Hohenbuehelia Schulzer 1866

- Hohenbuehelia atrocoerulea
- Hohenbuehelia bingarra
- Hohenbuehelia bonii
- Hohenbuehelia brunnea
- Hohenbuehelia bursiformis
- Hohenbuehelia concurrens
- Hohenbuehelia culmicola
- Hohenbuehelia cyphelliformis
- Hohenbuehelia geogenia
- Hohenbuehelia leiospora
- Hohenbuehelia ligulata
- Hohenbuehelia luteohinnulea
- Hohenbuehelia luteola
- Hohenbuehelia metuloidea
- Hohenbuehelia nothofaginea
- Hohenbuehelia parsonsiae
- Hohenbuehelia petalodes
- Hohenbuehelia podocarpinea
- Hohenbuehelia sp. 'Ahuriri (PDD 79837)'
- Hohenbuehelia sp. 'Linton (PDD 113055)'
- Hohenbuehelia sp. 'Okuti (PDD 95317)'
- Hohenbuehelia thornii
- Hohenbuehelia tristis
- Hohenbuehelia wilhelmii
Hohenbuehelia Schulzer 1866
Fleshy fungi attached to the substrate directly from the side of the cap, or through a short stalk at one side of the cap, cap smooth, spore print white.
Eight species of Hohenbuehelia have been reported for New Zealand, but most are poorly understood taxonomically.
Three common superficially similar New Zealand genera share these features. Pleurotus has a soft cap with easily broken flesh. Pleurotopsis and Hohenbuehelia have a gelatinous layer beneath the surface of the cap, making the flesh difficult to break. All saprobic. Conchomyces has a similar habit, but no images are available for this genus. It is distinguished by the spore walls covered by conspicuous, conical spines.
Sparobes on dead wood. Medium to large, fleshy mushrooms with a short lateral stipe or no stipe. Pleurotus-like, but with gelatinous tissue beneath the pileipellis.
Eight species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.