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Helicogloea Pat. 1892

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Helicogloea Pat. in Patouillard & Lagerheim, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 8 121 (1892)
Helicogloea Pat. 1892

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New Zealand
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Helicogloea Pat. 1892

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Helicogloea Pat. 1892

Corticioid fungi. Saprobes on dead wood.

One or two species reported from New Zealand.

Colonies scattered, glistening, gelatinous crusts, irregular in outline and variable in thickness. Conidiomata sporodochioid with basal stroma. Conidiophores irregularly branched, septate, hyaline, smooth walled. Conidiogenous cells discrete, hyaline, smooth walled. Sterile hyphae arising as branches of the conidiophores, filamentous, aseptate or sparsely septate, for the most part invested in mucus. Conidia holoblastic-solitary, arising excentrically at the apex of the conidiogenous cells, naviculate, unicellular, hyaline, provided with a tapering footlike process at the base; bearing an apical , and usually a basal appendage. Apical appendage infundibuliform with a terete stem, mucoid, adhesive; basal appendage, when present, terete and mucoid, enclosing base of conidium.
TYPE ANAMORPH-SPECIES: Infundibura adhaerens Nag Raj & Kendrick.
Colonia dissita, lucentes, gelatinosas crustas, ambitu irregulari et crassitudine variabili. Conidiomata sporodochioidea, cum stromate basali. Conidiophora irregulatim ramosa, septata, hyalina, laevia. Cellulae conidiogenae discretae, hyalinae, laeviae. Hyphae steriles ramuli conidiophorarum exorientes, filamentosae, aseptatae vel parce septatae, pro parte majore in mucum vestitae. Conidia holoblastico-singula, ad apicem cellulae conidiogenae excentrice exorientes, naviculata, unicellularia, hyalina, base uno podetio decrescenti praedita, apicales et persaepe basales appendices feren tia. Appendix apicalis infundibuliformis, caule tereti, mucosis; appendix basalis, ubi adest, teres, mucosis, base conidii includens.

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Helicogloea Pat. 1892
New Zealand
Helicogloea Pat. 1892
New Zealand

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1 January 2001
1 June 2012
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