rhodococcus Zopf 1891
- Rhodocollybia Singer 1939
- Rhodocybe Maire 1925 [1924]
- Rhodocyphella W.B. Cooke 1961
- Rhodonia Niemelä & K.H. Larss. 2005
- Rhodophyllus Quél. 1886
- Rhodosporidium Banno 1967
- Rhodosticta Woron. 1911
- Rhodotorula F.C. Harrison 1927
- Rhopaloconidium Petr. 1952
- Rhopalogaster J.R. Johnst. 1902
- Rhopalomyces Corda 1839
- Rhopalomyces Harder & Sörgel 1938
- Rhopographus Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
- Rhynchomeliola Speg. 1884
- Rhynchosphaeria (Sacc.) Berl. 1890 [1894]
- Rhynchosporium Heinsen ex A.B. Frank 1897
- Rhynchostoma P. Karst. 1870
- Rhytidhysteron Speg. 1881
- Rhytidiella Zalasky 1968
- Rhytisma Fr. 1819
- Rhytismataceae Chevall. 1826
- Rhytismatales M.E. Barr ex Minter 1986
- Richoniella Costantin & L.M. Dufour 1916
- Rickenella Raithelh. 1973
- Rigidoporus Murrill 1905
- Rimaconus Huhndorf, F.A. Fernández, Joanne E. Taylor & K.D. Hyde 2001
- Rimbachia Pat. 1891
- Rimelia Hale & A. Fletcher 1990
- Rimularia Nyl. 1868
- Rinodina (Ach.) Gray 1821
- Ripartitella Singer 1947
- Ripartites P. Karst. 1879
- Roccellaceae Chevall. 1826
- Roccellina Darb. 1898
- Roccellinastrum Follmann 1968
- Roesleria Thüm. & Pass. 1877
- Roesleriaceae Y.J. Yao & Spooner 1999
- Roestelia Rebent. 1804
- Rogersella Liberta & A.J. Navas 1978
- Roridella Horak 2005
- Roridomyces Rexer 1994
- Rosellinia De Not. 1844
- Roselliniella Vain. 1921
- Rosellinula R. Sant. 1986
- Rosenscheldia Speg. 1885
- Rosenscheldiella Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Rostafinskia Racib. 1884
- Rostraureum Gryzenh. & M.J. Wingf. 2005
- Rostrupia Lagerh. 1889
- Rotiferophthora G.L. Barron 1991
- Roumegueriella Speg. 1880
- Rozella Cornu 1872
- Rozellopsidaceae M.W. Dick 1995
- Rozellopsidales M.W. Dick 2001
- Rozellopsis Karling ex Cejp 1959
- Rozites P. Karst. 1879
- Rubinoboletus Pilát & Dermek 1969
- Rupticutis Beever, Castellano & Trappe
- Russula Pers. 1796
- Russulaceae Lotsy 1907
- Russulales Kreisel ex P.M. Kirk, P.F. Cannon & J.C. David 2001
- Russuliopsis J. Schröt. 1889
- Rutola J.L. Crane & Schokn. 1978 [1977]
- Rutstroemia P. Karst. 1871
- Rutstroemiaceae Holst-Jensen, L.M. Kohn & T. Schumach. 1997
- Ruzenia O. Hilber 2002
- Ryparobius Boud. 1869
- Ryvardenia Rajchenb. 1994
- Saccardia Cooke 1878
- Saccardiaceae Höhn. 1909
- Saccardoella Speg. 1879
- Saccharomyces Meyen ex E.C. Hansen 1883
- Saccharomycetaceae G. Winter 1880 [1884]
- Saccharomycetales Kudrjanzev 1960
- Saccharomycetes G. Winter 1880 [1884]
- Saccharomycetidae
- Saccharomycodaceae Kudrjanzev 1960
- Saccharomycodes E.C. Hansen 1904
- Saccharomycopsidaceae Arx & Van der Walt 1987
- Saccharomycopsis Schiønning 1903
- Saccharomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Saccoblastia A. Møller 1895
- Saccoblastiaceae Jülich 1982
- Saccobolus Boud. 1869
- Saccothecium Fr. 1836
- Sachsia Lindner 1895
- Sacidium Sacc. 1880
- Sagediopsis (Sacc.) Vain. 1921
- Sagenidium Stirt. 1877
- Sagenoma Stolk & G.F. Orr 1974
- Sagenomella W. Gams 1978
- Sagrahamala Subram. 1972
- Santessoniella Henssen 1997
- Saprolegnia Nees 1823
- Saprolegniaceae Kütz. ex Warm. 1884
- Saprolegniales E. Fisch. 1892
- Saprolegniomycetidae
- Sarawakus Lloyd 1924
- Sarcinella Sacc. 1880
- Sarcinomyces Lindner 1898
- Sarcodon Quél. ex P. Karst. 1881
- Sarcodontia Schulzer 1866
- Sarcographa Fée 1824
- Sarcogyne Flot. 1851
- Sarcomyxa P. Karst. 1891
- Sarcophoma Höhn. 1916
- Sarcopodium Ehrenb. 1818
- Sarcoscypha (Fr.) Boud. 1885
- Sarcoscyphaceae Le Gal ex Eckblad 1968
- Sarcosoma Casp. 1891 [1896]
- Sarcosomataceae Kobayasi 1937
- Sarcosphaera Auersw. 1869
- Sarcostroma Cooke 1871
- Sarcostromella Boedijn 1959
- Sarea Fr. 1825
- Sarrameana Vězda & P. James 1973
- Sarrameanaceae Hafellner 1984
- Satchmopsis B. Sutton & Hodges 1975
- Savoryella E.B.G. Jones & R.A. Eaton 1969
- Sawadaea Miyabe 1914
- Scalaria Lázaro Ibiza 1916
- Scedosporium Sacc. ex Castell. & Chalm. 1919
- Scenidium (Klotzsch) Kuntze 1898
