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Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude, Schwämme Mitteldeutschl. xxv, 71 (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857

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New Zealand
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(Fr.) Staude
xxv, 71
11, 272
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857

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Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857

Shelf-like fruiting bodies, usually found on large pieces of fallen wood. If a stalk is present, it is short and at one side of the cap. Spore print dull brown to cinnamon brown. Saprobic.

There have been 4 species reported from New Zealand, but many more are present.

Other genera with small, shelf-like fruiting bodies and brown spores include Pyrrhoglossum (2 species in New Zealand), Pleuroflammula (1 species in New Zealand), and Melanotus (3 species in New Zealand). Pyrrhoglossum differs in having rough-walled rather than smooth spores, Pleuroflammula has veil remants at edge of cap.

Saprobes on wood. Mushrooms with small, shelf-like fruiting bodies with brown spores. Most other gilled mushrooms on wood with brown spores have a well-developed stalk. Pyrrhoglossum differs in having rough-walled rather than smooth spores. Pleuroflammula has veil remants at egde of cap.

About 5 species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.

Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857

Pileus excentric, often resupinate or attached laterally; gills more or less decurrent ; stem excentric, lateral, or absent ; spores rust-colour.

Distinguished by the resupinate and sessile or excentrically stipitate pileus ; many of the species are minute. Claudopus is the analogous genus in the Rhodosporae, and Pleurotus in the Leucosporae. Growing on dead wood.

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Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude (1857)

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New Zealand
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Crepidotus (Fr.) Staude 1857
[Not available]

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22 March 1993
21 December 2013
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