Physarum Pers. 1794

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Physarum Pers., Neu. Mag. Bot. 1 88 (1794)
Physarum Pers. 1794
Physarum Pers. 1794
- Physarum albescens
- Physarum album
- Physarum alpestre
- Physarum alpinum
- Physarum apiculosporum
- Physarum auriscalpium
- Physarum berkeleyi
- Physarum bitectum
- Physarum bivalve
- Physarum bogoriense
- Physarum braunianum
- Physarum calidris
- Physarum carneum
- Physarum cinereum
- Physarum citrinum
- Physarum clavus
- Physarum columbinum
- Physarum compressum
- Physarum connatum
- Physarum contextum
- Physarum decipiens
- Physarum dictyospermum
- Physarum diderma
- Physarum didermoides
- Physarum effusum
- Physarum flavicomum
- Physarum globuliferum
- Physarum gyrosum
- Physarum hongkongense
- Physarum lateritium
- Physarum leucophaeum
- Physarum leucopus
- Physarum licheniforme
- Physarum limonium
- Physarum lividum
- Physarum macrocarpon
- Physarum maydis
- Physarum melanospermum
- Physarum melleum
- Physarum metallicum
- Physarum nigripes
- Physarum nitens
- Physarum notabile
- Physarum nucleatum
- Physarum nutans
- Physarum oblatum
- Physarum obscurum
- Physarum pezizoideum
- Physarum polycephalum
- Physarum pusillum
- Physarum reticulatum
- Physarum robustum
- Physarum rubiginosum
- Physarum schweinitzii
- Physarum serpula
- Physarum sinuosum
- Physarum sp.
- Physarum stellatum
- Physarum straminipes
- Physarum vermiculare
- Physarum vernum
- Physarum virescens
- Physarum viride
Physarum Pers. 1794
Fruiting a stalked or sessile sporangium or forming a tubular network on surface of substrate, lime-encrusted outer wall layer. Spore mass dark. Thirty-four species in New Zealand.
Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.
Physarum Pers. 1794
Fruiting body a stalked or sessile sporangium or plasmodiocarp, rarely almost aethalioid. Stalk, when present, ranging from short and stout to slender and relatively long, grooved or smooth, calcareous or limeless and translucent. Hypothallus ranging from inconspicuous to contiguous for a group of fruiting bodies, membranous and with no apparent lime to conspicuously calcareous. Peridium consisting of one or two (rarely three) layers, the outermost layer calcareous. Columella present or absent. Capillitium usually consisting of calcareous nodes connected by hyaline threads, these attached to the base and to the peridium, the nodes sometimes forming a pseudocolumella. Spores in mass black or dark brown.
Physarum is the largest genus in the myxomycetes, with more than 150 species having been described (Lado 2001). Some of these are highly variable, even to the point of producing sporangia that are stalked in some fruitings and sessile to even plasmodiocarpous in others. Moreover, the colour of the lime present in the fruiting body is not always constant for a particular species and may vary in response to such factors as the substrate upon which fruiting occurs. As such, it is sometimes difficult to identify a specimen of Physarum to species although the genus itself is usually easy to recognise
Physarum is the largest genus in the myxomycetes, with more than 150 species having been described (Lado 2001). Some of these are highly variable, even to the point of producing sporangia that are stalked in some fruitings and sessile to even plasmodiocarpous in others. Moreover, the colour of the lime present in the fruiting body is not always constant for a particular species and may vary in response to such factors as the substrate upon which fruiting occurs. As such, it is sometimes difficult to identify a specimen of Physarum to species although the genus itself is usually easy to recognise
Taxonomic concepts
Physarum Pers. 1794
Physarum Pers. (1794)
Physarum Pers. 1794
Physarum Pers. (1794)
Physarum Pers. 1794
Physarum Pers.
Physarum Pers. 1794
Physarum Pers.
Physarum Pers. 1794
Sphaerocarpus Bull. (1791)
Sphaerocarpus Bull. (1791)
Sphaerocarpus Bull.
Tilmadoche Fr.
Tilmadoche Fr.
Tilmadoche Fr.
Trichamphora Jungh (1838)
Global name resources
scientific name
1 January 2001
10 September 2020