- Schaereria Körb. 1855
- Schaereriaceae
- Schiffnerula Höhn. 1909
- Schinzia Nägeli 1842
- Schismatomma Flot. & Körb. ex A. Massal. 1852
- Schizoblastosporion Cif. 1930
- Schizochora Syd. & P. Syd. 1913
- Schizochytrium S. Goldst. & Belsky 1964
- Schizonella J. Schröt. 1877
- Schizoparmaceae Rossman 2007
- Schizoparme Shear 1923
- Schizophyllaceae Quél. 1888
- Schizophyllum Fr. 1815
- Schizoplasmodium L.S. Olive & Stoian. 1966
- Schizopora Velen. 1922
- Schizoporaceae Jülich 1982
- Schizosaccharomyces Lindner 1893
- Schizosaccharomycetaceae
- Schizosaccharomycetales
- Schizosaccharomycetes O.E. Erikss. 1994
- Schizosaccharomycetidae
- Schizospora Dietel 1895
- Schizostoma Ehrenb. ex Lév. 1846
- Schizothecium Corda 1838
- Schizothyrella Thüm. 1880
- Schizothyriaceae Höhn. ex Trotter, Sacc., D. Sacc. & Traverso 1928
- Schizothyrioma Höhn. 1917
- Schizothyrium Desm. 1849
- Schizoxylon Pers. 1810
- Schroeteria G. Winter 1881
- Schroeteriaster Magnus 1896
- Schulzeria Bres. & Schulzer 1886
- Scindalma (Hill) Kuntze 1898
- Scirrhia Nitschke ex Fuckel 1870
- Sclerochaeta Höhn. 1917
- Sclerocleista Subram. 1972
- Sclerocrana Samuels & L.M. Kohn 1987 [1986]
- Sclerocystis Berk. & Broome 1873
- Scleroderma Pers. 1801
- Sclerodermataceae Corda 1842
- Scleroderris (Fr.) Rehm 1888
- Sclerogaster R. Hesse 1891
- Sclerogastraceae Locq. ex P.M. Kirk 2008
- Scleroma Fr. 1838
- Scleromeris Syd. 1926
- Scleromitrula S. Imai 1941
- Sclerophoma Höhn. 1909
- Sclerophomella Höhn. 1917
- Sclerophora Chevall. 1826
- Sclerophthora Thirum., C.G. Shaw & Naras. 1953
- Scleroplea (Sacc.) Oudem. 1900
- Sclerospora J. Schröt. 1879
- Sclerotinia Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Sclerotiniaceae Whetzel 1945
- Sclerotiopsis Speg. 1882
- Sclerotium Tode 1790
- Scoleciasis Roum. & Fautrey 1889
- Scoleciocarpus Berk. 1843
- Scolecobasidium E.V. Abbott 1927
- Scoleconectria Seaver 1909
- Scolecosporiella Petr. 1921
- Scolecostigmina A. Braun 1999
- Scoliciosporum A. Massal. 1852
- Scolicotrichum Kunze 1817
- Scopella Mains 1939
- Scopinella Lév. 1849
- Scoptria Nitschke 1867
- Scopularia Preuss 1851
- Scopulariopsis Bainier 1907
- Scopuloides (Massee) Höhn. & Litsch. 1908
- Scorias Fr. 1825
- Scortechinia Sacc. 1891
- Scortechiniaceae Nannf. 1932
- Scotoderma Jülich 1974
- Scotomyces Jülich 1978
- Scutellinia (Cooke) Lambotte 1887
- Scutellospora C. Walker & F.E. Sanders 1986
- Scutiger Paulet 1808
- Scutigeraceae Bondartsev & Singer ex Singer 1969
- Scutomollisia Nannf. 1976
- Scutula Tul. 1852
- Scyphospora L.A. Kantsch. 1928
- Scytalidium Pesante 1957
- Scytinopogon Singer 1945
- Scytinostroma Donk 1956
- Scytinostromella Parmasto 1968
- Scytinotus P. Karst. 1879
- Sebacina Tul. & C. Tul. 1871 [1873]
- Sebacinaceae K. Wells & Oberw. 1982
- Sebacinales M. Weiss, Selosse, Rexer, A. Urb. & Oberw. 2004
- Secotium Kunze 1840
- Seifertia Partridge & Morgan-Jones 2002
- Seimatosporium Corda 1833 [1837]
- Seiridium Nees 1816-17
- Seismosarca Cooke 1889
- Selenophoma Maire 1907
- Selenosira Petr. 1957
- Selenosporella G. Arnaud ex MacGarvie 1969 [1968]
- Selenosporium Corda 1837
- Selinia P. Karst. 1876
- Semidelitschia Cain & Luck-Allen 1969
- Semipseudocercospora J.M. Yen 1983
- Sepedonium Link 1809
- Septobasidiaceae Racib. 1909
- Septobasidiales Couch ex Donk 1964
- Septobasidium Pat. 1892
- Septochytrium Berdan 1939
- Septocylindrium Bonord. ex Sacc. 1880
- Septocyta
- Septofusidium W. Gams 1971
- Septogloeum Sacc. 1880
- Septoidium G. Arnaud 1921
- Septomyxa Sacc. 1884
- Septonema Corda
- Septopatella Petr. 1925
- Septoria Sacc. 1884
- Septoriella Oudem. 1889
- Septoriopsis F. Stevens & Dalbey 1918 [1919]
- Septosperma Whiffen ex R.L. Seym. 1971
- Septosporium Corda 1831
- Septotrullula Höhn. 1902
- Sepultaria (Cooke) Boud. 1885
- Serpula (Pers.) Gray 1821
- Serpulaceae Jarosch & Bresinsky 2001
- Sesquicillium W. Gams 1968
- Setchelliogaster Pouzar 1958
- Setigeroclavula R.H. Petersen 1988
- Setosphaeria K.J. Leonard & Suggs 1974
