Volvariella Speg. 1899

The single species referred to this genus in New Zealand was reported by Cooke & Massee in 1890. No original material exists, and no further specimens have been found, making the occurence of this genus in New Zealand uncertain.
Volvariella Speg. 1899
The cap is campanulate or conical, white or grey , and silky. The gills are white turning deep pink. The stem does not have a ring, but is enclosed by a large volva at the base. Spore print pink.
Only two species are known in New Zealand. V. surrecta occurs in native forests where it fruits on old mushrooms of other species. It is rare and listed as 'nationally critical'. The second species, V. speciosa is likely to have been introduced, favours manured pastures and lawns and is sometimes found in great quantities on heavily manured arable stubbles from spray free cereals.
Saprobic on soil. Large mushrooms with pink spores and a conspicuous volva. The exotic V. speciosa is quite common in human habitats (grassy paddocks and wood chip mulches), whereas V. surrecta is known from a single specimen from native forest.