Schizopora Velen. 1922

Schizopora Velen. 1922
Polypore fungi forming thin, crust-like fruiting bodies on dead wood. The surface of the fruiting bodies is covered with irregular pores and is cream with an orange tinge. Causes a white rot (i.e. produces enzymes that can degrade all components of wood cell walls).
Two species occur in New Zealand, the most common being the cosmopolitan S. radula. S. radula is widely distributed in native forests, but is also found in disturbed sites outside forests. It is genetically very similar to populations from Europe and could have been introduced by humans and subsequently invaded native forests.
Phylogenetically this genus is now widely accepted as a synonym of Hyphodontia despite the superficial difference of pores versus teeth.
Polypore fungi forming thin, crust-like fruiting bodies on dead wood, associated with a white rot.
Two species occur in New Zealand, the most common being the cosmopolitan S. radula.