Hymenochaete Lév. 1846

- Hymenochaete adusta
- Hymenochaete agathidicola
- Hymenochaete arida
- Hymenochaete attenuata
- Hymenochaete attenuata
- Hymenochaete badioferruginea
- Hymenochaete bispora
- Hymenochaete cacao
- Hymenochaete campylopora
- Hymenochaete carpatica
- Hymenochaete cervina
- Hymenochaete cinnamomea
- Hymenochaete contiformis
- Hymenochaete corrugata
- Hymenochaete corticolor
- Hymenochaete crocicreas
- Hymenochaete cruenta
- Hymenochaete curtisii
- Hymenochaete cyclolamellata
- Hymenochaete dictator
- Hymenochaete dissimilis
- Hymenochaete dura
- Hymenochaete fasciculata
- Hymenochaete ferruginea
- Hymenochaete floridea
- Hymenochaete floridea
- Hymenochaete fuliginosa
- Hymenochaete fuliginosum
- Hymenochaete fusca
- Hymenochaete gladiola
- Hymenochaete innata
- Hymenochaete innexa
- Hymenochaete insularis
- Hymenochaete iodina
- Hymenochaete kalchbrenneri
- Hymenochaete lictor
- Hymenochaete lignosa
- Hymenochaete luteobadia
- Hymenochaete magnahypha
- Hymenochaete microcycla
- Hymenochaete minuscula
- Hymenochaete mougeotii
- Hymenochaete muscicola
- Hymenochaete nothofagicola
- Hymenochaete noxia
- Hymenochaete obesa
- Hymenochaete ochromarginata
- Hymenochaete odontoides
- Hymenochaete parmastoi
- Hymenochaete patelliformis
- Hymenochaete phaea
- Hymenochaete plurimaesetae
- Hymenochaete porioides
- Hymenochaete rhabarbarina
- Hymenochaete rheicolor
- Hymenochaete rigidula
- Hymenochaete rubiginosa
- Hymenochaete sallei
- Hymenochaete semistupposa
- Hymenochaete separata
- Hymenochaete setipora
- Hymenochaete sphaericola
- Hymenochaete stratura
- Hymenochaete strigosa
- Hymenochaete tabacina
- Hymenochaete tasmanica
- Hymenochaete tenuis
- Hymenochaete tenuissima
- Hymenochaete tenuissima
- Hymenochaete umbrina
- Hymenochaete unicolor
- Hymenochaete vaginata
- Hymenochaete vallata
- Hymenochaete villosa
- Hymenochaete vinosa
- Hymenochaete xerantica
Superficially very similar to Inonotus with brown, thin, bracket-like, poroid fruiting bodies, but fruiting bodies of Cyclomyces are much thinner and more flexible than those of Inonotus.
A single common species in New Zealand.
Hymenochaete Lév. 1846
Corticioid fungi forming red or brown, crust-like or pileate (shelf-like) fruiting bodies on the underside or upper part of dead wood. This genus is distinguished by forming setae (bristle-like structures) and fruiting bodies of various shades of brown or red. Members of this genus cause a white rot.
Taxonomically poorly understood, there may be more than 30 species in New Zealand.
Corticioid fungi forming brown, crust-like fruiting bodies on dead wood, causing a white rot.
Taxonomically poorly understood, there may be more than 30 species in New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.