- Setulipes Antonín 1987
- Seuratiaceae Vuill. ex M.E. Barr 1987
- Seynesiella G. Arnaud 1918
- Shiraia Henn. 1900
- Sibirina G.R.W. Arnold 1970
- Sidera Miettinen & K.H. Larsson 2010
- Sillia P. Karst. 1873
- Simblum Klotzsch ex Hook. 1831
- Simocybe P. Karst. 1879
- Singeriella Petr. 1959 [1958]
- Siphonaria H.E. Petersen 1903
- Siphula Fr. 1831
- Siphulastrum Müll. Arg. 1889
- Sirobasidiaceae Lindau 1897
- Sirobasidium Lagerh. & Pat. 1892
- Sirococcus Preuss 1853
- Sirodochiella Höhn. 1925
- Sirolpidiaceae Sparrow ex Cejp 1959
- Sirolpidium H.E. Petersen 1905
- Sirophoma Höhn. 1917
- Siroplacodium Petr. 1939
- Sirosporium Bubák & Serebrian. 1912
- Sirostromella Höhn. 1916
- Sirothyriella Höhn. 1910
- Sistotrema Fr. 1821
- Sistotrema Raf. 1820
- Sistotremella 1984
- Skeletocutis Kotl. & Pouzar 1958
- Skeletohydnum Jülich 1979
- Skierka Racib. 1900
- Skyttea Sherwood, D. Hawksw. & Coppins 1981 [1980]
- Slimacomyces Minter 1986
- Smeringomyces Thaxt. 1908
- Smittium R. Poiss. 1937
- Solenia Hill ex Kuntze 1898
- Solenia Pers. 1794
- Solenopsora A. Massal.
- Solheimia E.F. Morris 1967
- Solicorynespora R.F. Castañeda & W.B. Kendr. 1990
- Solorina Ach. 1808
- Sommerstorffia Arnautov 1923
- Sonderhenia H.J. Swart & J. Walker 1988
- Soppittiella Massee
- Sordaria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Sordariaceae G. Winter 1884 [1887]
- Sordariales Chadef. ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Sordariomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Sordariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Sorocybe Fr. 1849
- Sorokina Sacc.
- Sorosphaera J. Schröt. 1886
- Sorosporium F. Rudolphi 1829
- Spadicoides S. Hughes 1958
- Sparassidaceae Herter 1910
- Sparassis Fr. 1819
- Sparrowia Willoughby 1963
- Spathularia Pers. 1797
- Spathulospora A.R. Caval. & T.W. Johnson 1965
- Spathulosporaceae Kohlm. 1973
- Spathulosporomycetidae Locq. 1984
- Spegazzinia Sacc. 1879
- Speira Corda 1837
- Spencermartinsia A.J.L. Phillips, A. Alves & Crous 2008
- Spermospora R. Sprague 1948
- Spermosporella Deighton 1969
- Spermosporina U. Braun 1993
- Sphacelia Lév. 1827
- Sphaceloma de Bary 1874
- Sphacelotheca de Bary 1884
- Sphaerella (Fr.) Rabenh. 1856
- Sphaerellopsis Cooke 1883
- Sphaeria Haller 1768
- Sphaerita P.A. Dang. 1886
- Sphaerobasidioscypha Agerer 1983
- Sphaerobolus Tode 1790
- Sphaerocarpus Bull. 1791
- Sphaerocreas Sacc. & Ellis 1882
- Sphaerodes Clem.
- Sphaerodothella C.A. Pearce & K.D. Hyde 2001
- Sphaerodothis (Sacc. & P. Syd.) Shear 1909
- Sphaerognomonia Potebnia ex Höhn. 1917
- Sphaerographium Sacc. 1884
- Sphaeromyces Mont. 1845
- Sphaeronaema Fr. 1815
- Sphaeronaemella P. Karst. 1884
- Sphaeropezia Sacc. 1884
- Sphaerophoraceae Fr. 1831
- Sphaerophorus Pers. 1794
- Sphaerophragmium Magnus 1891
- Sphaeropsis Lév. 1842
- Sphaeropsis Sacc. 1880
- Sphaerosporella (Svrček) Svrček & Kubička 1961
- Sphaerosporium Schwein. 1832 [1834]
- Sphaerostilbe Tul. & C. Tul. 1861
- Sphaerostilbella (Henn.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. 1905
- Sphaerotheca Desv. 1817
- Sphaerotheca Lév. 1851
- Sphaerulina Sacc. 1878
- Sphinctrina Fr. 1825
- Sphinctrinaceae M. Choisy 1950
- Spicaria Harting 1846
- Spicularia Pers. 1822
- Spilocaea Fr. 1819
- Spilomium Nyl. 1858
- Spilonema Bornet 1856
- Spilosticta Syd. 1923
- Spiralum J.L. Mulder 1975
- Spiropes Cif. 1955
- Spirosphaera Beverw. 1953
- Spizellomycetaceae D.J.S. Barr 1980
- Spizellomycetales D.J.S. Barr 1980
- Splanchnomyces Corda 1831 [1837]
- Splanchnonema Corda 1829
- Spogotteria Dyko & B. Sutton 1979
- Spondylocladiopsis M.B. Ellis 1963
- Spondylocladium Mart. ex Sacc. 1880
- Spongipellis Pat. 1887
- Spongospora Brunch. 1887
- Sporastatia A. Massal. 1854
- Sporendocladia G. Arnaud ex Nag Raj & W.B. Kendr. 1975
- Sporendonema Desm. 1827
- Sporidesmiella P.M. Kirk 1982
- Sporidesmium Link 1809
- Sporidiobolaceae Kobayasi 1961
- Sporidiobolales J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & R. Bauer 2003
