Panaeolus (Fr.) Quél. 1872

- Panaeolus acuminatus
- Panaeolus antillarum
- Panaeolus ater
- Panaeolus campanulatus
- Panaeolus cinctulus
- Panaeolus cyanescens
- Panaeolus fimbriatus
- Panaeolus fimicola
- Panaeolus foenisecii
- Panaeolus fontinalis
- Panaeolus olivaceus
- Panaeolus papilionaceus
- Panaeolus papilionaceus
- Panaeolus rickenii
- Panaeolus semiovatus
- Panaeolus speciosus
- Panaeolus sphinctrinus
- Panaeolus subbalteatus
- Panaeolus subfirmus
Pileus slightly fleshy, regular, smooth and even; gills adnexed, slate-grey, becoming variegated with the black spores; stem central, ring present when young, either persistent or forming a zone round the stem; spores black.
Separated from the genus Panaeolus on account of the presence of a more or less definite ring on the stem. Growing on dung or richly manured ground.
Panaeolus (Fr.) Quél. 1872
Pileus regular, rather thin, never striate, margin extending beyond the end of the gills; gills adnexed, grey, then mottled with the black spores; stem central, without ring or volva ; spores black.
Distinguished amongst the Melanosporae by the even, nonstriate pileus, and the absence of ring and volva on the stem. In Psathyrella the pileus is striate, and the gills black, not mottled; in Anellaria there is a ring on the stem, whereas in Coprinus the gills deliquesce into a black, inky liquid at maturity. Growing on dung or richly manured ground.