Annellospermosporella P.R. Johnst. 1999

Annellospermosporella P.R. Johnst. 1999
ETYMOLOGY: Similar to Spermosporella but with annellidic conidiogenous cells.
NOTES: Annellospermosporella is biologically and morphologically very similar to Spermosporella Deighton. The two genera are distinguished by.the mode of proliferation of the conidiogenous cell, percurrent and annellidic in Annellospermosporella, sympodial in Spermosporella.
Spermosporella contains two species hyperparasitic on colonies of tropical Meliola spp. (Deighton 1969; Deighton & Pirozynski 1972), and another described from conidiophores of Haplographium Berk. & Broome from Canada (Sutton 1973). The Meliola-inhabiting species are distinguished from a suite of other hyperparasites on Meliolaceae by having hyaline, short, sympodial conidiophores aggregated into sporodochial-like masses, and hyaline conidia with an attenuated, curved apex-features shared by Annellospermosporella meliolinae. Although A. meliolinae is likely to be closely related phylogenetically to the Spermosporella species, it has been placed in a distinct genus because of the significance which continues to be given to small differences in patterns of conidiogenesis in hyphomycete systematics (Sutton & Hennebert 1994).