- Sporidiobolus Nyland 1949
- Sporisorium Ehrenb. ex Link 1825
- Sporobolomyces Kluyver & C.B. Niel 1924
- Sporocadus Corda 1839
- Sporocybe Fr. 1825
- Sporonema Desm. 1847
- Sporopodium Mont. 1851
- Sporormia De Not. 1845
- Sporormiaceae Munk 1957
- Sporormiella Ellis & Everh. 1892
- Sporormiopsis Breton & Faurel 1964
- Sporoschisma Berk. & Broome 1847
- Sporoschismopsis Hol.-Jech. & Hennebert 1972
- Sporothrix Hektoen & C.F. Perkins 1901
- Sporotrichum Link 1809
- Squamanita Imbach 1946
- Stachybotrys Corda 1837
- Stachylidium Link 1809
- Stachylina L. Léger & M. Gauthier 1932
- Stagonospora (Sacc.) Sacc. 1884
- Stagonosporopsis Died. 1912
- Stamnaria Fuckel 1870
- Staninwardia B. Sutton 1971
- Stanjehughesia Subram. 1992
- Stanjemonium W. Gams, O'Donnell, Schroers & M. Chr. 1999 [1998]
- Staphylotrichum J.A. Mey. & Nicot 1957 [1956]
- Stauronema (Sacc.) Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler 1916
- Staurothele Norman 1852
- Stecchericium D.A. Reid 1963
- Steccherinum Gray 1821
- Stegia Fr. 1818
- Stegilla Rchb. 1828
- Stegocintractia M. Piepenbr., Begerow & Oberw. 1999
- Stegonsporium Corda 1827 [1826]
- Stegophorella Petr. 1947
- Steinera Zahlbr. 1906
- Steirochaete A. Braun & Casp. 1853
- Stemonaria Nann.-Bremek., R. Sharma & Y. Yamam. 1984
- Stemonitida
- Stemonitidaceae Fr. 1829
- Stemonitis Gled. 1753
- Stemonitopsis (Nann.-Bremek.) Nann.-Bremek. 1975 [1974]
- Stemphyliopsis A.L. Sm. 1901
- Stemphylium Wallr. 1833
- Stenella Syd. 1930
- Stenellopsis B. Huguenin 1966 [1965]
- Stenocarpella Syd. & P. Syd. 1917
- Stenocephalopsis Chamuris & C.J.K. Wang 1998
- Stenocephalum Chamuris & C.J.K. Wang 1990
- Stenocybe Nyl. ex Körb. 1855
- Stenospora Deighton 1969
- Stephanoma Wallr. 1833
- Stephanonectria Schroers & Samuels 1999
- Stephanospora Pat. 1914
- Stephanosporaceae Oberw. & E. Horak 1979
- Stephensia Tul. 1851
- Stereaceae Pilát 1930
- Stereocaulaceae Chevall. 1826
- Stereocaulon Hoffm. 1796
- Stereopsis D.A. Reid 1965
- Stereum Pers. 1794
- Sterigmatobotrys Oudem. 1886
- Sterigmatocystis C.E. Cramer 1859
- Sthughesia M.E. Barr 1987
- Stichodothis Petr. 1927
- Sticta (Schreb.) Ach. 1803
- Stictidaceae Fr. 1849
- Stictis Pers. 1800 [1799]
- Stictochorella Höhn. 1917
- Stigmatea Fr. 1849
- Stigmatolemma Kalchbr. 1882
- Stigmatomyces H. Karst. 1869
- Stigmatula (Sacc.) Syd. & P. Syd. 1901
- Stigmea Fr. 1837
- Stigmella Lév. 1842
- Stigmidium Trevis. 1860
- Stigmina Sacc. 1880
- Stilbechrysomyxa M.M. Chen 1984
- Stilbella Lindau 1900
- Stilbocrea Pat. 1900
- Stilbohypoxylon Henn. 1902
- Stilbospora Pers. 1797
- Stilbothamnium Henn. 1897
- Stilbum Tode 1790
- Stirtoniella D.J. Galloway, Hafellner & Elix 2005
- Stomatogene Theiss. 1917 [1916]
- Strangospora Körb. 1860
- Strasseria Bres. & Sacc. 1902
- Strattonia Cif. 1954
- Streptomyces Waksman & Henrici 1943
- Streptomycetaceae Waksman and Henrici 1943
- Streptoverticillium Baldacci 1958
- Strickeria Körb. 1865
- Strigula Fr. 1823
- Strigulaceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Strobilomyces Berk. 1851
- Strobilurus Singer 1962
- Stromatinia (Boud.) Boud. 1907
- Stromatographium Höhn. 1907
- Stromatoscypha Donk 1951
- Stropharia (Fr.) Quél. 1872
- Strophariaceae Singer & A.H. Sm. 1946
- Strossmayeria Schulzer 1881
- Strumella Fr. 1825
- Strumella Sacc. 1880
- Stuartella Fabre 1879 [1878]
- Stylina Syd. & P. Syd. 1921 [1920]
- Stylopage Drechsler 1935
- Stypella Möller 1895
- Stysanus Corda 1837
- Submersisphaeria K.D. Hyde 1996
- Subramaniomyces Varghese & V.G. Rao 1980
- Subulicystidium Parmasto 1968
- Subulispora Tubaki 1971
- Suillaceae Besl & Bresinsky 1997
- Suillus Gray 1821
- Suillus P. Karst. 1882
- Sydowia Bres. 1895
- Sydowiella Petr. 1923
- Sydowiellaceae Lar.N. Vassiljeva 1987
- Symphytocarpus Ing & Nann.-Bremek. 1967
- Sympodiella W.B. Kendr. 1958
- Sympodioclathra Voglmayr 1997
- Syncephalastraceae Naumov ex R.K. Benj. 1959
- Syncephalastrum J. Schröt. 1886
