Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005

Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. in Gryzenhout et al., Taxon 54 1017 (2005)
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf.
Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf.
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Ascostromata orange, erumpent, slightly immersed to superficial, stromatic tissue well-developed, pulvinate with papillate to long orange perithecial necks, perithecia diatrypoid. Asci 8-spored, fusoid. Ascospores hyaline, fusoid to ellipsoid, containing one to three irregularly spaced septa. Conidiomata orange, separate or on top of the ascostromata, also evident occasionally as locules inside ascostroma, superficial, conical to pyriform to fluted, unilocular. Conidiophores hyaline with phialidic, irregular branching, determinate conidiogenous cells that occur apically or laterally on branches beneath a septum. Conidia hyaline, non-septate, oblong to slightly curved, of variable size.
Ascostromata aurantiaca, erumpentia, subimmersa vel superficialia, textura stromatica bene evoluta, pulvinata, collis peritheciorum papillatis vel longis. Asci octospori, fusoidei. Ascosporae hyalinae, fusoideae vel ellipsoideae, uno vel tribus septis irregulariter dispositis divisae. Conidiomata aurantiaca, discreta vel super ascostromata, interdum etiam velut loculi in ascostromate videntur, superficialia, conica vel pyriformia vel striata, unilocularia. Conidiophora hyalina cum cellulis conidiogenis phialidicis apicalibus vel lateralibus in ramis subsepto oriundis. Conidia hyalina, aseptata, oblonga velsubfalcata, magnitudine variabili.
Typus: Amphilogia gyrosa.
Etymology. — Greek, amphi, on both sides, and logos, discussion, thus the Greek personification of disputes; referring to the dispute this genus caused regardingthe identity of Cryphonectria.
Typus: Amphilogia gyrosa.
Etymology. — Greek, amphi, on both sides, and logos, discussion, thus the Greek personification of disputes; referring to the dispute this genus caused regardingthe identity of Cryphonectria.
Taxonomic concepts
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. (2005)
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. (2005)
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf. 2005
Amphilogia Gryzenh., Glen & M.J. Wingf.
Global name resources
scientific name
3 October 2006
25 August 2017