Xerocomus Quél. 1887

- Xerocomus aurantiacus
- Xerocomus badius
- Xerocomus bubalinus
- Xerocomus chrysenteron
- Xerocomus cisalpinus
- Xerocomus griseoolivaceus
- Xerocomus lentistipitatus
- Xerocomus leptospermi
- Xerocomus mcrobbii
- Xerocomus nothofagi
- Xerocomus porosporus
- Xerocomus pruinatus
- Xerocomus ripariellus
- Xerocomus rubellus
- Xerocomus rufostipitatus
- Xerocomus scabripes
- Xerocomus squamulosus
- Xerocomus subtomentosus
Xerocomus Quél. 1887
At least 7 indigenous species, and several exotic. Caps dry, finely felted. The genus is defined by the anatomical structure of the pores.
Of the native species Xerocomus griseoolivaceus occurs under tea-tree, the others all under Nothofagus. Each of these is mentioned below.
Of the exotic species, Xerocomus chrysenteron, occuring under exotic broadleafed trees, has a dry, irregularly-creviced cap which shows a red or pink colour in the crevices, red streaked stipe, and pores which rapidly turn blue where damaged. X. rubellus, red cap, under Salix. X. porosporus has been reported from under oak.
Ectomycorrizal under beech and tea-tree, with one introduced species. Boletes with dry, finely felted caps. The genus is characterised microscipically, in part with respect to trama type.
Ten species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.