- Synchytriaceae J. Schröt. 1892
- Synchytrium de Bary & Woronin 1864
- Synostomina Petr. 1949
- Syspastospora P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw. 1982
- Syzygangia M.W. Dick 1997
- Taeniella L. Léger & Duboscq 1911
- Taeniolella S. Hughes 1958
- Taeniospora Marvanová 1977
- Talaromyces C.R. Benj. 1955
- Tapellaria Müll. Arg. 1890
- Tapesia (Pers.) Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Tapesina Lambotte
- Taphria Fr. 1815
- Taphridium Lagerh. & Juel 1902
- Taphrina Fr. 1815
- Taphrinaceae Gäum. 1928
- Taphrinales Gäum. & C.W. Dodge 1928
- Taphrinomycetes O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Taphrinomycetidae
- Taphrinomycotina O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Taphrophila Scheuer 1988
- Tapinella J.-E. Gilbert 1931
- Tapinellaceae C. Hahn 1999
- Tarzetta (Cooke) Lambotte 1888
- Tatraea Svrček 1993 [1992]
- Tectella Earle 1909
- Tectonidula Réblová 2009
- Teichospora Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Telamonia (Fr.) Wünsche 1877
- Telimena Racib. 1900
- Telimenella Petr. 1940
- Telimenopsis Petr. 1950
- Teloconia Syd. 1921
- Telomapea G.F. Laundon 1967
- Teloschistaceae Zahlbr. 1898
- Teloschistales D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Teloschistes Norman 1852
- Tephrocybe Donk 1962
- Tephromela M. Choisy 1929
- Tephromelataceae Hafellner 1984
- Teracosphaeria Réblová & Seifert 2007
- Teratomyces Thaxt. 1893
- Teratosphaeria Syd. & P. Syd. 1912
- Teratosphaeriaceae Crous & U. Braun 2007
- Teretispora E.G. Simmons 2007
- Terfezia (Tul. & C. Tul.) Tul. & C. Tul. 1851
- Terriera B. Erikss. 1970
- Testicularia Klotzsch 1832
- Testudinaceae
- Tetrachaetum Ingold 1942
- Tetracladium De Wild. 1893
- Tetracoccosporium Szabó 1905
- Tetramelas Norman 1853
- Tetramyxa K.I. Goebel 1884
- Tetranacrium H.J. Huds. & B. Sutton 1964
- Tetraploa Berk. & Broome 1850
- Tetrapyrgos E. Horak 1987 [1986]
- Thallochaete Theiss. 1913
- Thalloloma Trevis. 1853
- Thamnidium Link 1809
- Thamnogalla D. Hawksw. 1980
- Thamnolia Ach. ex Schaer. 1850
- Thamnomyces Ehrenb. 1820
- Thamnostylum Arx & H.P. Upadhyay 1970
- Thanatephorus Donk 1956
- Thanatophytum (Nees) Gray 1821
- Thaxteria Sacc. 1891
- Thaxteriella Petr. 1924
- Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
- Thecaphora Fingerh. 1836
- Thecotheus Boud. 1869
- Theissenia Maubl. 1914
- Thekopsora Magnus 1875
- Thelebolaceae Eckblad 1968
- Thelebolales P.F. Cannon 2001
- Thelebolus Tode 1790
- Thelenella Nyl. 1855
- Thelenellaceae H. Mayrhofer 1986
- Thelephora Ehrh. ex Willd. 1787
- Thelephoraceae Chevall. 1826
- Thelephorales Corner ex Oberw. 1976
- Thelidium A. Massal. 1855
- Thelohania
- Thelohaniidae
- Thelomma A. Massal. 1860
- Thelotrema Ach. 1803
- Thelotremataceae Stizenb. 1862
- Thermoascaceae
- Thermoascus Miehe 1907
- Thermomyces Tsikl. 1899
- Therrya Sacc. 1882
- Thielavia Zopf 1876
- Thielaviopsis Went 1893
- Thiersia
- Thozetella Kuntze 1891
- Thozetellopsis Agnihothr. 1958
- Thrauste Theiss. 1916
- Thraustochytriaceae Sparrow ex Cejp 1959
- Thraustochytriales Sparrow 1973
- Thraustochytrium Sparrow 1936
- Thraustotheca Humphrey 1893
- Thrombiaceae Poelt & Vězda ex J.C. David & D. Hawksw. 1991
- Thrombium Wallr. 1831
- Thuemenella Penz. & Sacc. 1898
- Thuemenidium Kuntze 1891
- Thyridaria Sacc. 1875
- Thyridiaceae J.Z. Yue & O.E. Erikss. 1987
- Thyridium Fuckel 1870
- Thyridium Nitschke 1867
- Thyrinula Petr. & Syd. 1924
- Thyriopsis Theiss. & Syd. 1915
- Thyrococcum (Sacc.) Sacc. 1913
- Thyronectria Sacc. 1875
- Thyrospora Kirschst. 1938
- Thyrostroma Höhn. 1911
- Thyrostromella Syd. 1924
- Thysanophora W.B. Kendr. 1961
- Thysanothecium Mont. & Berk. 1846
- Tiarosporella Höhn. 1924
- Tichothecium Flot. 1850
- Tilachlidium Preuss 1851
- Tilletia Tul. & C. Tul. 1847
- Tilletiaceae J. Schröt. 1887 [1889]
- Tilletiales Kreisel ex R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Tilletiariaceae R.T. Moore 1980
- Tilletiopsis Derx 1948
- Tilmadoche Fr.
