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Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909

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(Henn.) Earle
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909

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Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909

Fleshy fungi attached to the substrate directly from the side of the cap, or through a short stalk at one side of the cap, cap smooth, spore print white.

All saprobic.

Three species have been reported for New Zealand, P.longinqua and P. roseola are pinkish and P. subgrisea is dull greyish. P. longinqua characteristically has a somewhat scalloped margin to the cap. P. roseola is known from a single collection.

Medium to small sized, fleshy mushrooms saprobic on wood, with short, lateral stipe. Pleurotus-like but with gelatinised tissue in pileipellis. Differs from Hohenbuehelia in lacking cheilocystidia.

Three species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.

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Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle (1909)
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle (1909)
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle (1909)
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle (1909)

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Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Pleurotopsis (Henn.) Earle 1909
New Zealand

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1 January 2001
22 December 2013
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