Spirosphaera Beverw. 1953

Spirosphaera Beverw. 1953
An aquatic hyphomycete genus with conidia comprising loosely interwoven, branched, septate coils. The ex-type specimen of the type species Spirosphaera floriformis (GenBank NR_138376, CBS 405.52) belongs in the Tricladiaceae, but only rDNA sequences are available (Fig. 2). An unnamed species from New Zealand has an asexual state with a Spirosphaera-like morphology (Fig. 2), is known from both its asexual (e.g., https://scd.landcareresearch.co.nz/specimen/ICMP%2020907) and sexual states (e.g., https://scd.landcareresearch.co.nz/Specimen/PDD_117564), and appears to be common on wood in forest streams. Whether this New Zealand species is congeneric with S. floriformis needs additional genes to resolve.
Note that Ekanayaka et al. (2019) placed Spirosphaera in their Trizodia-Calloriopsis clade, but they represented this genus by a specimen identified as S. minuta, a specimen phylogenetically distant to the ex-type specimen of the type species, S. floriformis (unpubl. data) (Table 2).