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Licea Schrad. 1797

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Licea Schrad. 1797

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Licea Schrad. 1797

Fruiting body usually sessile, usually globose in shape. Rarely collected from the field, species in this genus are more commonly found in damp chamber cultures. Spores variable in colour. Nine species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Licea Schrad. 1797

 Fruiting body usually a sessile or (less commonly) stalked sporangium but sometimes taking the form of a short plasmodiocarp. Stalk, when present, relatively stout. Hypothallus inconspicuous. Peridium varying from thin to thick, often becoming encrusted with a dark outer layer, sometimes clearly double. Pseudocapillitium lacking. Spores yellow-brown to reddish brown or almost black in mass, nearly colourless to smoky yellow, reddish grey or smoky grey or olivaceous by transmitted light, often paler on one side, nearly smooth or minutely warted or spiny.
The fruiting bodies produced by most species of Licea are rather small and usually go undetected in the field, although they commonly appear on bark and other substrates placed in moist chamber cultures. For some reason, Licea does not seem to be particularly common in New Zealand.
More than 50 species of Licea have been described worldwide (Lado 2001), but only nine of these are known from New Zealand.

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Licea Schrad. 1797
Licea Schrad. (1797)
Licea Schrad. 1797
Licea Schrad. (1797)
Licea Schrad. 1797
Licea Schrad. (1797)

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Licea Schrad. 1797
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
10 September 2020
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