Pholiota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871

- Pholiota adiposa
- Pholiota aegerita
- Pholiota alnicola
- Pholiota aurivella
- Pholiota californica
- Pholiota cerea
- Pholiota chrysmoides
- Pholiota erebia
- Pholiota flavida
- Pholiota heteroclita
- Pholiota heteroclita
- Pholiota malicola
- Pholiota marginata
- Pholiota marginata
- Pholiota microspora
- Pholiota mutabilis
- Pholiota mutabilis
- Pholiota nameko
- Pholiota praecox
- Pholiota praecox
- Pholiota psathyrelloides
- Pholiota pudica
- Pholiota pudica
- Pholiota puiggarii
- Pholiota pumila
- Pholiota pumila
- Pholiota recedens
- Pholiota rufofulva
- Pholiota rugosa
- Pholiota serrulata
- Pholiota sp. 'Borland (PDD 96574)'
- Pholiota sp. 'Hanmer (PDD 106569)'
- Pholiota sp. 'Ship Creek (PDD 113030)'
- Pholiota sp. 'Tahakopa (PDD 87562)'
- Pholiota sp. 'Te Wera (PDD 97060)'
- Pholiota squarrosa
- Pholiota squarrosipes
- Pholiota subgen. Lubricula
- Pholiota subgen. Pholiota
- Pholiota unicolor
- Pholiota unicolor
Saprobe on wood and soil. Secotioid basidiomycetes, distinguished from Weraroa by having chrysocystidia.
Three species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Pholiota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Fleshy mushrooms on wood; cap glutinous or sticky, typically with dark scales emebbed in slime; gills covered with a veil when young, often the remains of the veil form a ring on the central stalk, often scaly below the ring. Spore print cinnamon brown. Often growing in clumps, usually on standing dead wood. The species are variable in size, the large P. aurivella up to 10 cm across, while some of the other NZ endemic species are only 1-2 cm.
This genus of saprobic mushrooms is poorly understood for New Zealand, with perhaps 10 or more species.
Pholiota could be confused with Gymnopilus, but this has a dry cap and brighter (rusty to orange) spores. Naematoloma and Stropharia have dark purplish spore prints. Lentinula has a white spore print and tougher flesh.
Saprobe on wood. Quite large mushrooms, with a central stipe and spores brown, smooth, with a germ pore. Cap usually slimy and scaly.
Ten or more species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi. Poorly understood taxonomically.
Pholiota (Fr.) P. Kumm. 1871
Pileus regular, fleshy; gills adnate or adnexed, rust-coloured at maturity; stem central, with a distinct ring; spores. rusty-orange.
The only genus in the Ochrosporae having the stem furnished with a persistent ring. Growing on trees; some species are destructive parasites; a few species are very showy in colour and form.