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Thaxterogaster Singer 1951

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Thaxterogaster Singer 1951

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A truffle-like fungus with large, globose spores. Ectomycorrhizal, known only from under Nothofagus.

Thaxterogaster Singer 1951

Pouch fungi with a more or less globose head on a usually well-developed stalk (a few species with short stalk or the stalk almost lacking). All with rough-walled, brown spores. More than 15 species, all indigenous, possibly all endemic.

Mycorrhizal with beech and tea-tree.

The Thaxterogaster species form a phylogenetically artificial group, and are now regarded as members of the large genus Cortinarius, but they are treated under their old names in this Guide as they are such a macroscopically distinctive group.

Thaxterogaster Singer 1951

Gasterocarp globose, conical or cylindric, with a poorly to well developed stipe and a basally exposed gleba. Peridium pure white, pallid, yellowish brown, olivaceous, reddish brown, or with lilaceous to violaceous tints, dry or viscid, smooth or scabrous. Gleba ochraceous brown to ferruginous, sublamellate to loculate, with minute to large, elongate, empty chambers. Tramal plates white; clamp-connexions present or absent. Columella variable, more often percurrent, sometimes partially developed, branching or absent. Stifle elongate to almost obsolete, solid to fistulose, concolorous or not with the peridium, often with violaceous tints, dry to glutinous. Partial veil cortinoid, or rarely forming a membranous volva. Spore deposit ferruginous. Spores statismosporic, heterotropic or orthotropic, small to rather large, ellipsoid, amygdaliform to subfusoid, yellowish brown, subsmooth to verrucose, with or without a conspicuous hyaline myxosporium, lacking a germ-pore. Basidia clavate, typically tetrasporic, sometimes bisporic. Cystidia none. Hymenophoral trama regular, hyaline. Subhymenial layer poorly developed. Peridiopellis a repent epicutis of encrusted hyphae or gelatinized. Subhypogeal or epigeal.
N and S temperate zones, associated with Fagales, Myrtaceae and Coniferae.
Type species: T. magellanicus Singer.
Habitu secotioidco. Pileo pyriformi vel irregulariter tuberiformi, glebam numquam exposito, glabro. Gleba lacunosa, loculis usque ad 3 mm latis instructa, baud gelatinosa, argillacea vel cinnamoinea. Stipite nullo vel ambiguo, columella abest, pileo concolori. Sporis permagnis, subglobosis, crasse-tunicatis, levibus. luteis. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute exhyphis cylindraceis cutem formantibus, pigmento incrustato instructis, fibuligeris. Ad terram et inter folia deiecta, in silvis. Novazelandia, Tasmania.
Typus generis: Gigasperma cryptica Horak.

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Gigasperma E. Horak (1971)
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer (1951)
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer (1951)
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer (1951)
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer (1951)
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer (1951)

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New Zealand
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Otago Lakes
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand
Thaxterogaster Singer 1951
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
11 October 2022
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