- Timgrovea Bougher & Castellano 1993
- Tinctoporellus Ryvarden 1979
- Titaea Sacc. 1876
- Titaeospora Bubák 1916
- Titaeosporina Luijk 1920
- Togninia Berl. 1900 [1900-05]
- Togniniaceae Réblová, L. Mostert, W. Gams & Crous 2004
- Togniniella Réblová, L. Mostert, W. Gams & Crous 2004
- Tolypocladium W. Gams 1971
- Tolyposporella G.F. Atk. 1897
- Tolyposporium Woronin ex J. Schröt. 1887 [1889]
- Tomentella Johan-Olsen 1888
- Tomentella Pat. 1887
- Tomentellopsis Hjortstam 1970
- Tompetchia Subram. 1985
- Tonduzia F. Stevens 1927
- Toninia A. Massal. 1852
- Topelia P.M. Jørg. & Vězda 1984
- Topeliopsis Kantvilas & Vězda 2000
- Torpedospora Meyers 1957
- Torrendiella Boud. & Torrend 1911
- Torrentispora K.D. Hyde, W.H. Ho, E.B.G. Jones, K.M. Tsui & S.W. Wong 2000
- Torrubia Lév. 1863
- Torrubiella Boud. 1885
- Torsellia Fr. 1849
- Torula Pers. 1795
- Torulaspora Lindner 1904
- Torulomyces Delitsch 1943
- Torulopsis Speg. 1918
- Toxosporium Vuill. 1896
- Trabutia Sacc. & Roum. 1881
- Trachysphaera Tabor & Bunting 1923
- Trachyspora Fuckel 1861
- Tracya Syd. & P. Syd. 1901
- Tracylla (Sacc.) Tassi 1904
- Trametes Fr. 1836
- Tranzschelia Arthur 1906
- Tranzscheliella Lavrov 1936
- Trapelia M. Choisy 1929
- Trapeliaceae M. Choisy ex Hertel
- Trapeliopsis Hertel & Gotth. Schneid. 1980
- Trappeaceae P.M. Kirk 2008
- Trechispora P. Karst. 1890
- Trechisporales K.H. Larss. 2007
- Trematosphaeria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Tremella Pers. 1794
- Tremellaceae Fr. 1821
- Tremellales Fr. 1821
- Tremellodendron G.F. Atk. 1902
- Tremellodendropsis (Corner) D.A. Crawford 1954
- Tremellodon (Pers.) Fr. 1874
- Tremellomycetes Doweld 2001
- Tremolecia M. Choisy 1953
- Tremotylium Nyl. 1865
- Trentepohlia
- Trentepohliaceae
- Trentepohliales
- Tretospeira Piroz. 1972
- Triainomyces W. Rossi & A. Weir 1998
- Triblidiaceae Rehm 1888
- Triblidiales O.E. Erikss. 1992
- Triblidium Rebent. 1804
- Tricellula Beverw. 1954
- Trichamphora Jungh 1838
- Trichaptum Murrill 1904
- Tricharia Fée 1825
- Tricharina Eckblad 1968
- Trichia Haller 1768
- Trichiaceae Chevall. 1826
- Trichiida
- Trichobelonium (Sacc.) Rehm 1891 [1896]
- Trichobolus (Sacc.) Kimbr. & Cain 1967
- Trichobotrys Penz. & Sacc. 1902
- Trichocintractia M. Piepenbr. 1995
- Trichocladia Stirt. 1882
- Trichocladium Harz 1871
- Trichocoma Jungh. 1838
- Trichocomaceae E. Fisch. 1897
- Trichoconis Clem. 1909
- Trichodelitschia Munk 1953
- Trichoderma Pers. 1794
- Trichodochium Syd. 1927
- Trichodothella Petr. 1946
- Trichoglossum Boud. 1885
- Tricholeconium Corda 1837
- Tricholoma (Fr.) Staude 1857
- Tricholomataceae R. Heim ex Pouzar 1983
- Tricholomopsis Singer 1939
- Trichometasphaeria Munk 1953
- Trichonectria Kirschst. 1907
- Trichopeltheca Bat., C.A.A. Costa & Cif. 1957
- Trichopeltis Speg. 1889
- Trichopeltula Theiss. 1914 [1913-14]
- Trichopeziza Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Trichopezizella Dennis ex Raitv. 1969
- Trichophaea Boud. 1885
- Trichophyton Malmsten 1848
- Trichoscypha (Cooke) Sacc. 1889
- Trichoscyphella Nannf. 1932
- Trichoskytale Corda 1842
- Trichosphaerella E. Bommer, M. Rousseau & Sacc. 1891
- Trichosphaeria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Trichosphaeriaceae G. Winter 1884 [1887]
- Trichosphaeriales M.E. Barr 1983
- Trichosporon Behrend 1890
- Trichosporonaceae Nann. 1934
- Trichosporum Fr. 1825
- Trichothallus F. Stevens 1925
- Trichothecium Link 1809
- Trichothelium Müll. Arg. 1885
- Trichothyrina (Petr.) Petr. 1950
- Trichothyrinula Petr. 1950
- Trichothyrium Speg. 1889
- Trichurus Clem. 1896
- Tricladium Ingold 1942
- Tridentaria Preuss 1852
- Trimmatostroma Corda 1837
- Triphragmiopsis Naumov 1914
- Triphragmium Link 1825
- Tripospermum Speg. 1918
- Tripospora Sacc. 1886
- Triposporiopsis W. Yamam. 1955
- Triposporium Corda 1837
- Tripterospora Cain 1956
- Triscelophorus Ingold 1943
- Tritirachium Limber 1940
- Trochila Fr. 1849
- Trogia Fr. 1836
- Troposporella P. Karst. 1892
- Truncatella Steyaert 1949
- Truncocolumella Zeller 1939
- Truncospora Pilát ex Pilát 1953
- Tryblidiella Sacc. 1883
- Tryblidiopsis P. Karst. 1871
- Trypetheliaceae Zenker 1827-29
- Trypetheliales Lücking, Aptroot & Sipman 2008
- Trypethelium Spreng. 1804
- Tubakia B. Sutton 1973
- Tubaria (W.G. Sm.) Gillet 1876
- Tuber F.H. Wigg. 1780
- Tuberaceae Dumort. 1822
- Tubercularia Tode 1790
- Tuberculina Tode ex Sacc. 1880
- Tubeufia Penz. & Sacc. 1897
- Tubeufiaceae M.E. Barr 1979
- Tubifera J.F. Gmel. 1792
- Tubiferaceae T. Macbr.
