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Metatrichia Ing 1964

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Metatrichia Ing 1964

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Metatrichia Ing 1964

Fruiting body a sessile or stalked sporangium, often in clusters. Opening by a preformed operculum. Sterile filaments amongst the spores highly sculptured. Spore mass red. After the wall of the fruiting body breaks the elastic filaments amongst the spores expand in a tangled mass. Two species in New Zealand.

Note that only those species listed below have images or descriptions available through the Virtual Mycota.

Metatrichia Ing 1964

Fruiting body a stalked or sessile sporangium, often unitied into clusters or occasionally aggregated to suggest a pseudoaethalium. Sporotheca obovate, pyriform to subcylindrical. Stalk short or sometimes exceeding the height of the sporotheca. Hypothallus red, usually contiguous for a group of sporangia. Peridium thick, cartilaginous, tough, each individual sporangium dehiscent by a preformed operculum. Capillitium consisting of free elaters, these unbranched, bearing prominent, strongly developed spines. Spores and capillitium deep orange-red to crimson in mass.
Six species have been described for this genus (Lado 2001), and two of these are known from New Zealand.

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Metatrichia Ing 1964
Metatrichia Ing (1964)
Metatrichia Ing 1964
Metatrichia Ing (1964)
Metatrichia Ing 1964
Metatrichia Ing
Metatrichia Ing 1964
Metatrichia Ing 1964
Metatrichia Ing (1964)

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1 January 2001
10 September 2020
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