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Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]

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Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]

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New Zealand
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no. 27
as 'Cylindrosporum'
Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]

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Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]

Johnston et al. 2014 (IMA Fungus 5: 91-120, doi:10.5598/imafungus.2014.05.01.11) protected the name Pyrenopeziza 1870 over Cylindrosporium 1823, although clear evidence that the type species of both genera are congeneric was lacking. Based on GenBank accessions of ITS sequences, specimens identified as Pyrenopeziza brassicae (mentioned in Johnston et al. 2014 paper as support for a link with Cylindrosporium) and the type of Cylindrosporium, C. concentricum, is indeed well supported. However, P. brassicae is phylogentically distant from a specimen identified as the type species of Pyrenopeziza, P. chailletii (data not available for the 2014 paper). There is no genetic evidence that the type species of Pyrenopeziza and Cylindrosporium are congeneric. Note that there are two different fungi labelled as Pyrenopeziza brassicae amongst accessions in GenBank.

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Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev.
Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. (1822) [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. (1822) [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
Cylindrosporium Grev. (1822) [1823]

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Cylindrosporium Grev. 1822 [1823]
New Zealand

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scientific name
1 January 2001
29 January 2025
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