Favolaschia (Pat.) Pat. 1892

- Favolaschia austrocyatheae
- Favolaschia calamicola
- Favolaschia calocera
- Favolaschia cinnabarina
- Favolaschia claudopus
- Favolaschia cyatheae
- Favolaschia holtermannii
- Favolaschia intestinalis
- Favolaschia manipularis
- Favolaschia minima
- Favolaschia minima
- Favolaschia nigrostriata
- Favolaschia peziziformis
- Favolaschia peziziformis
- Favolaschia pustulosa
- Favolaschia pustulosa
- Favolaschia singeriana
- Favolaschia singeriana
- Favolaschia thwaitesii
- Favolaschia thwaitesii
- Favolaschia thwaitesii
- Favolaschia tonkinensis
Favolaschia (Pat.) Pat. 1892
The pores on the undersides of the caps suggest a relationship with the boletes, but Favolaschia is in fact related to the mushroom Mycena. Fruiting bodies are small, but often found in large numbers.
There are 3 native species, F. pustulosa on fallen wood, and F. cyatheae and F. austrocyatheae on dead tree fern fronds. The tree fern-inhabiting species have been misidentified n the New Zealand literature as the Japanese palm-inhabiting species, F. peziziformis. Favolaschia minima, a tiny species found on dead leaves of native grasses and sedges, is now placed in Panellus, based on a molecular study.
The pores on the undersides of the caps suggest a relationship with the boletes, but Favolaschia is in fact related to the mushroom Mycena. Fruiting bodies are small, but often found in large numbers.
There are 3 native species, F. pustulosa on fallen wood, and F. cyatheae and F. austrocyatheae on dead tree fern fronds. The tree fern-inhabiting species have been referred in the New Zealand literature to a Japanese palm-inhabiting species, F. peziziformis. Favolaschia minima, a tiny species found on dead leaves of native grasses and sedges, is now placed in Panellus, based on a molecular study.