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Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873

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Hemitrichia Rostaf., Vers. Syst. Mycetozoen 14 (1873)
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873

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New Zealand
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Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873

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Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873

Fruiting body a sessile or stalked sporangium, or tubular network across surface of substrate. Sterile filaments amongst the spores highly sculptured, spore mass red or yellow. After the wall of the fruiting body breaks the elastic filaments amongst the spores expand in a tangled mass. Four species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873

Fruiting body a stalked or sessile sporangium or a plasmodiocarp. Stalk, when present, solid or filled with spore-like vesicles or amorphous material. Hypothallus discoid, irregular or contiguous for a group of fruiting bodies, often not evident, membranous. Peridium membranous or subcartilaginous, usually persistent below as an irregular cup, usually thinner and more or less fugacious above. Capillitium consisting of tubular threads united more or less completely into an elastic net, with or without free ends and ornamented with two or more usually conspicuous spiral bands. Spores red, orange, or yellow in mass, bright and pale by transmitted light.

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Hemiarcyria Rostaf. (1875)
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
Hemitrichia Rostaf. (1873)
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
Hemitrichia Rostaf.
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
Hemitrichia Rostaf. (1873)
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
Hemitrichia Rostaf. (1873)

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Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
New Zealand
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
New Zealand
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
New Zealand
Hemitrichia Rostaf. 1873
New Zealand
Stewart Island

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 September 2020
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