Weraroa Singer 1958

Weraroa Singer 1958
Secotioid basidiomycetes with well-developed stalks. All with smooth, brown spores with a germ pore. Probably an unnatural, polyphyletic group. At least one New Zealand species, W. erythrocephala, is closely related to Leratiomyces similis, a morphologically similar genus from New Caledonia.
Three species have been reported from New Zealand; all are common and easily distinguished by colour. Saprobes on wood and soil.
Distinguished microscopically from the superficially similar Nivatogastrium (also with 3 New Zealand species, but less common) microscopically.
Saprobe on wood and soil. Secotioid basidiomycetes, distinguished from Nivatogastrium by a lack of chrysocystidia.
Three species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.