- Tubulicium Oberw. 1965
- Tubulicrinaceae Jülich 1982
- Tubulicrinis Donk 1956
- Tubulifera O.F. Müll. ex Jacq. 1779 [1778]
- Tubulina Pers. 1794
- Tuburcinia Fr. 1832
- Tuburcinia Woronin 1882
- Tuckermanopsis Gyeln. 1933
- Tulasnella J. Schröt. 1888
- Tulasnellaceae Juel 1897
- Tulostoma Pers. 1794
- Tumidapexus D.A. Crawford 1954
- Tumularia Descals & Marvanová 1987
- Turbinellus Earle 1909
- Turgidosculum Kohlm. & E. Kohlm. 1972
- Tylopilus P. Karst. 1881
- Tylosperma Donk 1957
- Tylospora Donk 1960
- Tylothallia P. James & H. Kilias 1981
- Tympanella E. Horak 1971
- Tympanis Tode 1790
- Tympanopsis Starbäck 1894
- Typhula (Pers.) Fr. 1818
- Typhulaceae Jülich 1982
- Tyromyces P. Karst. 1881
- Udeniomyces Nakase & Takem. 1992
- Ugola Adans. 1763
- Uleomyces Henn. 1895
- Uleomycina Petr. 1954
- Uleothyrium Petr. 1929
- Ulkenia A. Gaertn. 1977
- Ulocladium Preuss 1851
- Ulocoryphus Michaelides, L.J. Hunter & W.B. Kendr. 1982
- Ulva L. 1753
- Ulvaceae
- Ulvales
- Ulvophyceae
- Umbelopsidaceae W. Gams & W. Mey. 2003
- Umbelopsis Amos & H.L. Barnett 1966
- Umbilicaria Hoffm. 1790
- Umbilicariaceae Chevall. 1826
- Umbilicariales Lumbsch, Hestmark & Lutzoni 2007
- Umbrinosphaeria Réblová 1999
- Uncigera Sacc. 1885
- Uncinula Lév. 1851
- Uncinuliella R.Y. Zheng & G.Q. Chen 1979
- Underwoodia Peck 1890
- Unguiculariopsis Rehm 1909
- Unguiculella Höhn. 1906
- Ungulina Pat. 1900
- Urceolella Boud. 1885
- Uredinopsis Magnus 1893 [1892]
- Uredo Pers. 1801
- Urnula Fr. 1849
- Urocystidaceae Begerow, R. Bauer & Oberw. 1998 [1997]
- Urocystidales R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Urocystis Rabenh. ex Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Uromyces (Link) Unger 1833
- Uromycladium McAlpine 1905
- Urophlyctis J. Schröt. 1886
- Uropyxidaceae Cummins & Y. Hirats. 1983
- Uropyxis J. Schröt. 1875
- Urosporellina E. Horak 1968
- Usnea Dill. ex Adans. 1763
- Ustacystis Zundel 1945
- Ustanciosporium Vánky 1999
- Ustilaginaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1847
- Ustilaginales G. Winter 1880
- Ustilaginoidea Bref. 1895
- Ustilaginomycetes R. Bauer, Oberw. & Vánky 1997
- Ustilaginomycetidae
- Ustilaginomycotina R. Bauer, Begerow, J.P. Samp., M. Weiss & Oberw. 2006
- Ustilago (Pers.) Roussel 1806
- Ustilentyloma Savile 1964
- Ustilentylomataceae R. Bauer & Oberw. 1997
- Ustulina Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Uthatobasidium Donk 1956
- Uwebraunia Crous & M.J. Wingf. 1996
- Vairimorpha
- Valdensia Peyronel 1923
- Valetoniella Höhn. 1909
- Valsa Fr. 1849
- Valsaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1861
- Valsaria Ces. & De Not. 1863
- Valsella Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Valseutypella Höhn. 1919
- Vanakripa Bhat, W.B. Kendr. & Nag Raj 1993
- Vankya Ershad 2000
- Vararia P. Karst. 1898
- Vargamyces Tóth 1980 [1979]
- Varicosporium W. Kegel 1906
- Vascellum F. Šmarda 1958
- Vavraia
- Velutaria Fuckel 1870 [1869-70]
- Velutarina Korf 1971
- Veluticeps (Cooke) Pat. 1894
- Venturia Sacc. 1882
- Venturiaceae E. Müll. & Arx ex M.E. Barr 1979
- Vermicularia Tode 1790
- Vermisporium H.J. Swart & M.An. Will. 1983
- Veronaea Cif. & A.M. Conte 1957
- Verpa Sw. 1815
- Verpatinia Whetzel & Drayton 1945
- Verrucaria Schrad. 1794
- Verrucariaceae Zenker 1827-29
- Verrucariales Mattick ex D. Hawksw. & O.E. Erikss. 1986
- Verrucispora D.E. Shaw & Alcorn 1967
- Verruculina Kohlm. & Volkm.-Kohlm. 1990
- Verticicladiella S. Hughes 1953
- Verticicladium Preuss 1851
- Verticillium Nees 1816-17
- Vesiculomyces E. Hagstr. 1977
- Vestergrenia (Sacc. & Syd.) Died. 1913
- Vestergrenia Rehm 1901
- Vialaea Sacc. 1896
- Vialaeaceae P.F. Cannon 1995
- Vibrissea Fr. 1822
- Vibrisseaceae Korf 1990
- Viegasia Bat. 1951
- Viennotia Göker, Voglmayr, Riethmüller, M. Weiss & Oberw. 2003
- Virgaria Nees 1816-17
- Virgariella S. Hughes 1953
- Vizella Sacc. 1883
- Vizellaceae H.J. Swart 1971
- Volkartia Maire 1909
- Volucrispora Haskins 1958
- Volutella Fr. 1832
- Volutellaria Sacc. 1886
- Volvaria (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
- Volvariella Speg. 1899
- Volvigerum (E. Horak & M.M. Moser) R. Heim 1966
- Volvolepiota Singer 1959
- Vossia Thüm. 1879
- Vouauxiomyces Dyko & D. Hawksw. 1979
- Vuilleminia Maire 1902
- Vuilleminiaceae Maire ex Lotsy 1907
- Waitea Warcup & P.H.B. Talbot 1962
- Wallemia Johan-Olsen 1887
- Wallemiaceae R.T. Moore 1996
- Wallemiales Zalar, de Hoog & Schroers 2005
- Wallemiomycetes Zalar, de Hoog & Schroers 2005
- Wallrothiella Sacc. 1882
- Wangiella McGinnis 1977
- Warcupiella Subram. 1972
- Wardomyces F.T. Brooks & Hansf.
- Wawea Henssen & Kantvilas 1985
- Waydora B. Sutton 1976
- Websdaneaceae
- Weddellomyces D. Hawksw. 1986
- Wegelina Berl. 1900 [1900-05]
- Wentiomyces Koord. 1907
- Weraroa Singer 1958
- Wettsteinina Höhn.
- Whalleya J.D. Rogers, Y.M. Ju & F. San Martín 1997
- Wiesneriomyces Koord. 1907
- Wilcoxina Chin S. Yang & Korf 1985
- Williopsis Zender 1925
- Willkommlangea Kuntze 1891
- Wilsoniana Thines 2005
- Wilsonomyces Adask., J.M. Ogawa & E.E. Butler 1990
- Winterella (Sacc.) Kuntze 1891
- Winterina Sacc. 1899
- Woessia D. Hawksw. & Poelt 1986
- Wojnowicia Sacc. 1892
- Wolfina Seaver ex Eckblad 1968
- Woronina Cornu 1872
- Wrightoporia Pouzar 1966
- Wuestneia Auersw. ex Fuckel 1863
- Wynnea Berk. & M.A. Curtis 1866 [1867]
- Xanthomendoza S.Y. Kondr. & Kärnefelt 1997
- Xanthoparmelia (Vain.) Hale 1974
- Xanthoporus Audet 2010
- Xanthopyreniaceae Zahlbr. 1926
- Xanthoria (Fr.) Th. Fr. 1860
- Xanthoriicola D. Hawksw. 1973
- Xenasma Donk 1957
- Xenasmataceae Oberw. 1965
- Xenasmatella Oberw. 1966
- Xenodiscella Petr. 1954
- Xenodochus Schltdl. 1826
- Xenogloea Syd. & P. Syd. 1919
- Xenokylindria DiCosmo, S.M. Berch & W.B. Kendr. 1983
- Xenolophium Syd. 1925
- Xenomeris Syd. 1924
- Xenomyxa Syd. 1939
- Xenosporella Höhn. 1923
- Xenosporium Penz. & Sacc. 1902
- Xenostigmella Petr. 1950
- Xeroceps Audet 2010
- Xerocomus Quél. 1887
- Xeromphalina Kühner & Maire 1934
- Xeromyces L.R. Fraser 1954 [1953]
- Xerotus Fr. 1825
- Xerula Maire 1933
- Xerulina Singer 1962 [1961]
- Xylaria Hill ex Schrank 1789
- Xylariaceae Tul. & C. Tul. 1863
- Xylariales Nannf. 1932
- Xylariomycetidae O.E. Erikss. & Winka 1997
- Xylobolus P. Karst. 1881
- Xylobotryum Pat. 1895
- Xylocoremium J.D. Rogers 1984
- Xylodon (Pers.) Gray 1821
- Xylogramma Wallr. 1833
- Xylographa (Fr.) Fr. 1836
- Xylohypha (Fr.) E.W. Mason ex Deighton 1960
- Xyloma Pers. 1794
- Xylomelasma Réblová 2006
- Xylomyces Goos, R.D. Brooks & Lamore 1977
- Xylomyzon Pers. 1825
- Xylosphaera Dumort. 1822
- Xylosphaeria G.H. Otth 1869
- Xylostroma Tode 1790
- Yarrowia Van der Walt & Arx 1981
- Zaghouania Pat. 1901
- Zahlbrucknerella Herre 1912
- Zalerion R.T. Moore & Meyers 1962
- Zanclospora S. Hughes & W.B. Kendr. 1965
- Zasmidium Fr. 1849
- Zebrospora McKenzie 1991
- Zelandiocoela Nag Raj 1993
- Zelleromyces Singer & A.H. Sm. 1960
- Zetesimomyces Nag Raj 1988
- Zetiasplozna Nag Raj 1993
- Zignoella Sacc. 1878
- Zoellneria Velen. 1934
- Zoopagaceae Drechsler 1948
- Zoopagales Bessey ex R.K. Benj. 1979
- Zoopagomycotina Benny 2007
- Zoophagus Sommerst. 1911
- Zoophthora A. Batko 1964
- Zopfiaceae G. Arnaud ex D. Hawksw. 1992
- Zopfiella G. Winter 1884
- Zwackhiomyces Grube & Hafellner 1990
- Zygodesmus Corda 1837
- Zygohansenula Lodder 1932
- Zygophiala E.W. Mason 1945
- Zygopleurage Boedijn 1962
- Zygorhynchus Vuill. 1903
- Zygosaccharomyces B.T.P. Barker 1901
- Zygospermella Cain 1935
- Zygospermum Cain 1934
- Zygosporium Mont. 1842
- Zythia Fr. 1849
- Zythiostroma Höhn. ex Falck 1923
27 September 2011
1 June 2012